Example sentences of "and [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 This study was carried out to determine the number of haemophilic patients seropositive for HIV antibodies and the mortality from HIV infection and to confirm that young children were not being exposed to the virus .
2 monitor compliance with existing regulations to ensure consistency of application across the Group and to confirm that compliance is taking place .
3 It is to remind ourselves of the radical demands of God , and to realize that to call the Christian gospel ‘ good news ’ is to concentrate on only half the story .
4 I would have expected Esquire to be a little more imaginative than to jump on the anti-Essex bandwagon and to realize that you do n't have to be brainless to live in Braintree .
5 And it 's important for our staff to be aware of that , and to realize that we have got ta continue to give , those two clients I believe in particular , the best possible service we can provide .
6 However , strong competition from quality-minded foreign competitors forces manufacturers to work towards absolute quality and to realize that quality and cost are complementary — raising quality decreases cost .
7 Now I 'm putting it very simplistically and very starkly , but it does seem to me that we need to get a better balance about how we look at these things and to realize that if we 've got an efficient industry we will have a declining industrial workforce , what are the rest going to do ?
8 In 1667 the Marquess of Worcester , as Constable of St Briavels and Warden of the Forest of Dean , was ordered to revive the Forest courts there and to see that the Forest laws were obeyed : their discontinuance had brought about ‘ great destruction of timber and retardment of its future growth ’ .
9 The grazier 's main problems are to provide leys of palatable and nutritious grasses and clovers and to see that these are consumed in the lush , leafy state before they grow to stem and seed .
10 The duty of the auditor is to see that the accounts have been prepared in accordance with the legal requirements and to see that proper accounting practices have been observed in the compilation of the accounts .
11 As a result evidence … clearly showed that the two Constables had been idling and gossiping together at a place where one of them had no right to be … [ and ] that the Acting Sergeant , on his round of inspection , met these two Constables together , failed to note in his book , as was required in the regulations , the place where and the time where he met them , and to see that the Constables then noted in their books the time and place of his visit …
12 It is possible to provide motivation and to see that students are actively involved , say in a practical exercise during which they receive feedback as to their progress .
13 In Nigeria , it was the Resident 's task , not the emir 's , to assess the people for taxes and to see that the tax was collected .
14 Hailey 's chief preoccupations , then , were to find ways of keeping educated Africans ( of whose mental capacities he took , incidentally , a dim view ) from making a successful bid for power at the centre of the colonial system , and to see that there was no unconsidered rush to reform at the level of the localities .
15 As it does so , individuals are able to become more conscious of the assumptions about personal worth and ‘ correct conduct ’ that they themselves had been tacitly making , and to see that an alternative personal philosophy could generate greater inner strength , and decrease their dependency on other people 's approval .
16 Another way of thinking of this is to return to the tap metaphor and to see that the tap represents demands and the glass represents resources .
17 I believe , therefore , that Rousseau was right to look with apprehension on the fragmentation of society into a collection of interest groups , and to see that in such circumstances it is all too easy for the general interest , the good of the community as a whole , to be lost sight of .
18 If we can not win that support , we may as well go out of business , and it is our duty now at all events to make the best of the situation which has arisen and to see that everything is done to make our Party what Disraeli called it — and what , if it is to have any existence , It must be — a really national party .
19 What the NIRC was required to do was to make binding decisions , and to see that they were enforced , in the context of dispute between trade unions , individual workmen , employers , and employers ' federations .
20 The captain went round to check our places and our guns , and to see that everything was ready .
21 In November 1252 , for example , the king told him both to seek timber for the new roof of the abbey and to see that a great new bell was hung before the feast of St Edward : he was not to leave London until it was done .
22 He opened his eyes to be caught by the early morning sun , and to see that Bicker and the Myrcans were already awake and fixing breakfast .
23 It is important to verify policy cover and to see that this is correctly defined on the front sheet .
24 At this point I persuaded her to part with a small sample of blood to check for glandular fever and to see that she was n't anaemic .
25 I am particularly encouraged by the references to better facilities for pedestrians and cyclists , and to see that routes for them have been incorporated into all the major development sites where appropriate — and indeed given some prominence in the site maps .
26 Now to my mind that is not a question of being a snooper , a nark or even being a policeman , er it is er er indeed if we look at section fifteen of the local government finance act of nineteen eighty two er it it 's quite interesting to see the the words used because the auditor is under a duty , amongst other things , to see that the accounts are prepared in accordance with regulations er made under the act er to see that proper practices that have been followed and to see that the body of accounts that have been audited have made proper arrangements f for securing economy , efficiency and effectiveness .
27 And to see that the salt was there and the mattresses were up and that was great .
28 Now my concern is not really with trying to erm get outside people or people in universities to sort of be involved in evaluations necessarily , it 's with helping people within schools to acquire more skills in the area of evaluation , so that schools , whenever they feel it would be useful to them , have got enough professional expertise among their own members to be able to perhaps rather more the quality of their evaluation and to see that it gets put perhaps to rather more purpose .
29 He concludes with this paragraph : If religion throughout the ages , and certainly in many parts of the world today , has been used as a weapon for destructive purposes , are we not called to demonstrate that as people of faith we can both live in passionate commitment to our respective tradition and at the same time in compassionate respect for each other and to affirm that the faith commitment of each one is only truly realized when we live in that mutual respect accordingly ?
30 As a final point about the root definition , it is sometimes useful to express it as a statement to see if it makes reasonable sense , and to double-check that all the CATWOE factors have been considered .
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