Example sentences of "and long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Medium and long leys
2 Medium and long leys are put down with the object of increasing grassland production , extending the growing season and improving the nutritional quality of the herbage .
3 Transport congestion and long journeys to work could also be overcome .
4 He said the bus services in the town often did not have ramps needed to get a wheelchair on board , and long journeys by bus were often more uncomfortable than travelling by train .
5 The spermatozoon is much smaller even than the ovum and , although it is a single cell it consists of a " head " and long tail , which propels the sperm by quivering .
6 The largest genus of birds of prey in the world includes hawks in the strict sense , recognised by their combination of rather short broad rounded wings and long tail .
7 In flight , long pointed wings ( blunter in female ) and long tail look rakish .
8 Some machines particularly overhead travelling cranes require a supply of electrical power in order to drive their motors ( both cross travel and long travel ) .
9 They have long hair and long nails and , not unnaturally , a white pallor , and very little to eat .
10 Of more practical importance , whether in government policy or historical interpretation , is the problem of how to strike the balance between the short and long run : the choice between more bread now or more bread and jam later .
11 Monetarists had previously maintained that money was neutral only in the medium and long run , implying that there was some scope , albeit limited , for policy activism in the short run .
12 Mrs Lirriper enchanted by the city : ‘ … it 's town and country both in one , and carved stone and long streets of high houses and gardens and fountains and statues and trees and gold … and everybody seeming to play at everything in this world ’ , CS 17 .
13 Passengers in the early days of air travel had to be courageous and long suffering — qualities still needed at some airports today .
14 Each element combines large capacity vector units and long instruction word RISC processor scalar units and boasts up to 256Mb of static RAM .
15 Diana topped the encrusted multi-colour bolero jacket and long lavender skirt with her family 's own Spencer tiara .
16 Nor were beards a feature of traditional Republican portraits , though it is said that in the early Republic the Romans wore beards and long hair .
17 When I was about 14 , I remember my sister and I pledging quite seriously to grow up and defy convention ; to be women who still wore jeans and long hair at 30 .
18 Here are some for short , medium and long hair .
19 One of these focuses on the contrast between short and long hair .
20 The beard and long hair have gone .
21 Bright stockings , and long hair , and trousers in untrouserlike colours like pink and lemon yellow , velvet jackets , loud voices and laughter , warned the staider citizens of Shorehaven that actors had arrived in their midst , an exotic flock of migrant birds whose fine plumage mocked the grey and tan and black that they had adopted as camouflage for the winter months .
22 It has a flattering tunic shape with a round neck and long sleeves , and comes in two colourways : soft blue , mustard , honey , deep peach and taupe or a mix of dark grey , tan , white , burnt sienna , olive and brown .
23 He argues that , given the proliferation of both discontinuities and long periods , the problem is now to constitute the series , its elements , its limits , and its relation to other series .
24 Only a minority of farm workers have ever been unionized and the history of rural trade unionism has been a chequered one , alternating between brief heady periods of success and long periods of stagnation and weakness .
25 With steely reserve and remarkable grace under pressure and long odds , Clinton survived charges of adultery and draft evasion and even an evasive answer on whether he ever tried marijuana .
26 From the bidding so far it seems that East is sitting over North with a strong and long diamond holding .
27 The A&R depts that we dealt with when last I was in a band ( about 18 months ago ) all seemed to consist of young men in Armani suits and long raincoats , who only stayed for the first four numbers then left .
28 Classic work ( 11-13 ) had shown that the promoter proximal and B cell control regions ( delineated in our work by Ea DH I-II ) were essential to tissue specific expression , and it was therefore necessary to include these sequences in both Short and Long constructs ( Figure 1 ) used in the present work .
29 James Cleveland Owens , as he was christened , eclipsed the achievements of every previous Olympian when he swept through to win the sprint and long jump events , only to be rebuffed at the presentation ceremonies .
30 The fixture was won by Mandale , who had Anthony Borsumato to thank for fine victories in the 400 metres hurdles ( 56.7 secs ) and long jump ( 6.52 metres ) .
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