Example sentences of "and go up " in BNC.

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1 Pitching : the inner is erected in about four minutes and goes up first .
2 The cloud is like a magnet so the water goes through the cracks and goes up .
3 Because in fact although it 's written from there all the way up to there , erm that is it starts at the C above middle C and goes up
4 Which is centred on Birmingham and goes up as far as the Humber Estuary and down as far as the Severn Estuary .
5 First , do we really accept that a man in the act of undressing suddenly decides halfway through that he will hang himself and goes up to the garret without his boots on to carry out the terrible act ?
6 The computer reads the message and goes up .
7 He goes downstairs and goes up , up .
8 Tufnell bowling from the end , round the wicket with a five , four field , that one er just ugly-looking thing there er DaSilva just thrusts his leg out about side leg stump of the ball and hit the pads and goes up .
9 The range of prices for bathroom furniture is enormous , starting at under £250 for standard suites , and going up to over £1,500 , for better quality , more intricately designed suites , which often include taps and bidets .
10 Thanks to television … the nation had an armchair view of the violence : uprooted telegraph poles , rolling down the hill towards the police cordon ; a workmen 's hut dragged into the road and going up in petrol-fed flames ; a lone policeman with his truncheon repeatedly laying into a recumbent miner ; the wall of riot shields parting like the Red Sea as groups of police , in black one-piece suits and NATO helmets , dashed into the crowded pickets while a senior officer , with loud-hailer , encouraged them to ‘ take prisoners ’ .
11 And I 've thought about buying a , a me erm a metal detector and going up and going over the where the kirkyard was because when there were was here that was in about sixteen oh it might have been about sixteen sixty or sixteen eighty .
12 Sex and cigarettes were the main things , and going up to the Youth Centre to smash the legs off the table-tennis tables .
13 It 's no good starting at the bottom and going up because then you 've lost the the punch have n't you .
14 And going up to John O'Groats and right into past Castle May where the Queen Mother has and into the church where sh where the royalty goes when they 're living up in up in Castle May At er well er Johnnie Groat is buried there too .
15 No more being shy and going up the high one .
16 nought point ten and going up point two of a second , that is fast !
17 Their up to fifteenth in the table , they leap frog over Portvale , West Bromwich Albion and Charlton ; I 've got that wrong , in fact they move over Portvale , Portsmouth and West Brom , Charlton of course winning today and going up , and Plymouth .
18 And forty pence you can get on and go up to your home , they pull up outside our gate .
19 come home and I thought well I 'll drop that , I 'll stay and go up the ladder and I was gon na do painting you got him Hey up ! !
20 When John Clifford , who began his working life in a mill , wrote home after preaching in New York , he told his family that , ‘ Mr J. D. Rockefeller came and spoke to me , thanked me , and said he would like to take hold of my skirts when I ascended and go up with me .
21 And go up and down to London .
22 I decided to take the boat from Ireland and go up to Scotland .
23 And go up to it by ladder , ’ added Heather gleefully .
24 Lessons will start at around £8.00 and go up to as much as £30.00 .
25 Go right and push the crate onto the button , go up on the lift and to the left , push the crate off the edge of the platform , go up on the lift and right , climb up six platforms and push the crate left , fall left and duck down to go along the conveyor belt , jump onto the ledges on the wall and go up , go right , up , left , up , push the crate right , fall down , push the crate right into the button , go right and duck down to go along the conveyor belt , drop down to the stationary lift , go left then up , push the crate down , right , right , left , right and right onto the button .
26 Go left , down , right , then fall down , push the crate onto the button and go up on the lift , then left along the lower platform , push the crate left onto the switch , fall down , then go up on the lift , collect the speaker , fall down , go right and up on the lift , go left along the top platform , go up and left , go up on the lift , and continue going up on the platforms .
27 Go right and fall down , go left and push the crate right onto the button , go left to a wall , duck down and crawl under it , go left and fall down , go right , fall down and collect the main tape deck , go right , then up on the platforms , right , down , and collect the battery , push the crate left and go up on the lift , go left to a button , then jump two platforms to your right , and then onto the platform to your left , push the crate down onto the button and fall down , go up on the lift , then right to the next lift , go up the passage on the lift and ledge , and then go left along the top .
28 Go down , catch the swing and go up on the lift , go left and collect the shield , go right and up when you reach the right-hand wall , go left and fly up the pipe , go right and fall down the gap , then go left and collect the weight and throw it onto the button to your right , go up on the lift , right , up and left on the lift , fly up past the spikes and collect a weight , fall down and go right under the spikes , throw the weight on the button , go up on the lift , up , go left when you can and fall down to collect the weight .
29 Go back to the lift and go up , carry the weight to the button and drop it on the button to start the swing , stand on the swing and fly up-right , collect the weight above you and throw it onto the button next to the swing , go back to where you grabbed the weight , go left , collect the weight , go right to the wall and fall down , throw the weight on the button , go up , left , up the pipe , collect the flower and go down the pipe .
30 Jump down and go right , cross the river on the cake and go up on the platforms , collect the cocoa bean at the top of the platforms , go back down the platforms , go left across the river , jump up on the sherbet fountain and collect the blue object above you , go straight left along the platforms and throw the blue object at the button to start the lift , go up on the lifts and collect the cocoa bean , go down , left , down , left across the rivers and into the cup to complete the level .
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