Example sentences of "and he come " in BNC.

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1 I started taking smack at school , 'cos everyone in the — estate at that time was taking it and that was the only place you could buy pot and I sent one of me mates out from school one day to buy some speed and he come back with smack and said this is all I could get and I said I do n't want none of that , but in the end we ended up doing it because we was bored and we had nothing else to do .
2 And er he went up and examined the wife and he come down stairs and he said to me Are you the husband ?
3 ( And the chap is alive now , I expect , that lived down there in St Margaret 's Low Street ; and he come and stood like that there : he did n't know what to do .
4 But this lad make a mistake and he come down to the my sisters house , and my sister and her husband took him in and he 'd fallen and cut his brow , and after he was kind of sobered up he turned down and he said Not a story about this now James .
5 And I remember once old used to gather sacks , ken bags and , and he went to , and I remember one night he come , he 'd been round the country hawking and he come home .
6 He come at me and he was six foot two and he come he were gon na knock hell out of me so I had to protect myself and we got fighting in the shop .
7 Put hens in his bed and he come in one night and there was a s a man a stray man you ken an effigy of a man like and it was hanging by the neck from a rafter in the house .
8 And he come there , and who was it come home from Africa , but my uncle , my mother 's son Hello David , you 've come home Davey , she says , you 've come home .
9 And he come there and luckily he went on top of the table to lie down .
10 He used to come in here he did n't know er how good it was , he 's a a bit of a bit of a lady , you know , kick your eye out , and he come in here , I can see him now si sitting on that chair there er , and I was sat there and I said to him , I said er why do n't you start kidding to it and all this madam , you know , give it sweets and this other .
11 Well he was moving with the forklift , their forklift and he come back and he says
12 And he come up and he had some dirty coveralls in there and he was washing them .
13 And he come over to fight for his country .
14 and he come and lived with her in it .
15 And then of course , he spotted it and he come er come winging in !
16 And of course the old man was there and he come over and grabbed the bloke by the throat and he said do n't you ever shout at my son like that again .
17 And he come in , he said what 's this ?
18 and erm , James said you not going out in this surely , yeah , yeah , it 's only a bit of rain and he come home and he was drenched right the way through top to bottom
19 And he come out of here , out of nick .
20 I opened my eyes and he come rushing over and he said , are you alright ?
21 and split the case and all on the T V and he come back in he said oh I picked this up he said and the case fell to bits .
22 And he come in and there was a , a film on Sky were n't there ? like one of erm , I ca n't .
23 Well my there 's never any please , there 's never any thank you , there 's nothing , I mean there are are n't they , when he was saying that all he 's done for her and they virtually like turned their back on them , he got out in all those winds and weather were n't it , but , we built there and he come out apparently and said I do n't want you having anything else to do with my kids ,
24 yeah , and he went up the plot and he come back and he said cor you can have plenty old erm cold sheds that he could have got , I said what do you really think , I played a free hand , you mean mum and dad 's hand
25 And he come out with the same expression on his face .
26 He , he , well it was a council house when he moved in and he come to me what 'd be , ten , twelve years since he says , I 've chance to buy that house he says , they want fifteen thousand he says what do you think ?
27 He come flying round that bend near mums and nearly his kids were on the side of the road and he come through there
28 So he 's got all his bricks up virtually I think he said , but I ai n't worried about it cos I 'll get rid of them somewhere and I helped him out , I sold this car and , and told him what I was doing and he come I 've just the thing for you , just cos was having bricks like your dad 's , the sand grain sort of brick , you know .
29 And he come down about three o'clock in the morning
30 I never even noticed him come back cos I thought I 'll leave back door unlocked and he come in and he put me hat and me keys down there , cos I noticed
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