Example sentences of "and the company " in BNC.

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1 Money will be spread more thinly and the companies may become more reluctant to fund minority appeal programmes , particularly big budget documentaries . ’
2 And the Companies Acts stand to remind directors of their responsibilities .
3 The exhibition comprised posters tracing the development of the alkali industry and the companies Corning Glass , Courtaulds Coatings , Rohm and Haas and Sterling Winthrop , together with memorabilia from the companies , which all had their origins in the north-east .
4 This seems to suggest that the policy of the 1974 Act is the recognition that there is a need for industrial waste to be disposed of , and the companies doing so are providing a much needed service , but such operations ought to be closely controlled to ensure that any interference on the surrounding locality is minimal .
5 I suspect that some of the drug barons who shell out money in support of what must be a pretty costly operation regard the academically-minded staff of the OHE as a bunch of eggheads , not to say ‘ wets ’ , who ought to be earning their keep by polishing up the industry 's somewhat tarnished image , and by encouraging sales , instead of spending their time and the companies ' profits on airy-fairy projects which are n't going to rustle up a pennyworth of business .
6 Ayrshire has had a long association with the aeroplane , mainly centred on Prestwick Airport and the companies which have built aircraft on the site .
7 the Companies Securities ( Insider Dealing ) Act 1985 and the Companies Consolidation ( Consequential Provisions ) Act 1985 .
8 Within the large car plants themselves , where the unions were strong and the companies were able to offer a relatively stable employment policy by shifting the troughs and peaks in the work-load out to sub-contractors , management had adopted what Friedman termed the ‘ responsible autonomy ’ strategy .
9 The UITF concluded that such benefits are liabilities that should be recognised in financial statements in accordance with the accruals and prudence concepts of SSAP 2 , Disclosure of Accounting Policies , and the Companies Act .
10 The new concession is now extended to companies controlled by the JOC provided the control conditions are also met by these companies and only one of the ultimate owners extends its schemes to the JOC and the companies it controls .
11 The Companies ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1986 as amended by the Companies ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1990 and the Companies ( No 2 ) ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1990 .
12 Since then the Financial Services Act 1986 and the Companies Act 1989 have required us to do likewise in relation to investment business and to audit work .
13 Tipperary were to see controversies eventually over the waste disposal habits of the mining companies , but these controversies arose after the mining was over and the companies had packed their bags and gone .
14 , The employees of Hairflair and the companies sponsoring the competition are not eligible to enter .
15 The employees of Hairflair and the companies sponsoring the competition are not eligible to enter .
16 And ironically , in view of the Minister 's remarks about business interests in broadcasting , the main beneficiary of this expenditure was the Commercial Service and the companies using it to advertise their products .
17 The employees of Hairflair and the companies sponsoring the competition are not eligible to enter .
18 Finance was provided by the ITV companies as a ‘ subscription ’ , and the companies raised it by setting the advertising time on Channel 4 in their own regions .
19 More hours did generally mean more advertising revenue for ITV , and the companies frequently pressed the government for expansion .
20 The old Company invested heavily in the shares of the new Company , so that its shareholders would in any case not be totally excluded from Indian trade , and the companies moved towards a compromise .
21 The company claims to be servicing a growing percentage of other customers besides Sun and the companies on the Sparc International executive committee , used for parallelism , high-end superservers and embedded implementations as well as workstations and servers .
22 At one time the two water companies were in active competition and any person paying the rates , whether landlord or tenant , could change his water company as easily as his butcher or baker … although this state of things has long since ceased , and the companies have come to an arrangement so that the people can not now change their supply , all the same , the result of their earlier competition remains .
23 The army , government and the companies are all against the worker .
24 The investments were extremely profitable , however , and the companies were among the most successful in the country when they were nationalized into the NCB in 1947 .
25 In the design and layout of the housing , the new villages like Blidworth , Harworth and Ollerton bore the imprint of the ideas about planned communities ( such as garden villages ) extant at the time , and the companies claimed to be establishing model communities ( Griffin , 1971 , pp. 168–70 ; Waller , 1983 , pp. 254ff . ) .
26 Successive statutes , principally the Bankruptcy Acts and the Companies Acts , contained provisions regulating this subject matter .
27 The setting up of the Serious Fraud Office was an important development , as were the increased powers of the Department of Trade and Industry under the Financial Services Act 1986 and the Companies Act 1985 .
28 Royal patronage put the seal of approval on the new form and the companies went to particular pains to arrange the Queen 's journeys .
29 We play a significant role in the supervision of insurance companies and pension funds , providing a link between the supervisors and the companies and funds .
30 G Tec say the allegations are unfounded , and the companies representative Robert was dismayed at the loss of the contract .
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