Example sentences of "and [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We agree heartily with those that assert that IBM 's mid-range groups could embarrass and even hurt the company 's mainframe division by fielding impressively more clever and vastly more efficient computers .
2 A good public transport system would be cheaper , faster , safer , more comfortable , and vastly more efficient in energy and space .
3 No left at home left at home with the washing nice and properly like in fact going to do yours .
4 The concerts at 3pm and 7pm tomorrow will mark the second event of its type to be held in Darlington .
5 It was large and double-fronted , and conspicuously well kept .
6 Nik Cohn , the writer , described him as , ‘ an amiable fatman from Catford , a bit of a slag and conspicuously so but shrewd , funny and hard to dislike . ’
7 Male dark grey , with some white on flanks , and conspicuously long broad tail .
8 Uninterested in material things , and conspicuously more at home in jungles than in drawing rooms , he possessed a sweet distinction of bearing which impressed itself on all who met him .
9 They will argue that such job creation as may have taken place is temporary and artificial , that the cost of achieving even this was too high and that it would have been cheaper and industrially more advantageous if people from development areas had been forced or encouraged to move to the prosperous areas .
10 The yellow variegation found in those of dubious sexual status is bright and jolly too .
11 And luckily too .
12 I 'm not actually sure what model it is — I think it 's a 335 Dot — but I 've just been out and bought another one for a spare , and luckily enough it feels exactly the same .
13 And luckily enough
14 Throughout our long conversation his head is constantly in motion , eyes darting to and fro consciously avoiding my gaze .
15 The woman pondered , pushing the baby 's pram to and fro absently .
16 While Pottz tacked to and fro energetically seeking out the elusive peak , Richie dropped anchor and contemplated the horizon .
17 Frankenstein was walking to and fro now , muttering to himself .
18 So , I took my bicycle and was able to ride to and fro daily .
19 The bottle was in his right hand and he swung it to and fro once or twice , apparently judging its weight .
20 Roughly speaking , the parts of England most affected by this type of planning form a great belt which sweeps round from Flamborough Head on the Yorkshire coast , down through the Midlands as far as the Dorset coast , and thence north-eastwards along the chalk uplands to the Norfolk coast .
21 Using a southern route , supplies landed at the government-held Red Sea port of Asab were transported by lorry inland to Dese and thence northwards into Tigre , to both government-controlled and rebel-held areas .
22 Next , he took each hand in turn , and smeared the greasy oil between her fingers , and thence upwards to the slope of her shapely shoulders .
23 It was their first time in ‘ the West ’ and they intended to cycle on into France and thence home via Belgium , the Netherlands and North Germany .
24 One might ask why the non-indigenous whites who ran private farms ( and thereby improperly ‘ unsettled ’ other natives ) are assumed to ‘ use ’ rather than ‘ destroy ’ all the valuable timber .
25 Sea worms , living in tubes , aerate their burrows periodically by washing water through them and thereby both receive oxygen from the fresh flow of water and keep their tubes clean .
26 Apart from advancing West German claims for equality , and thereby effectively removing one of the striking drawbacks which the EDC would sooner or later have had to face , the WEU structure achieved no significant results .
27 They urged the EC to extend the generalized system of preferences ( GSP ) to a range of products from the region , and thereby effectively to allow them duty-free entry to the European market .
28 The appropriate response , however , is not to alter the law so as to allow euthanasia , and thereby arguably undermine the respect for life enshrined both in the law and medical training .
29 By absorbing these , the subject is then in turn able to impose them upon some new domain not previously encountered , and thereby immediately to assimilate this into its particular cultural order .
30 The patient may elect for and consent to treatment B and thereby impliedly decline to consent to treatment A. Again there will be no problem .
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