Example sentences of "and see [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Books of old photographs are always fascinating , and there are several examples to be found in the shop , including Thomas Begbie 's Edinburgh , a photographic portrait of the city in mid-Victorian times , and To see Oursels , a striking portrayal of a rural Scotland which has now all but disappeared , and which draws on the unrivalled collections of the National Museum of Scotland 's Ethnological Archive .
2 In the US there is a general call for dentists to become more holistic and to see dentistry as an integral part of health rather than treating patients as walking sets of teeth .
3 I want greater investment and efficiency and to see prices stabilised in a tougher , more competitive electricity industry .
4 I knew I had to go back to hospital but I just had time to see my mother and sister off and to help my father close up grandmother 's house and to see uncle Henry take her off to the station , with destination Somerset .
5 It is possible to arrange demonstrations and to see literature describing its various libraries .
6 The Spirit enables us to know the Master , to sense his will , to grasp his mind and to see things his way .
7 September is a good time to see the lovely heathers on the moor and to see birds like meadow pipit and stonechat .
8 Towns could take some space at a normal street comer to give ‘ more chance to be seen and to see others ’ ( a ) ; or could create a vest-pocket park ( b ) ; or a play area ( c ) ; or an island in a cul-de-sac for the local children ( d ) .
9 And he talks of the , and plainly in that erm sort of mystical experience that he had with the Whiteheads , he did in , as it were , come to realize for the first time that there was in himself this desire to lead a life erm inspired by love and guided by knowledge , and to see others leading it .
10 It was emotionally captivating to see a truck laden with consumer goods draw up at Tazarbu , to hear the driver announce that he had a new poem from Muhammad Dabub in Ajdabiya , and to see shopkeepers , customers and driver sit in the shade to listen to the poem .
11 As anthropologists we tend to regard the larger society from the local community 's viewpoint and to see events in terms of the impact that outside influences have upon known individuals .
12 Our vision is to build bridges between the church and the community and to see kids and adults coming to faith in Jesus that will last .
13 This approach tended to stress law and judgement as primary in God 's attitude towards sinners , and to see grace , love and mercy as secondary , and as available only if the conditions of the law had been satisfied .
14 Imagination is the capacity to make links and to see links — it is not discontinuous with reality , but is a way of understanding what really is there if only we can see it .
15 It is obvious that historical perspectives oblige one to give due weight to the passage of time and to see ideas about duty or obligation , and patterns of support associated with them , as features of family relationships which are adapted to suit the prevailing economic and social conditions .
16 When Folly came round , it was to feel herself tucked between cool sheets , and to see Luke 's concerned face looking down at her .
17 They were united , too by a common aim ; they both wanted to do what they could to restore normal life in that community , to take away the fear and to see justice done .
18 Causality is here contrasted with indeterminacy : either one pretends that the origin of psychological peculiarities is known and that it has the force of explanation , as in classical psychoanalysis , or one chooses to relinquish this concept and to see identity as a matter of discontinuity and flux .
19 I showed it Tom next door , I says er , it , I says , he came and had a drink and to , and to see Evelyn and I says look you can tell Oliand and Dog Tongue
20 True , many journalists attend press receptions and lunches for free food and to see colleagues .
21 As well as attending a safety briefing , they were able to view a helicopter which was kitted out for a medical evacuation operation and to see LASMO 's own computerised offshore personnel tracking system in action .
22 There is a deep wish to believe man is not basically destructive , as well as loving , and to see people as being naturally co-operative with one another .
23 And seeing Lady Wyndham viciously slapping poor Sophie around the face when the little girl — after eating too much ice-cream — had been sick all over the priceless Aubusson carpet in the drawing-room had finally decided the matter , as far as Laura was concerned .
24 He had a lump in his throat and he felt his skin prickling with shame at the thought of his friends and his friends ' mums going in to Pricewell 's and seeing Anna unloading ketchup bottles with ‘ Can I help you ? ’ pinned on her overall .
25 On the opposite side of the piazza from the Palazzo Arcivescovile is the Palazzo dei Tribunali , the imposing courts of justice , built in the late sixteenth-century and seeing service as both a jail and a courthouse .
26 A week later , I am making amends at college , working out at the gym , and seeing people-friends who do not , to my astonishment , resent me .
27 Noël Coward was inspired to write the song ‘ London Pride ’ while standing on the platform of a London station on the morning after a particularly bad blitz and seeing Londoners going about their business ‘ gay and determined and wholly admirable ’ .
28 They had lived in fear after hearing many noises and seeing objects fly across rooms .
29 Unable to sleep and seeing Madame 's bedroom light still on , she had thrown a pebble against the glass and called her down .
30 And seeing Nicole had only reminded her of that fact .
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