Example sentences of "and [v-ing] the " in BNC.

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1 The room , reached this time from the veranda , was just as lovely as she had remembered , and after folding some clothes neatly in drawers and hanging the rest on satin-padded hangers in the wardrobe she fussed for quite some time with the scanty collection of knick-knacks she had brought , trying to arrange them so that they harmonised with the tranquil simplicity of the décor .
2 To accompany the cross assembler a linker will perform the usual task of allocating addresses to the assembled code modules and attaching the run-time libraries to generate an executable program .
3 The final events that lead our dieter to break the diet are quite concrete , namely , walking into a café , seeing and smelling the pastries , and seeing other people happily enjoying them .
4 They walked hand in hand through the warm summer dusk , their arms entwined , her head upon his shoulder , listening to the drowsy lullaby of ships ' hooters from the river , and smelling the scent of soft tar upon the roadway .
5 After leaving the sensation , visitors can spend their time touching and smelling the samples of hops , malt and barley stacked nearby , while a static display shows them how the ingredients are used in the brewing process , and a second display shows them the secret of the widget in the cans of Draught Guinness .
6 Through their power of patronage , the King and the Lords were able to exert " influence " over the composition of the lower chamber so oiling the relations between the King and the representatives of the people and cementing the elements of the constitution into some kind of working whole .
7 Some of these mudflows rushed through Herculaneum and engulfed it completely ; crushing some buildings and smothering the rest twenty metres deep in a slowly consolidating welter of mud , pumice , boulders and debris .
8 Begin by stitching the longer length on the left hand side , bringing it under Teddy 's chin and tucking the shorter length under it as it crosses his shoulder .
9 Use to cover the top rounded side of the mixing bowl cake , leaving the cut free and tucking the edges underneath .
10 Then , still smiling and holding her confused startled gaze , he brushed her cheek softly with the head of the flower , almost as though he was bestowing a caress , before leaning forward and tucking the stem behind her ear .
11 On the speakers , Kim Carnes was feeling it in the air and praising the Universal Song .
12 He wrote to the county council recommending the couple and praising the care of residents in their privately run home .
13 They created this distressed finish by marking and denting the guitar all over with a tool which gave the instrument a used/vintage appearance .
14 The private work she has undertaken in bereavement counselling and nursing the terminally ill has given her intense fulfilment .
15 The Duke had a passion for practical jokes-wetting people with hoses and putting itching powder in their beds — and he was a devoted animal lover , always surrounded by dogs and preferring the ugliest because no-one else would be kind to it .
16 The new country rejected the new name Azania on the grounds that it had slave origins — and preferring the sense that it was a vital part of the continent as a whole .
17 Archaeologists , anthropologists and psychologists are all guilty of shovelling up a multitude of references to the feminine and labelling the heap as the ‘ Great Mother ’ .
18 British Coal chairman Neil Clarke has stated publicly that the industry 's future depends on securing advantageous terms and stemming the ‘ dash for gas ’ by the generators .
19 At the same time the government announced a package of new measures under which ( i ) the minimum wage was increased by 18 per cent from Nov. 18 ; ( ii ) a 40 per cent cut in income tax for those earning up to four times the minimum wage was to take effect in 1991 ; ( iii ) petrol prices were increased by 20 per cent and diesel oil , liquid gas and electricity prices by 30 per cent ; ( iv ) the peso 's rate of progressive devaluation against the US dollar was halved from 80 centavos to an " average " of 40 centavos a day , a depreciation rate of 5 per cent per year , as part of a anti-inflationary move aimed at fixing a future parity for the two currencies and stemming the flight of capital abroad .
20 The sad fact is that although the ostensible reason for the dolphin kills was that dolphins were stealing and eating the commercial fish species , examination of their stomach contents showed that only the false killer whales were actually feeding on yellowtail .
21 ‘ You are what you eat ’ is a favourite maxim , and eating the right things is important in order to be healthy at every stage of life .
22 Keeping weight down , getting exercise and eating the right foods are important to beauty as well as health .
23 With regular brisk walking , and eating the right kinds of food , we should be fit and healthy without having to resort to extreme , fanatical exercise routines or slimming diets .
24 After the fish have spawned , remove the adults to prevent them from turning cannibal and eating the eggs .
25 Significantly , they are convinced that such extreme instances of violent behaviour can have only one purpose : killing and eating the enemy .
26 He 'd end up beating his wife , bullying his kids and eating the parrots .
27 We woke abnormally late at 8.00 am and sat in the garden of the house for an hour drinking coffee and eating the bread one of the Corporals had bought in the village that morning .
28 Drinking the sea and eating the rock
29 By separating waste at source , and re-using the materials which can be reprocessed , we will have less waste to dispose of , less land will be needed for landfill and lower levels of pollution will result .
30 Mrs Thatcher 's achievements in taming the trade unions , reducing inflation , introducing privatization and more commercial values into the public sector , and recovering the Falklands gave scope for her adversary talents .
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