Example sentences of "and in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Politics not fiscal discipline clearly rules the US roost and in no month is this more obvious than in October , the start of the new 1990 fiscal year .
2 But these are quibbles , and in no way detract from Jane Brown 's achievement .
3 It 's too long , too slow and in no way original .
4 In 1974 the Iraqis came up with a detailed law for the autonomous area that was far more restrictive than the 1970 agreement and in no way reflected its accommodating spirit .
5 The trouble with most retail investors is that they are ignorant , and in no position to educate themselves .
6 He gestured his dissent at this and in no time the crowd were clamouring for the umpire to reverse the decision , which he did .
7 He heads north , and in no time we 're outside Denice 's impressive town house in St John 's Wood .
8 Those who were not hard pressed and in no immediate danger of running at a considerable loss might have no strong incentive to vote in favour of a course which threatened them with heavy losses in the immediate future .
9 Alliums ( flowering onion ) such as Allium moly ( yellow ) , A. caeruleum ( purple ) and A. neapolitanum mother-of-pearl pink ) , planted singly or as mixed groups are true hardy garden gems and in no way resemble their culinary brothers and sisters .
10 That brought Nottingham within range and in no time they produced a broadside which knocked Northampton sideways .
11 This superbly presented loft ladder is easily installed , and in no time at all you will be able to use that extra space in your loft .
12 Our Booking Conditions have been formulated as a result of our responsibilities under law and in no way affect your statutory rights as a consumer .
13 He told the jury that the crime was motiveless and in no way premeditated .
14 He was sorry about the outcome of an affray that he had not started and in no way wanted .
15 The drive would have done credit to a New York Yellow cab , and in no time at all I was being dumped at my hotel — on the blind side but within reach of my room and some assistance .
16 He was shaken , slightly concussed and in no state to carry on with the show .
17 The Architects Club , founded in 1791 , was a dining club with limited membership and in no way attempted to be a professional body , but The London Architectural Society , founded in 1806 , was intended to be more representative and instructional .
18 With the peculiar methods of financing the India Office , Scott 's appointment came from Stanley and in no way involved the Office of Works and was largely beyond the control of Parliament .
19 This love can be transcendent and timeless , and in no way can it be tarnished .
20 Some of the drovers , usually employed in the Cattle Auction Marts , were well plied with beer and in no time were leading processions of small and some not so small children around the city , processions which seemed mainly to support the Conservative cause .
21 What follows , therefore , is an outline which is very general indeed and in no way a blueprint to be slavishly followed in every instance .
22 In other words , their senses are natural and in no way ‘ extra ’ .
23 But that 's my opinion and in no way … no way reflects on the present gathering . ’
24 But these were just two little subcultures , and in no way representative of Britain as a whole .
25 The first loop , or sideways circle will be erratic and recovery somewhat haphazard : but just as with riding a bicycle , all the reactions begin to come naturally and in no time at all , even as early as the third flight , you will be diving and climbing at will .
26 They are an exciting medium which requires special handling and a different approach to painting , making them unique and in no way inferior to painting .
27 But Joan 's smile was all her own — and in no way feigned .
28 The existing copyright notice shall remain and in no circumstances may the Distributor change , add , take away or otherwise tamper with the videos unless by prior negotiation and written agreement .
29 The existing copyright notice shall remain and in no circumstances may the Distributor change , add , take away or otherwise tamper with the videos unless by prior negotiation and written agreement .
30 Individually now and in no order , depending on how swiftly crews could reload , prime and fire , the Scots gunners worked their pieces , aiming lower , those two leading vessels taking terrible punishment .
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