Example sentences of "and [vb infin] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was easy to anticipate that respondents would be sensitive about such matters , and it was our general tolerance of such fears that continually led us to try to pacify and reassure respondents .
2 Boxborough , Massachusetts-based NEC Technologies Inc has introduced its UltraLite Versa Series , the first portable modular notebook that enables users to choose and change configurations as needed : prices go from $2,660 to $4,540 and users can change and upgrade components as needed — between pen and keyboard , for instance , with no tools .
3 Mr Risbridger said they planned to invest and upgrade dock facilities by developing riverside berths capable of handling 8,000 tonnes .
4 Depositors and liquidators of the failed bank served writs claiming both that the Bank fluffed its legal duty to regulate and supervise BCCI , and that it acted in bad faith , an accusation designed to bypass its broad legal immunity from prosecution .
5 Quite apart from the leisurely beginnings and ends of terms , the examination time , unexpected holidays , and festivals , requests for children to parade or sing or help with community work , there are the apparently inevitable absences of teachers : the headmaster to collect salaries , the senior teachers to mark and supervise examinations or attend panels , the married ladies to nurse sick children or to have babies .
6 A housing association will coordinate and supervise development activity .
7 In these circumstances , the senior staff will find it virtually impossible to teach and supervise students as well as provide the patients with adequate nursing care .
8 In short , a parliament must both support and supervise government , while at the same time maintaining itself as the focus of political debate and , above all , as the instrument for political change , by offering the electorate a credible alternative government .
9 A report published on Oct. 17 by the human rights group Amnesty International stated that the security forces continued to detain and torture opponents of the government " with apparent impunity " under the continuing state of emergency imposed in 1981 .
10 In well-designed organizations , the ability to change and remain dynamic is a key ingredient of continued competitiveness .
11 To cling to a Polish identity was to exclude oneself from the German monopoly on higher education and from all but menial employment in industry ; given the rapid depopulation of the countryside it was also to insist on the right to become and remain part of a backward , ignorant , illiterate , inward-looking agrarian people , stuck in a rural backwater with no access to the outside world , with scant interest from that world and little hope of progress .
12 First , only solicitors may begin and conduct litigation on behalf of others .
13 ‘ When he went to Fort Robinson in Nebraska to try and conduct peace talks , he knew he 'd be killed , ’ says Lee .
14 In 1955 Miss Paterson was invited to lecture and conduct courses for teachers in Montreal and at Yale .
15 This course provides the required knowledge and skills to plan and conduct improvement programmes for tree species .
16 Experience of being in the pew naturally plays an important part in forming perceptions of how to plan and conduct worship , and the place of music within it .
17 The Faculty offers opportunities to study and conduct research in most branches of law and legal scholarship .
18 This option enables you to install and deinstall upto 10 process models .
19 Option 7.3.1 — Install/Deinstall Process Models enables users with process model operations privilege to install and deinstall process models .
20 But because of the bureaucratic necessity to generalize and disregard distinctions too fine for large-scale enforcement and administration , some people are able to do better if they refuse to acknowledge the authority of this law .
21 On the beach or in the changing room it forces us to confront and compare size , shape and sexual attractiveness .
22 We used regression analyses to estimate and compare models explaining the variations in men 's and women 's pay .
23 You can browse and compare price and quality , without pressure to buy .
24 It might be that they can discuss and compare life during the Great War , or in the 1920s and 1930s ; or they might want to talk about how expectations , duties , responsibilities have changed since their childhood days .
25 Production of a CL emission spectrum is the only way to record and compare CL ‘ colours ’ objectively .
26 Although we can judge and compare lengths and temperatures to some extent , our naked intuitions of these properties are simply not accurate or reliable enough .
27 These procedures allow the designer to develop and compare mechanism designs on a computer-based system .
28 The main value of the conference was to pinpoint gaps in research into Archaic kouroi : incomplete photographic resources ; a lack of methodology to determine authenticity ; the absence of databases to store and compare information on the changes in composition of ancient stone .
29 This leads to the establishing of a model which attempts to identify and compare growth factors for the two business groups .
30 Christina followed her eagerly , laughing as she showed her friend how to body-surf on the smaller waves , and then how to dive and tread water waiting for a really big wave .
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