Example sentences of "and [vb base] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Skills develop and change to compensate partially for the changing capacities .
2 The nightmares and perception of strange smells that we shall see in our more modern writers were as prevalent in mediaeval times : ‘ He dremyth dredful dremes of derknesse and ferdfull to se , and of stynkynge sauoure and smelle . ’
3 The rolling forest of Wensleydale that surrounded Bainbridge has gone now , with its deer and wild boar , but the horn that was blown at dusk every evening between Holyrood and Shrovetide to lead travellers out of the forest to safety still hangs behind the bar of the Rose and Crown , although it is blown now only at village weddings .
4 Psychologists have observed that in a group composed of men and women , the men usually set the agenda , choose topics for discussion , and tend to answer most of the questions posed during the group discussions .
5 Second , once divested of their zonae , embryos of all stages are very sticky and tend to adhere to one another as well as to most culture dishes .
6 Another drawback is that many census estimates concentrate on natural change ( i.e. the difference between births and deaths ) and tend to ignore the most effective component of population change in the western world , migration .
7 The latter relax annoyingly when not in use and tend to slide out of place .
8 Boys appear to outnumber girls by about five to one , but it may be that girls with the problem are less overtly hyperactive , and tend to display more subtle symptoms , such as inattention , speech disorders and mood changes , which may not always be identified as hyperkinetic syndrome .
9 Some of the older clubs were narrowly evangelical , but Russell wanted to see religion used ‘ to comprehend all the impalpable influences which give a club a grip on its boys and tend to awaken their higher nature or further their spiritual development ’ .
10 If the former are sometimes rather abstract and theoretical , the latter often show relatively little concern with trends or issues outside their own field , and tend to draw few parallels .
11 And the latter do better — and are worth more in the telecoms market place — than ‘ ingenieurs maison ’ , who have not graduated from an engineering or telecoms school , have difficulty in making the all important transition from ‘ technicien ’ to ‘ cadre ’ status , and tend to form the most militantly unionized ‘ lumpenproletariat ’ of say , the DGT or Alcatel .
12 There is often a large sag in the line-up of boards , because although the people at either end are confident that they are not over the line , the people in the middle can not judge their approach precisely and tend to hold back in caution .
13 They therefore rarely see ‘ the complete picture ’ and tend to lose track of an issue once discussion of it has been concluded .
14 have their quality problems , that 's where you can score over but the prices are very very low and tend to pick them up .
15 A lot of the arts fellows think Humphrey 's a bit of a twit and tend to talk down to him .
16 They also have broad noses and sideways facing nostrils , and tend to sit in a hunched position when at rest .
17 When you first start using a program you are unsure of the keystrokes and tend to fumble .
18 Men may , for example , both see themselves as ‘ stronger ’ than women and tend to see women as more weak and passive , but also see women as having a power over them that can seem to engulf the man in forms of emotional dependence by which he may feel threatened .
19 Elderly people , with those in later middle age , are more likely to be shocked or outraged by sexual practices which they consider undesirable — and tend to see a wider range of sexual practices as such .
20 But unfortunately , professionals are often deeply mistrustful of advocacy organizations and tend to see advocates as intruders creating a barrier to communication between the professional and the service-user .
21 Store detectives work about seven hours a day , including breaks , and tend to earn from £8,000-£10,000 per year To avoid getting too well known , they have a patch of around 10 shops which they patrol on a rota basis .
22 Social inequities mean rich white people have access to better housing , diet , health care , and other facilities than poor black people and tend to live longer .
23 After all , some dot matrix printers can actually produce a greater number of dots per inch than a page printer , it 's just that they are bigger dots and tend to overlap .
24 planaria tend to shun the light and move towards the dark , they are sensitive to touch and keep the undersides of their body in contact with solid objects , move towards food , and tend to move upstream in water currents .
25 Donkeys acquire infection as foals and yearlings and tend to remain infected , presumably through re-exposure , all their lives .
26 ( 1986 ) and Borgman ( 1980 ) have found from their studies that older children especially are not willing to move to a new family if contact with their biological families is to be severed , though of course some children may be unable to voice their reluctance and tend to go along with the plans .
27 Cos even when I , I 've been to see like , you know ones I just sit there and tend to go , yeah .
28 Basically the system is our cover note book control , er , we issue cover note books to agents and it 's up to us to make sure that they 're all issued in sequence , as their legal documents etc , and a minute a gap comes up we have to chase them etc , it 's run by erm , people quite low units and they scared of a job and tend to put it off as lose , and I want to visit and try and influence them so I can give them some help and to change it and bring it up to date , because it 's er .
29 They often feel they know it all and tend to give the impression that they are ‘ experts ’ on blacks .
30 I mean in my opinion that 's a good thing , but it 's had the effect of school governors , not having had any training in appointing people , have this sort of stereotyped model in their mind and tend to give promotion to men rather than to women .
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