Example sentences of "and so [subord] " in BNC.

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1 No-one has access to your thoughts , feelings and motives , only to your actions ( ie behaviour ) , and so unless you are open in revealing them , people are obliged to indulge in speculation .
2 The whole point of the undergirding cables was to provide some shear bracing and so unless the operation was done with a knowledge and accuracy which were rather unlikely in the circumstances , so as to get the cables roughly at forty-five degrees , the expedient probably had usually as little effect as it seems to have had upon Paul 's ship .
3 It is now the moose-hunting season — not a safe time to be creeping through the woods on a wild wolf chase , and so unless someone shoots her , Ylva has a few weeks grace .
4 However , an agreement can be void for uncertainty if major terms are not agreed , and so unless the offer letter contains sufficient detail of all the terms , including the wording of warranties , indemnities and disclosures , the offer letter will not be binding .
5 Stalin is dead , and so since this summer is Andrei Gromyko , who as Deputy Foreign Minister at the time of the 1957 note , might have been in a position to provide some elucidation .
6 And so since that was going to be demolished and built over by a a housing estate anyway , we ripped it out and put it back down here .
7 And so before he could say a word , she rushed on .
8 It is then quite easy to work out which third the cell is in , and so whether to be blue , white , or red .
9 And so while he sat in a German public library and the story of the murder in the park unfolded before him in the newspapers , a novel began to stir .
10 how you can persist in being so utterly incompetent bewilders me , and so while indulging in a little light entertainment in the ZZAP ! offices ( brutally torturing the staff for being human ) I decided it was time I found a solution to the problem .
11 But I 'm the one who has to stand up out there and do it , and so while I take his point I have to find the right levels for myself .
12 And so while the corvette glided on towards its illuminated dock , as a minnow might swim into the mouth of a vast phosphorescent deep-sea predator , the interrupted service of thanksgiving continued .
13 And so while these things here enable us to leave home , if you like , these things are buzzing round in our head and in marketing these are things we have to look at in order to , we have to be able to make product and then try and assess how will the tourist or potential tourist respond to this .
14 And so although they were still the opposition , they could rarely be classified as ‘ real prigs ’ .
15 And so although the disease fits my prescription , and although it too can be usefully linked with a skin complaint ( eczema ) which also flakes away at the body 's surface , I had to abandon asthma .
16 And so although his early contributors had come from the European tradition which preceded the Great War , by the early Thirties he had come to rely more and more upon British contributors .
17 And erm and she kept doing this for ages and erm she was , she was sta starting to get worried because people might believe , find out that it was her and so after she killed a cow , she took out all of i , all it 's insides and hid in it and no one ever found her !
18 This computer is a pretty pathetic one basically and it ca n't hold very much information programme and so once it 's had five records fed into it 's memory it 's full up which is pretty pathetic given the size of each record .
19 Because it was no use to the farmer , there was no water to be seen there , and I thought I could do it with my own garden tools , and so once I 'd removed all the rough brambles and so on and discovered the periphery of the old pond
20 From the first time she was asked to canter a figure-of-eight she knew that one always cantered a figure-of-eight ; and so when she was asked to trot one instead , she became increasingly anxious , excited , irrational , and disobedient .
21 And so when finally they had invaded the greatest city in the world , they built the portico at Euston to proclaim as a memorial their victory to posterity .
22 Since so many of us had made love to either O or to Boy we felt that by comparing notes we knew a great deal about how they behaved when making love , and so when we saw them reappear so obviously as lovers we were pleased to see that our predictions had been correct .
23 And so when he set off for home the red bitch was with him , loping along by his side .
24 And so when something like that happens , it makes you think about it all , about the dangers , about all the travelling you do as a musician .
25 As is often the case , his boredom was mixed with nostalgia , and so when he set out to create something new , he also had something borrowed in mind .
26 But it was n't large enough to button and showed her blouse and skirt , and so when she appeared in the yard again Ben , standing ready by the cart , grinned at her , saying , ‘ That 's nice !
27 We knew him so well and so when the time came and we saw how he was playing and how he was hitting the ball , that he could beat anyone ’ .
28 ‘ Dad Weir used to smoke a pipe , and so when we were in Swansea we went along to one of those hairdresser and tobacconist shops , and there in the window was this great big pipe .
29 A decision which has never had any legal effect can not be deprived of legal effect , and so when we say that certiorari quashes a decision which the decision-maker had no jurisdiction to make , what we really mean is that the order formally declares that from the moment it was purportedly made ( ‘ ab initio ’ ) the decision had no effect in law .
30 He had grown up with the impression that women 's motives were suspect , and so when Tom Rooney had given him advice he had found it so easy to believe , because it was what — subconsciously — he expected .
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