Example sentences of "and from a " in BNC.

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1 He knew and practised all the rules of art , and from a composition of Raphael , Carracci , and Guido , made up a style , of which the only fault was , that it has no manifest defects and no striking beauties ; and that the principles of his composition are never blended together , so as to form one uniform body original in its kind , or excellent in any view .
2 And from a set of preconceptions like that there is no way into Pound 's universe at all .
3 Having survived a financial crisis in the early 1980s , thanks to support from the banks and from a staff prepared to agree to a voluntary wage freeze , the paper is now making money and putting on readers , so why has the management now decided to modernise the title ?
4 It adds : ‘ The major influences on the use of inspectors ’ time appeared to be ad hoc requests both from institutions and from a variety of officers , and the personal professional interests of individual advisers . ’
5 The flood-gates had opened and now Cullam , the reticent , the truculent , was speaking without restraint and from a full heart .
6 The stepping down of the government followed resignation calls from all five of East Germany 's minor political parties , and from a deputy minister of culture .
7 That left an embarrassed home goalkeeper Ogrizovic to explain how all 6ft 4in of him was beaten by a chip by Arsenal 's substitue from 20 yards and from a daunting angle .
8 The weekend had begun with a briefing from the Major and from a purported Russian spy seeking to defect to the west and who , meanwhile , was staying in a safe house .
9 His tale was a flight from a strained marriage into a dream world where sex did not intrude , and from a City career into an Edwardian idyll .
10 Our survey of Japanese finance ( ‘ Downbeat ’ , December 8th ) included a table purporting to show Japanese banks ' BIS capital-adequacy ratios as at September 1990 , attributed to James Capel and from a study it made in October 1990 .
11 She gave him all that she knew — chiefly from conversations with her close friend , Jane Aldis , and from a small book on physiology belonging to her father which she read secretly until it was removed .
12 He had listened to DATAR ‘ s views with great interest , and from a totally different viewpoint to that of the Vice President .
13 It seemed that she could no longer use this place to escape from the reality of the present : from her fears for Simon and Bella , her growing rage against Gazzer and from a terrible , sinister premonition that her life was about to fall apart .
14 He is pedigree and from a very good herd of quiet beasts owned by a friend ; the price will be FF8400 ( about £840 ) delivered .
15 Light is also obedient to this effect so that light received from an approaching body has a blue shift and from a receding body a red shift .
16 And from a few basic observations we have learned that even all may be relative .
17 Since I was unprepared , lacking a condom , she and I were endangered from two directions in another sense also : from disease ( for we were strangers to each other ) , and from a pregnancy desired by neither of us .
18 He was intoxicated by cinema from the start , and his films came directly out of his own experiences and from a total dedication .
19 That all of them were good citizens and honourable men will be readily conceded from a consideration of the very constitution of the Society and from a perusal of the Bye-Laws , by which the Society is governed and there is reason to believe that they were also practitioners of the healing art .
20 John Hill had queried Miller 's description and had published his views in Eden , or a Complete Body of Gardening ( 1759 ) and Justice retaliated in his British Gardener 's Calendar ( 1759 ) : ‘ I thought it my indispensable duty to give Mr. Miller his due , both from a love of truth and from a sense of gratitude to him for his public labours , as well as private friendship . ’
21 In the development of their writing , children have to move from casual to formal language , from spontaneous to planned language ; and from a known to an unknown audience .
22 Novels are much more difficult to place and from a new writer , publishers normally want to see the whole book .
23 Steve Douglas 's Fanzine ‘ Go for It ’ started this year , and from a piece of folded photocopied paper , it eventually went on to become a printed glossy skate mag covering much of the skate scene at the time and the next few years for which the Farnborough scene played a major part if not the main part .
24 The name came both from the general appearance and from a certain make of shoe with a pattern free surface .
25 Since that time I think that there has been great progress towards reconciliation and this has largely flowed from common sense and from a better understanding of the facts .
26 Although a lack of continuity of part-time workers and the difficulty of accruing experience may partially justify higher demands on volunteers , nevertheless the outer London suburbs suspect that the heavy demand of a 2-day-a-week commitment now placed on all new London volunteers stems not from these practical considerations but from a poor stereotypical image of the volunteer and from a negative attitude towards volunteering in general .
27 What clouds the issue is that I have caught hundreds of bream , of all sizes , and from a variety of waters , when the surface of the water has not been broken once by a fish .
28 With the certainty of the newly converted , they could see only that Pantisocracy offered an escape from their increasingly unsatisfactory and unhappy lives , and from a country whose politics they deplored .
29 ‘ … Money is necessary to our plan , ’ he was soon telling Joseph Cottle ; and from a volume of poems they might raise sixty guineas .
30 The son of another Superintendent has told how he and his mother often had to remove the leggings and gaiters from his father when he arrived home soaking wet and utterly stiff and weary after cycling several miles to and from a meeting on a winter night .
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