Example sentences of "and go back " in BNC.

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1 All I want is silence , and to go back to my father 's house . ’
2 In order to fit and to go back to work on Monday morning .
3 Now , this is not an Oxford cartoon either , but it 's a looting soldier , and very much , I think , underlines what people felt about soldiers around the place , and to go back to the overcrowding , erm the great problem was that constantly not only soldiers , but a great many other people , court officials , court servants , barbers , whoever , erm all had to found accommodation , and because St Aldate 's was so near the court , a great many of them were of course connected with the court , they had some high ranking ones .
4 The episode with the child is a reworking of Svidrigailov 's nightmare immediately before his suicide , in which he finds an abandoned little girl and carries her upstairs and puts her in his bed , and goes back later to see how she is .
5 This central role for private property has a long history in European thought and goes back to the eighteenth-century notion of the social contract .
6 We 're walking past this telly shop when Marie suddenly stops and goes back a couple of steps .
7 When it has stopped coming , he drops the body and goes back for another lamb and another , creeping down the earthen steps with his blood-stained knife and his feet and ankles splashed with red .
8 Howard escapes from the hospital and goes back to the scene of the robbery where everything is strangely familiar .
9 Grand Prix racing existed long before the formation of the World Championship in 1950 , and goes back to 1906 when the first French Grand Prix was run .
10 She turns and goes back to the house .
11 He 's got very he 's very sensitive cells in his nose because , cos a dog used to be a hunting dog , and goes back to being a wolf , they used to track their prey to eat so they 've still got that ability and we have n't , but a dog has , it can smell .
12 Surprised into consciousness , alone in the black hemisphere , he cries until he laughs ; then he uses the chamberpot that Rosa readied , and goes back to sleep quickly , despite the pain .
13 He puts his arm round her and goes back indoors .
14 Then it all joins up again and goes back in , goes along here , so everything that goes down there , the ten amps goes through this one again , and back into the battery .
15 She loses interest and goes back to the television .
16 Mrs Tamm turns on her heel and goes back to her desk .
17 Every time BBCBASIC(Z80) encountered a FOR , REPEAT , GOSUB , FN or PROC statement it " pushes " the return address on to a " stack " and every time it encountered a NEXT , UNTIL , RETURN statement or the end of a function or procedure it " pops " the latest return address of the stack and goes back there .
18 As explained in the " Program Flow Control " sub-section , every time BBCBASIC(Z80) encounters a FOR , REPEAT , GOSUB , FN or PROC statement it " pushes " the return address on to a " stack " and every time it encounters a NEXT , UNTIL , RETURN statement or the end of a function or procedure it " pops " the latest return address of the stack and goes back there .
19 If there are no more loans to be entered , the user presses the RETURN key and goes back to the options list .
20 Well really when I had the same thing , you know , and goes back for a little bit this morning and er same sort of thing .
21 Turns round and goes back again .
22 One immediate result of my departure from Berkeley was my giving up my flat by the school and going back to London .
23 Mr Clarke accused the crews of putting patients ' lives at risk and going back on their promise to take all 999 calls .
24 Near the start of chapter 14 the people spoke of choosing another leader and going back to Egypt .
25 WHILE a growing number of British companies are switching from petrol to diesel-engined cars to improve fuel consumption and cut costs , one company , originally at the vanguard of the diesel movement , has dumbfounded the experts by reversing its decision and going back to petrol .
26 Harry recalls leaving the course at the 1st green and going back home alone via Drawback Hill .
27 And with that he started off , crossing the road and going back down the hill .
28 He opened an owlish eye and barked unconvincingly at us before yawning and going back to sleep .
29 I like Ian McKewan , Martin Amis , and going back in time Victor Pritchett , Elizabeth Bowen .
30 In those few days between seeing my surgeon and going back to the X-ray department I went up to that chapel two or three times a day , I did my visualizations with all the intensity that I could summons .
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