Example sentences of "and [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 They argue that to rely exclusively on the electoral or parliamentary road to the goal of socialism is to shut-off the possibility of attaining that goal precisely because it overestimates the power of party and the democratic state ; underestimates rival centres of power ; and minimises the moderating implications of parliamentary democracy and much else besides .
2 compatibility between resources and outputs the type and level of resources anticipated .
3 She averts her eyes and pricks the tear in her tights with one incisive nail .
4 The gunner looks through his optical sight , lines it up with an enemy tank and squeezes a trigger to fire a laser that measures the range .
5 The organizer starts and squeezes the hands of the person next to him .
6 she then ‘ picks up ’ the open stitches ( a fine circular needle is wonderful for this ) , returns these stitches to the machine and knits a new rib ( going downwards ) or whatever is required .
7 We 're now going to see how the carriage can do non-selective slip ( that is where ALL the needles slip ) , and in a DIRECTIONAL way — when the carriage SLIPS one way and KNITS the other .
8 Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis ( BTI ) , otherwise known as serotype H-14 of B. thuringiensis , is a spore-forming bacterium that produces a crystal of toxic protein which paralyses the mouthparts and gut and destroys the gut epithelium of any mosquito larva that ingests it .
9 On the other hand to disassociate the Church from the Kingdom breaks the nerve-cord of hope and destroys the community of commitment to Christ as Saviour and Lord .
10 ‘ It leaves the Scottish Office with egg on its face and destroys the validity of responses made during the consultation exercise . ’
11 Sowing a mixture of resistant varieties of barley in a field reduces losses and slows the spread of fungal pests .
12 " To put in repair " is sometimes used and imposes no greater obligation than " to repair " any more than to keep " in repair " , " in good repair " , " in sufficient repair " or " in tenantable repair " ( Anstruther-Gough-Calthorpe v McOscar [ 1924 ] 1 KB 716 ) .
13 The relatively low slewing rate of the LM308A is responsible for this and imposes a limit on clock frequency of 15kHz if such an eventuality is at all likely .
14 In terms of the role-mapping model of plural reference , we would suppose that the use of and imposes a constraint which specifies the two individuals as playing the same grammatical role .
15 Both these versions of the expertise theory assure us that the special expertise of directors at once justifies conferring upon them the discretion to run the business and imposes a restraint on how they exercise that discretion .
16 Section 1 of the Education ( Scotland ) Act 1981 gives parents a right to select the school they wish their children to attend and imposes a duty on education authorities to comply with parental choice , unless one of a limited number of circumstances applies .
17 However , if the US wins , and imposes an old-fashioned pax americana , then we can confidently predict a rematch in the future .
18 5.20 Keyholders To ensure that at all times the Landlord has [ and the local Police force has ] written notice of the name home address and home telephone number of at least [ 2 ] key holder[s] of the Premises While this is not necessarily objectionable it is a provision that is easily overlooked and imposes an obligation on the tenant which may not be appropriate in the circumstances .
19 If the court accepts the creditors ' petition and grants a winding up order the company will come under the control of the Official Receiver ( a civil servant from the Department of Trade and Industry known as the OR ) .
20 Chicago-based advertising screens on shopping trolleys specialist VideOcart Inc has persuaded IBM Corp to let it restructure its $42m debt to IBM , to provide the company with relief from near term debt payments and enable it to attain its business goals : a $22m debt would replace the existing debt , giving VideOcart a one-time balance sheet gain of $20m ; terms of the new agreement include waiving all principal and interest payments until July 31 , and VideOcart retains its rights under a previous agreement with IBM that allows early repayment of the new $22m debt at any time for $17m in cash ; VideOcart also agreed to cancel a warrant granted last year to IBM to buy 540,000 VideOcart shares and grants a new warrant to buy 600,000 shares at $1.75 each ; from August 31 to December 31 , interest only payments will be due , but payments of $500,000 a month will be due beginning on January 31 1994 and will continue for 35 months , and a balloon payment will be due on December 31 1996 , although IBM has the option to convert the balance of the debt into VideOcart common shares at $8 a share on that date .
21 Just when circumstances are their darkest , the fairy godmother appears in a wonderful burst of light , waves her magic wand , and grants the heroine 's dearest wishes .
22 Or is it gulped down quickly , before someone comes in and points an accusing finger ?
23 A reconsideration of these moves us onto a more analytical plane , and points the way forward to discussion in subsequent chapters .
24 the article from insurance law monthly summarises the current law and points the way forward .
25 NI charts the Right 's revolution and points the way to resistance .
26 At the point where the program is trying to set up the tutorial files it reports that it is unable to find ‘ Festina Text ’ and skips the entire operation .
27 Outside , a winter gale blusters against the sides of the house and swishes the branches of trees to and fro .
28 When you and your dog are forced to survive at a very basic level , you share the kind of experience that fastens and tightens a solid bond .
29 One holds the spindle steady whilst the other fits into the twin holes on the wheel nut and tightens the disc in place .
30 The Ultratone Facial firms and tightens the muscles , lifting your facial contours for a healthier , younger looking face .
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