Example sentences of "and the man " in BNC.

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1 Afterwards she parted the curtains and came out naked to lift the unsleeping , finely aware child back into bed , to lie between her and the man lying open-mouthed in post-coital sleep .
2 There must be some affinity between you and the man or woman on the printed page — something that you recognise not because you are ‘ just like that ’ but because you feel that you can interpret the situation with those words .
3 As the men at the windlass rope heaved and a long timber started to rise up and swing , the wheel on the pulley squealed like an injured dog and the man stationed at the top of the wall took a stickful of thick grease from a pot , leaned out , and worked it into the axle .
4 He waved and the man dodged further behind the tree .
5 At another , we are still getting there , and the man whose bomb explodes at Bologna railway station one summer day in 1980 while I am pulling this page into shape falls straight back inside The Possessed .
6 The batellis and the man I will describe ,
7 The ANC team was led by Thabo Mbeki , the organisation 's chief of information and the man regarded as a likely successor to Oliver Tambo .
8 And the man had a mouthful of champagne and I thought he was going to have a heart attack . ’
9 This undertaking was given to the High Court in London but in March last year Vice Chancellor Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson found Raper and the man described as his ‘ sidekick ’ , Douglas Allen , guilty of the ‘ most deliberate and serious ’ contempts .
10 But there are other differences between the government frontbench and the man in the wings .
11 It took three years , and the man was backed every inch of the way by his union .
12 THE former president of Argentina and the man responsible for one of the most ill-organised military adventures in history , General Leopoldo Fortunato Galtieri , was freed yesterday under a presidential pardon from his comfortable confinement in a suburban military college in Buenos Aires .
13 It was cold and the man 's dogs lay down to rest and stay warm .
14 • A former Ford designer , and the man responsible for the trend-setting Sierra and Scorpio , on the new Escort , ‘ What do you want me to say ?
15 According to Lotus associate director Albert Adams — a world authority on composites and the man who , 30 years ago , was told by Chapman to ‘ learn all about glass-fibre ’ — it could be from the escalating costs of tooling up for pressed-steel car production .
16 These vans keep coming and going and the man on the cleaning machine is having another go at cleaning the floor .
17 I say it again and the man looks at me a bit angry like .
18 The results also show that for couples with one infected partner and having sex three times daily , the woman is on average likely to become infected within four months , and the man within a year .
19 His swearing in by Mr Husak will bring together the two opposite poles of Czechoslovak politics — the unyielding dissident and the man most closely connected with the hard-line Communist regime that followed the Soviet-led 1968 invasion .
20 Among the estate 's residents , the fact that several people have been charged or convicted of offences against the Ks cuts no ice : the estate version is that what took place was no more than a personal vendetta , between Ramesh K and the man who broke his nose .
21 ‘ Hopefully we will have some good news about the television contract , ’ said Cllr Peter Price , the council 's deputy leader and the man behind the project to bring the Games to Sheffield .
22 He lifted a hand off his cup in weary salute to one of his sergeants. a very dark Scot in a crumpled grey suit who was walking over from the counter , and the man altered course to sit opposite him .
23 McLeish reached out to steady him and the man looked up at him , unseeingly .
24 He asked the forensic team leader for his views and the man shook his head .
25 Arms and the man
26 And the man is rude : in the same debate , he was questioned by John Townend , a Tory MP who , while not exactly Socrates in a suit , is a perfectly amiable cove .
27 Let us imagine that they meet and the man begins : ‘ Darling , it 's awful to be apart from you .
28 She remembered only two things about New York with affection : the man at Pennsylvania Station , perched high in a little glass box , who announced the trains in the rhythm of a square dance , and the man who returned her purse which she 'd dropped on the platform — a black man .
29 And then the Hare-woman was coming through the door at the bottom of the stairs and the man with the cold eyes was watching again .
30 A brisk nod from the Sergeant indicated an end to the interview , and the man went back to his paper work .
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