Example sentences of "and find [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That was a bit of a shock , cos I was dreaming about summat about a train and Marie going away , and then suddenly I came to and found myself in the station .
2 I started by looking up quotes for characters to say , and found myself reading four or five pages , until I found myself reading the Bible and only the Bible for quite a long time .
3 The following night , I was speaking at a transport dinner in London and found myself sitting two or three down from a general .
4 I walked round the walled field and found myself at the edge of a tinkers ' camp .
5 I wandered into the wholesale office of a big tobacco factory , and found myself in a dark panelled Victorian world of snuff counters , old polished scales for weighing out ounces of baccy and a snug with settle chairs .
6 This occurred just after I took a turning and found myself on a road curving around the edge of a hill .
7 Perfectly safe , until I strayed a few blocks in the wrong direction and found myself , the only female , in a street lined with male prostitutes .
8 I did a neat somersault and found myself on the bottom of the river , drowning ; fishing jacket , waders and fishing bag weighed me down .
9 I went on , confident of my compass , but becoming less so , and found myself in the middle of a disused airfield , among landing markers , gutted buildings and a wrecked radar scanner .
10 So far as the development of my interests in China was concerned , I continued frequent visits with Joe Jack , the cobbler , and found myself more frequently patronising the Canton Cafe to talk with another Chinese friend , George Wong , whose father owned the small restaurant .
11 Once I forgot to take a flashlight with me when visiting a friend , and found myself outside the house in pitch blackness , unable even to find the edge of the pavement or the garden hedge .
12 The worst thing that happened to me was that I was moved to another hut on the Waaf site and found myself amongst a very superior set of girls who worked in Radar .
13 ‘ He 'd struck me as a very kind , caring man , so I rang him and found myself pouring my heart out . ’
14 I did n't bother to switch off the tape , and found myself listening to a religious programme , which suggested that suffering , guilt and penance is the path towards righteousness .
15 The play — just the middle-aged woman buried in a mound — was to me quite unexpectedly wonderful — I went for Ivy , and found myself forgetting her .
16 It said : ‘ On my way to the courtyard this morning , I went into your gallery as a sanctuary and found myself surrounded by startling , horrific and disturbing images which yet had a positive and uplifting effect .
17 Taking a photograph , I had stepped forward onto nothing and found myself flying through the air , cartwheeling like a rag doll , striking sharp edges and corners and buffeted by hard objects .
18 I had known , of course , that the signatures of two doctors were necessary for certifying the insane , and found myself saying , ‘ But he 's not mad .
19 It was just by chance that I turned up at one of the early meetings of the first lesbian liberation groups in London and found myself involved in the early debates around socialist feminism , radical lesbianism , the Women 's Movement and the sixth demand which named women 's right to a self-defined sexuality .
20 The twinkle in his eye was reassuring , but when we tied up at Tobermory and the purser pointed out to sea where a group of small rocks ( or so it seemed ) showed strung out on the horizon like a mother duck with her ducklings after her , I felt a cowardly twinge , and found myself wondering what the ‘ relatively mod cons ’ could be .
21 While most people might be familiar with throwing out mouldy bread and mouldy cheese , like my friends all around me , I was continually having to throw out mouldy furniture , clothes and toys and found myself having to choose between feeding my hungry children or hungry fuel meters which kept demanding more and more money .
22 I was confused by all these solicitous questions , and found myself telling more lies than I had to .
23 I wanted to hear about the riots in Asyut and found myself leaning forward , anxious that he should not clam up .
24 and found myself listening to Gav and Janice .
25 She lives in a field with some others , and when she walked towards me I realised I was n't properly prepared , and found myself saying , ‘ How do you say hello to a pig ? ’
26 I spent a romantic holiday on the island some 30 years ago in a mountain village with a non-sailing companion and found myself pining in the summer heat for that azure water in the little harbour below .
27 I awoke , and found myself in a cold hillside .
28 ’ I have stabilized at Halflight speed , ’ I heard Posi say — and found myself almost babbling with relief that she was still functioning .
29 I did my best to oppose er , these new er , schemes and found myself in the majority of one quite often .
30 I slipped past the dozing duo , and found myself in a labyrinth of corridors .
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