Example sentences of "and in a " in BNC.

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1 Our assistance is offered sensitively and in a culturally appropriate way .
2 Her National Gallery choices of pictures were examples of problems posed to artists by colour , and in a video talk she demonstrated how these artistic problems had been solved .
3 In short the pictures in an art museum have been closely monitored , often through decades and in a few cases for centuries , so full descriptions that appear in the catalogues have a thorough-paced authority .
4 The tall Finn and Peter Horbury together raised her up and in a moment or two her eyelids fluttered open .
5 It was Mr Eames 's , and in a moment he was back , and as much in a rush as a butler can be .
6 Remember that any such feature is simply a vehicle for the plants to be grown over it , and in a few years the structure becomes incidental to the glory of the climber that smothers it .
7 Then try to use any lift nearby , keeping within easy reach of the field and in a position from which it is easy to drop on to the circuit .
8 Everyone is aware of the sensation experienced in a lift as it starts to descend , and in a car when it goes over a humped-back bridge .
9 To achieve crosswind landing exactly on the spot without using the engine and in a strange machine offers a strong challenge even to the most experienced pilot .
10 Attempt this in a gentle turn as well , and in a gentle turn with a little too much rudder .
11 These are series of movements following each other smoothly and in a logical fashion .
12 On such a large piece it was possible to achieve the facial features and details of the clothing by gentle removal of material by holding the grinder and cutter to the work at many different angles carefully and in a safe manner .
13 George carefully positioned the old bear crossed and in a delightfully laid-back , almost human repose .
14 takes place during a particular period and in a particular environment .
15 Enigma Variations is a unique ballet about particular people at a particular time — and in a particular environment — the characters were even recognised by old friends ( see page 53 ) .
16 Readers are at one , levels of sophistication vanish , in those cinematic sequences on stairs and landings , where footsteps echo and distant doors slam , and in a flat below two workmen fool about and daub each other with paint .
17 In the novel he stays polarized , but without bulk and in a tragic sense without force ; he goes through the motions ( ‘ the habits of a decent man ’ and so forth ) while his great-sinner infamies are unloaded upon a past which he can not even renounce .
18 As for the case made against the versions in the Classic Anthology — that by using rhyme they align themselves with the closed poetry of print and not with the open poetry of the speaking breath — the obvious retort is that , although in these poems Pound often rhymes , he writes them in free verse , and in a free verse where the syllables are weighed , and the varying pace controlled , as scrupulously as in anything else he has written .
19 For a poet so hostile to Virgil to discover that in extremis only Virgil had foreseen and foresuffered his predicament , and thereby eased it — this surely constitutes a very poignant moment in literary history , and in a history rather larger than ‘ literary ’ may suggest .
20 ‘ It is in a valley and in a highly populated area . ’
21 They flung the ball wide down the right , defenders raced in to support and in a sequence far too rapid for Dave Seaman 's comfort , Brett Angell and Ian McInerney contrived four chances .
22 Offering it to armies of administrative assistants doing non-commercial jobs in the great clerical factories underpinning the benefits system and in a nation-wide network of local offices , is another matter .
23 ‘ I was free and in a way I was happy . ’
24 And in a direct repudiation of the Chancellor 's repeated statements , he said : ‘ I beg our party not to argue that a deficit on overseas trade is of incidental importance , self-correcting , easily financed .
25 Mr Mandela 's hand was discernible in the ANC negotiating proposal put out in August ; in the successful campaign of mass protest before the 6 September white election ; and in a silent scheme by some of the leaders of the black ‘ homelands ’ to flat-foot Mr de Klerk by publicly declaring that the country can not be partitioned along racial and tribal lines .
26 His conference speech was marked by the absence of any reference to membership of the European exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) , and in a BBC interview he added that he would have ‘ no announcement to make about that ’ in his key speech at the Mansion House next week .
27 But in addition to this , wine would be made available to the local population at an affordable price , and in a condition that allows it to be stored without spoiling .
28 He looked at me , and in a rather quiet voice , which was most unusual for him , be enquired , ‘ Do you know the March Past of the Irish Guards ? ’
29 Voters ' assessments of media usefulness varied more with their political interest , and in a complex way .
30 At the close of 1921 the Soviet government ordered a survey of church valuables , and in a decree of 16 February 1922 commanded that they should be collected and sold for the benefit of those suffering from the Famine .
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