Example sentences of "and [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is a stone building with a big low-pitched and stone-flagged roof , and its power is provided by two overshot waterwheels .
2 A large vertical shaft plunges suddenly and without prior warning at the bottom of a steep-sided and unfenced crater ; a slip could not be checked and a falling body would be swallowed by the black gulf and not come to rest until hitting the boulder floor 340 feet below .
3 However , this assumption does not take account of the substantial inter- and intra-embryo variation in developmental timing ( assessed with respect to morphological and/or cell cycle stage ) which is always encountered .
4 Following the dissolution of a breakaway university at Northampton by Edward I in 1264 , two hundred Cambridge and Oxford students , converted to Pelagianism , moved to Stamford , where there was already an established tradition of learning and heretical practice .
5 He stood up to indicate thai the conversation was at an end and that he had no wish to be involved as a partner in such blasphemous and heretical talk .
6 The Six original EC members , along with Spain , were committed to further developments like the Delors Plan , and Franco-German co-operation remained the back-bone of the unity movement .
7 British doubts about EMU were brushed aside and Franco-German co-operation was confirmed as the foundation stone of the Community .
8 Overall it seems likely that the existence , speed and intensity-correlated behaviour of QPOs in AGNs will provide severe constraints on models .
9 Aromatherapy massage is a gentle healing art , not a cold and unfeeling procedure .
10 Was it going to be the You Are Cold and Unfeeling Row , the Why Are You So Feeble Row , the Fat Row , the Racist Row , the Right-Wing how , the Left-Wing Row , the Merits of Jane Austen Row , the Driving Row , the Looking After Maisie Row or the Why Are You so Bitter and Twisted Row .
11 The noise of wheels on uneven roads mingled with the voices of the elite as they alighted at their respective destinations and made their slow and stately way into the houses which had lights in every room from attic to cellar .
12 In a poem like the ‘ Express ’ I believe we are dealing with a very involved , indeed fanatical , view of the journey , movement and stately presence of a train which seems to overpower not just the author himself but also the very universe and natural world in which it exists .
13 Iris had an American cousin staying with her and had been too busy dragging him round every art gallery and stately home in the county to have time for her .
14 The assessors wish to record their thanks to all who took part in what has been , as always , an enjoyable , educational , entertaining , informative , and character-building exercise .
15 Shearer is set to match Gary Lineker not only for his goals , but his impeccable behaviour and laid-back attitude .
16 Harvey , with his public school accent and laid-back manner , was a different kettle of fish .
17 This shall include a system of commercial banks operating according to private-sector principles , with competing private , co-operative and public-law banks , as well a free money and a free capital market and non-regulated interest-rate fixing on financial markets .
18 Are you plagued with watering eyes , blocked nose and incessant sneezing — all classic symptoms of hay fever ?
19 ‘ This remarkable fall of water , which happened at nine o'clock in the evening of the 22nd of August , 1749 , began with most terrible thunder , and incessant lightening , the preceding day having been extremely hot and sultry .
20 C.S. Lewis on the other hand would completely disagree with Waldock 's conclusion and claim conversely that ‘ to admire Satan is to admire a world of misery , lies , propaganda , wishful thinking and incessant autobiography ’ .
21 A fine draughtsman and noted expert in perspective , he was the first president of the Liverpool Society of Arts and exhibited in London at the Society of Artists .
22 Good negotiating discipline is to sum regularly , thereby ensuring points of progress are agreed and noted stage by stage .
23 The land , formerly the Burnside place estate , and a monetary gift of £10,000 , had been bequeathed to the city by one James McGill , a fur-trader and noted merchant .
24 Prior to sailing on its second delivery , Commander McGuinness toured the carrier and noted Wasp 's entire complement of F4F Wildcats parked on the open flight deck to accommodate the majority of the Spitfires in the enclosed hangar decks below .
25 Her second feeling was pity for her murdered and mutilated cousin and her third feeling was one of fear .
26 He 'd thrown rocks at windows of offices and works they 'd sacked him from , he 'd defaced buildings , scratched officials ' cars and mutilated bonnet mascots ( though that was largely for his own safety ) and he 'd made bomb-hoax telephone calls .
27 And then , on the verge of sleep , she was crashing with him through the bushes of that dreadful wood , feeling the briars scratching her legs , the low twigs whipping against her cheeks , staring with him as the pool of light from the torch shone down on that grotesque and mutilated face .
28 There are many other links of a similar kind — indeed , C&P does a lot of work for other parts of ICI in areas such as catalysis and fluorine chemistry .
29 ‘ Porridge-grey — and damn cold , ’ he commented on the weather .
30 Teleologies produce stable narratives in which the meaning of any conjuncture can be read off from the ‘ stage ’ it is supposed to represent in the dynamic unfolding of some ultimate and pre-defined goal .
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