Example sentences of "and say that " in BNC.

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1 Then as soon as the last act goes up Bobby will ring for a doctor and say that Bunty 's had an accident .
2 First , an objector might try to press the fashionable distaste for the first-person perspective and say that the fact that I can not apply the theory to myself shows nothing except that one should not approach the philosophy of mind via the first person .
3 The behaviourist 's second line of defence is to distinguish between knowing and what is known , and say that the behavioural reduction applies only to the former .
4 That is quite a lot ; but why be more ambitious and say that it makes the place of mind in Nature more intelligible to us ?
5 Would I one day show people this jacket and say that it had been a lovely afternoon in Central Park when he gave it to me and , in closing , would I say that as he disappeared into the trees , I never saw Oscar Wilde again ?
6 No one , for example , can take hold of twenty-five million pounds ' worth of health services and say that these , and these precisely , are owed to the fact of a prescription charge : you can not point to the beds , the treatments , the nurses and demonstrate that these would not individually have been provided , however undeniable the fact may be in general .
7 I will go further , and say that crime itself has to be viewed from the same aspect of society as a balance — a balance that can be lost , like the physiological or chemical balance in an organism , in which cases the organism is destroyed , but a balance which is always there , whether being gained , maintained or lost .
8 He imagined labour as it would be , had it not been formulated by capitalism , and say that it would then be merely an aspect of the total business of living , unseparated from such activities as recreation , consumption , family life : that it would be just part of existence .
9 Dickey had rebelled against his black clothes , until he was told that it would be naughty to mamma not to put them on , when he at once submitted ; and now , though he had heard Nanny say that mamma was in heaven , he had a vague notion that she would come home again tomorrow , and say that he had been a good boy and let him empty her workbox . ’
10 Two Californian importers have already ordered 800 Wisdom systems by February 1992 and say that orders for the following year could be 10 times greater .
11 This causes considerable annoyance to the Germans , who find themselves being forced to speak English and say that they will settle the matter ‘ by decree ’ .
12 Large companies are facing price increases averaging 20 p.c. this year and say that efforts to cushion the rises through a recent Nuclear Electric auction were a flop .
13 The ‘ I ’ at one and the same time transcends the body ( so that for instance we talk of our bodies as something separate from ourselves and say that we ‘ have ’ them rather than ‘ are ’ them ) and is immanent or present in the body .
14 I can now speak from experience and say that it 's much easier to spend a day at the office than it is to spend a day at home , and you have the benefit of spending ‘ quality time ’ with your baby at evenings and weekends .
15 I felt awful as other children were upset and their mums looked horrified so I had to go and explain to each mum individually why I thought she did it and say that they were to feel free to stop her themselves and explain .
16 And say that their wages will not them maintain . ’
17 In a recent study Lea and Young recognize this point , and say that the best indicator of police performance in crime investigation is the number of crimes cleared per officer ( Lea et al . ,
18 You must make your point firmly and say that you are angry about the situation .
19 Can you put your hand on your heart and say that you have made it plain what he or she is allowed to do ( hopefully not unnecessarily restrictive ) and what he or she should not do ?
20 I do n't remember the carpet coming up to hit me , nor finding it hard to breathe , nor at that moment did the judge put on the black cap and say that I must swing by the neck until I was dead .
21 Of course you might want to take a very purist line and say that it is bad manners to remind others of their bad manners .
22 Then I had to be honest , and say that I could not guarantee to work for longer than four months .
23 Who knows , maybe it will appear with time , and by the end of the year we will be able to look back at Figure 2 and say that this was one of the first proofs of the existence of the W particle ?
24 Moreover , they regard the A afarensis toes as comparatively short and say that Stern and Susman have been selective in the toe bones they analysed , concentrating on those from the largest specimen .
25 I must be honest and say that I do n't think I 'll ever run that fast .
26 So much is clear ; can we go further , and say that Otto himself went to Rome to be crowned in order to complete his pilgrimage in Charlemagne 's footsteps , that this was his chief motive ?
27 I must be absolutely honest though and say that it 's not always going to be easy to try to live for Jesus at school .
28 Arrange a number of children in a line behind you and say that you are going to play a game of ‘ follow the leader ’ .
29 But this does not mean that we swing to the opposite extreme and say that because doubt is a result of the Fall , all doubts are necessarily destructive , negative , even sinful .
30 A I would make an educated guess and say that the ‘ fungus ’ growing on the bogwood is the result of decaying food .
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