Example sentences of "and [vb infin] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It was easy to anticipate that respondents would be sensitive about such matters , and it was our general tolerance of such fears that continually led us to try to pacify and reassure respondents .
2 Boxborough , Massachusetts-based NEC Technologies Inc has introduced its UltraLite Versa Series , the first portable modular notebook that enables users to choose and change configurations as needed : prices go from $2,660 to $4,540 and users can change and upgrade components as needed — between pen and keyboard , for instance , with no tools .
3 Quite apart from the leisurely beginnings and ends of terms , the examination time , unexpected holidays , and festivals , requests for children to parade or sing or help with community work , there are the apparently inevitable absences of teachers : the headmaster to collect salaries , the senior teachers to mark and supervise examinations or attend panels , the married ladies to nurse sick children or to have babies .
4 In these circumstances , the senior staff will find it virtually impossible to teach and supervise students as well as provide the patients with adequate nursing care .
5 A report published on Oct. 17 by the human rights group Amnesty International stated that the security forces continued to detain and torture opponents of the government " with apparent impunity " under the continuing state of emergency imposed in 1981 .
6 In 1955 Miss Paterson was invited to lecture and conduct courses for teachers in Montreal and at Yale .
7 But because of the bureaucratic necessity to generalize and disregard distinctions too fine for large-scale enforcement and administration , some people are able to do better if they refuse to acknowledge the authority of this law .
8 We used regression analyses to estimate and compare models explaining the variations in men 's and women 's pay .
9 Although we can judge and compare lengths and temperatures to some extent , our naked intuitions of these properties are simply not accurate or reliable enough .
10 14.3 If any Party sub-contracts any work under the Project it shall ensure that the Sub-contractor enters into an appropriate confidentiality and restricted use agreement and it shall further ensure that it acquired the right to disclose and sub-license results generated under the sub-contract to the same extent that it can disclose and licence its own results .
11 Everybody had lived in villages , the Romans had to go and build towns .
12 They describe the tools and techniques used to create , design and build systems and programs which meet the real needs of users .
13 Bull is licensed to develop and build products based on IBM technologies such as the RISC architectures and the AIX Unix operating system , as well as the right to develop products based on research generated at the Somerset Design Centre in Austin , Texas , where Apple Computer Inc and Motorola Inc are also partners .
14 Their contemporary , Batty Langley , advertised in the City and County Builder 's Treasury as being able to ‘ design and build Grottos , Cascades , Caves , Temples , Pavilions , and other Rural Buildings of Pleasure … in the Grand Taste ’ , and this is what the Halfpennys did for Clutterbuck .
15 Attention should be paid to the representation of three-dimensional figures in two dimensions , Pupils should be able to recognise the two-dimensional drawing corresponding to a given solid , and be able to recognise and build solids from such drawings .
16 Their elegant and economical forms are the solutions to innumerable puzzles of how to plan and build animals and plants ( Figure 1 ) .
17 We may no longer need to raise money to build hospitals , but money is certainly needed to support and build hospices for the terminally ill and for those areas of health care that the hard-pressed resources of the National Health Service do not reach .
18 The Playhouse has superbly equipped scenic workshops and experienced staff who will design and build props and scenery to specification .
19 The hangar was used to service and prepare parachutes for the armed services .
20 During negotiation of the contract , the purchaser will continue to investigate the business but more thoroughly than before and will often instruct both lawyers and accountants to investigate and prepare reports on the business .
21 Teachers are required to plan and prepare lessons , assess and keep records of pupils ' progress , and maintain discipline .
22 Missi were supposed to hear and remedy complaints against counts and generally to function as direct lines of communication between court and locality , reporting difficult cases back to the king .
23 Its purpose is to diagnose and remedy weaknesses rather than to exclude from further study the students who do not perform well .
24 Keep all of your make-up in the fridge — eye crayons and lipsticks wo n't melt and nail varnishes wo n't separate .
25 Wooden boards are still popular , but the surface of cheap ones can crack and absorb bacteria .
26 She provides for the physical needs of the family , she is its emotional organizer , mediator of feelings , with a responsibility to dampen and absorb confrontations and generally keep the family running smoothly .
27 It was the deliberate disregard of the more sensuous and immediately appealing aspects of painting , and the temporary dismissal of all human and associational values , combined with the fact that they were working in a conceptual way , relying on memory as much as on visual models , that allowed the Cubists to distort and dislocate figures and objects to a degree hitherto unknown .
28 Erm amongst other things erm ceasing the responsibility of local authorities to provide sites erm have the new powers to move er illegal or unauthorised erm on , from the land including er , season caravans in certain instances erm the curtailment by the government of er , grants for local authorities to provide and construct sites having spent fifty six million pounds erm doing just that since nineteen seventy eight according to the report .
29 The sludge contains large amounts of nitrogen and phosphates that can fertilize tree growth , although used incorrectly it can pollute and damage trees .
30 They are able to say and think things , which are often very private , so as to make the event real for themselves .
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