Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 But they were not consulted , The Cabinet , had it wished , could of course have staged a revolt , But its collective mind was not nearly clear enough for that , and in any event , Chamberlain , embarrassed by his own self-interest , was almost the only minister who was both strong and wholly secure in his own job .
2 In view of the long list of orders that Harland and Wolff has procured — I welcome that , and wholly endorse what the Minister has said — the recent large pay-offs in the island are alarming .
3 In all you say about parents and children living in sweet sympathy and perfect knowledge of each other , in freedom of speech , comrades , friends confiding in each other , telling all and being listened to , and taught , in all this I entirely and wholly agree .
4 Unlike the Barometer , who is largely faithful and wholly site tenacious , The Earthquake puts out all over town .
5 It has delightfully bright , comfortable public rooms designed to ensure guests have everything needed for a relaxed and leisurely stay .
6 The president has at his disposal an array of bargaining counters that he must ceaselessly and skilfully deploy in countless negotiating situations .
7 One dog who was specifically brought in as a potential show dog and latterly stud dog was Ch.
8 Another and widely spread practice is for the head of a laboratory to add his name automatically to any paper published from it , though he may have no contribution at all to the work .
9 However , in some situations the melody is so pacific and widely spread that harmonic change can be relatively frequent , embroidering but not changing excessively the atmosphere .
10 From this modest start in 1905 the publication developed into a highly respected and widely read quarterly magazine which Ayliffe edited and to which he contributed until 1947 .
11 She published a history of the UDC , Builders of Peace ( 1924 ) , and from 1925 to 1928 was editor of the UDC journal , Foreign Affairs , which she aimed to make a more popular and widely read journal .
12 In private , politicians discuss the wisdom of membership of the Exchange Rate Mechanism and widely predict a devaluation within the ERM whichever party is in power next weekend .
13 are true and accurate and properly reflect and give a true and fair view of the financial position of the Vendor and of the Business as at the Balance Sheet Date ; and
14 It says officers did not ’ pursue and properly explore all avenues of inquiry ’
15 ( 2 ) The purchaser may have no confidence in either the vendor 's ability or the vendor 's intention to fully and properly disclose the liabilities of the company .
16 Mr Adair said : ‘ A responsible and properly run society needs a system of legal aid to enable those of poor or moderate means to have access to justice . ’
17 After a few reasonable take-offs and landings , said those dreaded words feared by all trainee pilots , ‘ Do you think you can manage on your own for one circuit ? ’ , and promptly got out of the plane , leaving me to do the usual pre take-off checks , taxi to the beginning of the runway and nervously accelerate down the runway to do a fair take-off .
18 and nervously steer the wobbling steels
19 When his solicitor had phoned to make the appointment , refusing to say why his client wished to see her , she had secretly prayed that fate might intervene and mercifully save her from this meeting .
20 There is no more exacting a yardstick of free-market principles than the pop charts , where the successful bask unashamedly in the spotlight and conspicuously consume the fruits of their success , while scant sympathy is expended on the failures .
21 Keep low and vigorously throw the rig across the board ( to the right ) before attempting to sheet in
22 We are also seeing the idea that you can mix geriatric , psychogeriatric and young chronic sick people in the one unit and successfully cater for the needs of all 3 groups .
23 I am also sure that schools will take these concepts , adapt them to their needs and circumstances and successfully absorb them , as they have with the many other innovations taken on board by education over the past few years .
24 We had the foresight to assess the situation and successfully sell case .
25 After all these years , I 'd taken something to bits and successfully put it all back together again .
26 By adopting this methodical approach you should avoid the pitfalls and successfully answer any questions set on this subject .
27 The conflict in which the state is supposed to be neutral is about the ability of people to choose and successfully pursue conceptions of the good ( and these include ideals of the good society or world ) .
28 With the assistance that is increasingly forthcoming from ordinary members of both sides of the community , they will resolutely and successfully pursue not just those who carry out terrorist attacks but also those who plan them .
29 can not be denied , but it would seem that man 's instinctive awareness of his mastery of his own destiny , is influenced by an equally instinctive awareness that he can not peacefully and successfully control that destiny unless he can locate , or himself create some supreme form of guiding influence which is recognised by all .
30 As you can see , if West had led his last spade dummy would have been forced to ruff and successfully play the ace of clubs .
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