Example sentences of "and why they " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , they should decide in what manner and why they are so performed to give appropriate expression and sustain a style throughout the whole design .
2 It also needs a brief explanation of how and why they make their entrances and exits .
3 But others are less impressive and I wonder how and why they made it through to the final selection .
4 This explains the anomaly of why these questions were asked by people who already knew she was Catholic , and why they were periodically asked in different ways throughout the year of field-work , for they are the means for establishing and then reconfirming and testing the typification .
5 Hard work , then sudden pauses as people were overwhelmed by what they were doing and why they had to do it .
6 New large telescopes may clarify how galaxies form — at present a surprisingly difficult puzzle — and why they cluster .
7 WHEN A CLUB as great as Cardiff fall on times as hard as they are now it is easy to understand why they ask New Zealand 's John Hart if he could take over as coaching director and why they have asked Australia 's Alec Evans the same question .
8 He asked Mr Jotter who had picked the vowels and why they 'd chosen the letter ‘ u ’ instead of ‘ s ’ which he thought was a nicer shape .
9 Add to this the change in orientation of the legs in many reptiles , which can be used in an efficient running action , unlike the ungainly waddling of the amphibians and it will be apparent why the reptiles were better adapted to terrestrial life than the amphibians , and why they largely displaced them .
10 But until we understand how and why they are such reasons and how they differ from ordinary reasons we will not begin to understand the nature of authority .
11 These pages have described and examined some of the ways in which groups of adults perceived young workers , and how and why they sought to train , supervise , and control them .
12 For these reasons alone many surveyors decide not to send letters in advance and rely on the interviewers ' skills in being able to explain to people on their doorsteps what the survey is about and why they should help with it .
13 In passing our studies have helped to clear up some of the outstanding biological problems that underlie the reproductive biology of Bufo bufo , such as why it is that the males so greatly outnumber the females , and why they are smaller .
14 Being equipped with some kind of understanding as to how other creatures are put together gives us an excellent handle for comprehending how and why they behave as they do .
15 Sam Somerville and Duncan McCrea explained at length what had happened that morning , how it had happened and why they had not foreseen it .
16 The mystery is why they let Quinn live , and why they first released the boy and then killed him .
17 ‘ I have to understand what the problems are and why they are arguing about them .
18 In the Cleggan every disappeared hillock and mound had a name that told and contained the kernel of its history and the people who knew the names , and why they were so called , were removed to another district as anonymous to them as the place they left behind had become anonymous ’ .
19 There are only the smallest of delicately dropped clues as to how and why they ended up with the social skills of a herd of rhinos .
20 Robin Cook , shadow trade and industry secretary , said : ‘ Michael Heseltine must now tell us how much the DTI knew about weapon deals with Saddam and why they connived at arms exports instead of controlling them . ’
21 There is plenty of it , after all ) and why they have interpreted their findings in particular ( and sexist ) ways .
22 Maybe this attitude lingers on in advanced Western societies , explaining why some people still wax so lyrical about arcane grammatical rules , the Oxford English Dictionary and all the other magical authorities , and why they are so indignant about feminists ‘ tampering with language ’ .
23 The purpose of the technique should be made very clear to parents so that they can also make it clear to the child what they are doing and why they are doing it .
24 ‘ They must know why their husbands and fathers were away so long — and why they had to face such dangers . ’
25 And Britain 's swim pin-up Sharon Davies added : ‘ We have all been told not to talk about the Chinese and why they have done so well here . ’
26 Briefing sessions , in which failures and why they occur are discussed , are probably best held with outside counsellors rather than company staff .
27 The life cycle of the cuckoo raises the question of why host birds should accept a brood parasite 's eggs , and why they should feed this alien monster in their nest ?
28 How and why they form is still not known ; all that can be said with certainty is that winds begin to twirl anti-clockwise around a fixed point of steadily diminishing atmospheric pressure , and this circulating system then begins to move , invariably in a westerly direction , its internal pressure steadily falling and the gales inside it picking up speed as it does so .
29 Between stops we can try and find out why their debut LP , ‘ Eva Luna ’ , is such a welcome anachronism that gives a shock to the nerve-centres of the techno ‘ n ’ grunge consensus , why rhythm is omnipotent once again and why they 've finally broken the apathetic silence by taking us all to task with some bold statements on matters of importance , instead of indistinct paeans to various objects of desire .
30 And it would be very interesting to know where his travels take him — I 'm not talking about his yacht cruises when she is with him — and why they take him there . ’
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