Example sentences of "and [det] for " in BNC.

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1 Hargreaves continued the Sheffield pattern by mounting exhibitions by young artists in Imperial 's Consort Gallery , quality shows that soon attracted a following and that for years formed a regular feature of the London art scene .
2 Therefore the single pension would go up by £3.30 and that for married couples by £5.30 .
3 Eliot noted that in Australian religion Durkheim found the essential elements of all religion , and that for Durkheim communion , not worship , was the essential sentiment .
4 It was quite clear to me that 260,000 people would be reduced very substantially and that for every person who was made redundant in British Steel , seven people were affected — another three in the family , plus the people serving that family in the shops and in other ways .
5 The audience for the BBC 's nine o'clock news doubled to 13m on the day war broke out , and that for ITN rose by a third .
6 First , I saw that she was chosen , and that for all time ‘ all generations will call [ her ] blessed ’ ( Luke 1.48 ) .
7 All this went down well enough with the members of the Institute , although it conveniently ignored both the fact that large numbers of those he excoriated had been encouraged into the professions by business parents and that for an entire decade ‘ the Establishment ’ had been elbowed aside by the Thatcher appointments policy .
8 Party strategists acknowledge that the overwhelming weight of opinion polls has been against them — and that for Mr Major to win tomorrow he would need a movement in public opinion greater than that achieved in nine of the past 10 election campaigns .
9 I had to accept the fact that he was an individualist , and that for him the only tolerable war was one in which he felt he was making some personal contribution — personal , but never ‘ glory-seeking ’ , as he had made clear in 1940 , not least by being prepared to postpone obtaining his commission .
10 The former is not yet available , this one and that for the Grapevine video will be prepared this summer and should be available during September .
11 You had to have meals-on-wheels because that was what there was , and particularly the meals-on-wheels study we did in Islington [ Barker & Noble , 1983 ] which clearly indicated that half the recipients desperately needed meals-on-wheels , but they needed a lot of other things as well , and that for the other half they were inappropriate anyway .
12 The accommodation schedule for the War Department was completed on 13th September and that for the Foreign Office on 20th September .
13 They suggested that pupil results should be presented as an attainment profile and that for each subject there should be a very small number of ‘ profile components ’ which reflected the variety of knowledge skills and understanding to which a study of the subject gave rise .
14 In December 1697 a civil list of £700,000 a year was established , which , for the first time , distinguished between money provided for defence purposes and that for the other expenses of government .
15 General pictures of what happens during the middle years are inevitably flawed , but they suggest that a change often takes place in marriage at that time and that for many people satisfactions come from sources outside the couple 's relationship .
16 If the 30 km/h is achieved through third gear defensive driving , the reduction in hydrocarbon emission is as high as 20 per cent and that for nitrous oxide nearly 50 per cent .
17 It is astonishing to think that in the forty-odd years after the invention of printing , no fewer than ninety-four editions came off the presses of Europe ; and that for four centuries there has been almost no year in which a new edition has not appeared in England .
18 Student bedroom heating is normally switched off during holiday periods and that for communal areas reduced to a minimum , but no detailed apportionment has been carried out .
19 The S.M.O. was of the opinion that this was the third , not second night , and that for twenty-four hours before he was knocked down the patch of consolidation had started forming in Bill Francis 's lung .
20 With regard to the former , Arnauld argued against Malebranche that ‘ objective presence ’ to a mind does not require ‘ local presence ’ , and that for something to be objectively present to a mind is not the same thing as for it to be causally active on it .
21 A contrasting perspective , however , which makes little allowance for the effects of collective bargaining arrangements , is the study of democracy in British and US unions by Edelstein and Warner ( 1975 ) , and that for Mexico by Thompson and Roxborough ( 1982 ) .
22 For therapeutic and professional staff to reflect the cultural backgrounds of the children , and that for all children , including those with special needs , their day-care environment and activities to express a consciousness of the multicultural society in Islington .
23 Perhaps Spinoza could have strengthened it in various ways , by saying that people can not on odd occasions deliberately act out of the character they try to give their lives , without destroying that character , and that for the rational person the character of a life which includes good relations with other people at large is essential for personal fulfilment .
24 Wendler concludes ‘ there is no such thing as an open system in 1992 , ’ and that for users , the economic benefits of going open systems have so far been only ‘ anecdotal . ’
25 It can be argued that the requirement of obtaining leave is the price for the generous standing rule under Ord. 53 , and that for this reason the standing rule for hybrid judicial review actions not brought under Ord. 53 ( for which leave is not required ) should be stricter than that under Ord. 53 .
26 It is said that one of the merits of ‘ Documenta ’ this time round is that , with four much-travelled curators , it is truly international in its scope , and that for the first time it takes account of artists not operating in the great ‘ art capitals ’ …
27 She argues that one 's feelings are a source of knowledge as well as being a result of understanding , and that for both social and biological reasons they are gender-related .
28 Now of course at this point , with many singers , one would have to change key , go into the minor , and report that , though this may have been the vocal prime , interpretative maturity still lay in the future , and that for artistic satisfaction one would have to turn to the well-known recordings of later years .
29 That this unit is relatively ‘ shallow ’ genealogically speaking , i.e. that it tends to consist of two generations only and that for many couples the main tie of commitment and responsibility is the conjugal one .
30 She often shrewdly suspected that they found it hard work too , and that for all their signatures of fondest love they did not really like her ; they wanted her , they thought that she would do , but they did not really like her .
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