Example sentences of "and say it " in BNC.

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1 We have to say the English one and I hate saying da-da-da so I make my own one , an Indian prayer and say it .
2 people criticise this style and say it 's all a lie , they take one quick look in through the door and they say that we are all acting madly to conceal some great sadness from ourselves .
3 I did n't think it was possible for somebody to stand in the middle of the fairway and say it 's an iron of any description .
4 It was a funny advertisement , it did n't come right out and say it gave you abortions , it just promised to ‘ help ’ .
5 No longer will we look at a Heidelberg printer and say it will be worth 70% of its value in five years time , because it wo n't . ’
6 Learn it , try and say it as fast as you can , do it in groups , as a round …
7 He told me , some time after we were married , that when he was at school he used to show round a photograph one of his mother 's lovers had taken of part of Versailles , and say it was his grandfather 's rectory in Ireland .
8 History may point at Berlin and say it way here that the dream of communism started to curl up and die .
9 If that does n't work , look again at the word , and say it in a way that will remind you of how it is spelled : say Wed-nes-day ; clim-bed , and pronounce the bits separately ; but remember how the word really sounds .
10 As a way of " marking " show the word again , and say it .
11 " Tell Master Amyas , " he said , loud enough for Amyas to hear , " that if his benighted father has anything to say to me , then let him get on his ass and come and say it to me direct , because he wo n't get me setting foot on his popish property , not while there 's breath in my body , he wo n't . "
12 I think it 's quite proper for us to be importunate and hammer on the door and say it again as , as the deliverance would have us say , and I 'm sure our Roman friends will understand our importunity .
13 If it 's a small discharge and say it 's twice the limits , three times the limits , then it would be considered to be needing improvement .
14 you simply read the lists down and across yourself , without first hearing the words , and the LH should only stop you and say it right if you did n't
15 Charles kept remembering what Micky Banks had gone through at the same stage , and often , like his predecessor , was ready to throw in the towel and say it was impossible .
16 And what would you do if someone were to break down those pillars , Shae — scream and protest and say it had all been done against your will ? ’
17 He 'd said that if I was asked about it , I should act surprised and say it was nothing to do with me .
18 ‘ I dare anyone in the Fund to point to a country and say it is much better off economically today because of a Fund programme , ’ says Budhoo .
19 Each member of the class is asked to think quietly : " Listen to your own thoughts for a moment or two " then " If there is something you want to say to him , go to him and say it now . "
20 But I think I 'd actually like to support that idea , I think we ought to er er write back to them and say it 's a splendid idea , erm let's have more of it and and thank you to the local government commission for s er seeing to this after a hundred years .
21 Would anyone like to argue with her and say it 's not that much you know an important character .
22 okay , okay erm yeah although normally you could do something like that while you can do that by phone you can call up and say yes we 're coming definitely just to get in touch and say it .
23 Try and say it .
24 She 'd come this far to say her piece and say it she would , come hell or high water .
25 But academics at Oxford are outraged and say it can only mean a Jewish Messiah .
26 The Atomic Energy Authority has now introduced new procedures at Harwell and say it 's confident there wo n't been another similar leak .
27 ( Presenter ) Some do n't perceive it that way and say it could be political suicide for the Conservatives ( Legge )
28 You can sell a house by saying it 's near to the station , or the shops : or you can be really eccentric and say it 's a life giving spa centre with its own magic water source .
29 She said just press the buzzer and say it 's you cos I 'm , I 'm on my own .
30 She 's your daughter She said there 's no need to up and say it like that .
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