Example sentences of "and [vb past] on " in BNC.

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1 Matthew Evans was to split his role and that the hunt was on for a new m.d. , rumours that Mr Evans was ‘ bailing out ’ and the company was on the block were fanned by the trade 's more supportive friends at Private Eye and pounced on by publishers overexcited at the prospect of getting their hands on , if not the company , then at least some of its authors .
2 What the voters perceived and clung on to , especially in London , was that there has been a revolution in Britain in the 1980s and that it would be foolish to put it at risk because of deeply felt resentment at the recession .
3 Willie blushed and clung on to the top of the blankets .
4 Alix suspected this , and clung on to him the more tightly , rejecting Deborah 's support , rejecting everything except a little money ‘ to see her through ’ .
5 Ashley wobbled and clung on .
6 Seconds later they were off again , and she shut her eyes tight , pressed her cheek against his back and clung on like a limpet .
7 Then the Cid bade his banner move on , and the Bishop Don Hieronymo pricked forward with his company , and laid on with such guise , that the hosts were soon mingled together .
8 Then suddenly , he came to a decision , and plunged on before he had time to reconsider it
9 She hesitated , took a deep breath , and plunged on .
10 She crossed her fingers and plunged on .
11 Then he kicked his horse forward and led on out of the yard .
12 It 's that at the age of 34 , fourteen years after first shambling on stage in downtown Chicago , having criss-crossed the stand-up circuit from coast to coast and guested on very hip chat show from David Letterman to Arsenio Hall , he should be bigger than he is .
13 Startled staff dived for cover as the liquid dung splashed against outside walls , whizzed through windows and splattered on to desks , chairs , computers and carpets .
14 He punched one of them in the hindquarters ; it moved a pace and grazed on .
15 Roland copied out this passage and read on , but could find no further reference to Miss LaMotte , though Ash was a fairly frequent host and guest .
16 Jim shook his head and read on .
17 Perhaps she is getting bored , ’ said Breeze , and read on .
18 ‘ Poor bloke , ’ she said soberly , and read on , her expression registering distaste .
19 Esther Breuer made a note to order Oxenholme 's monograph on Signorelli , and read on , waiting for some little current to leap from one open page to the other , from one lobe of the brain to the other , and to ignite a new twig of meaning , to fill a small new cell of the storehouse of her erudition .
20 Make a note of the options you choose ( more than one is allowed ) and read on overleaf .
21 Coffin drank thirstily , and read on .
22 Theda had thought her own small portion would come next , but the lawyer cleared his throat again , and read on .
23 As with all friendships that endure , the danger areas were established and agreed on , without rancour .
24 Find another two people to be prayer partners with you once a week so that some of these prayer burdens can be shared and agreed on and so that you can be spurred on by each other 's zeal in prayer .
25 Jan Indian-striped my cheek with lipstick and hopped on to the platform , turning to shout : ‘ They 'll think I 'm one too , Monica !
26 She gave up and rode on .
27 He assumed that by now the allied Generals must be aware of the French advance , but it was still his duty to report what he had seen and so he kicked back his heels , waved farewell to the Prussians , and rode on .
28 In 1072 William led a large army up to Stirling , forded the river there , and rode on to join up with his fleet entering the Tay .
29 But if he had wept his soul away , it would have made no difference ; so he mounted his horse and rode on .
30 The king 's son mounted his horse and rode on .
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