Example sentences of "and [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 To see how sensitive the results are to this treatment , Model 1 , the best specification , was re-estimated by imposing the restrictions that and as Models 4 and 5 respectively .
2 Conversely , reputable composers became more interested in popular music , the tunes of which they preserved in keyboard or lute arrangements and as themes for instrumental variation or even for Masses .
3 Only in Prussia and the eastern border districts was the emancipation not revoked for the simple reason that the Junkers needed the Jews to operate between the Prussian nobles and the German peasants , and as go-betweens for the Prussian Poles .
4 Available as a treacly paste containing Indian pennywort , sandalwood powder , liquorice , cardamom and cinnamon , and as tablets with black musale , butterfly pea , Indian wild pepper and elephant creeper .
5 The centralization of papal government , which was a feature from Gregory VII 's pontificate onwards , depended on the building up of the curia and the use of the cardinals in the administration and as advisers .
6 Pupils should continue to develop in their dual roles as makers of meanings in their own texts and as receivers and makers of meaning in the texts of others .
7 If the rate of expenditure is important to the client , the budget also needs to be expressed as a cash-flow forecast for the total project and as forecasts for financial years .
8 He also said that the EC hoped by the summer to complete negotiations on an energy charter involving 50 countries which would serve as a blueprint for co-operation in developing oil and as resources in Eastern and Central Europe .
9 They have been used for many years as propellants in aerosols , in the production of some foam packaging and as coolants in refrigerators .
10 You will appreciate that as Chairman I have not given up the fight to get as much financial aid and help as is possible to keep our heads above water ; we must fight to keep all that we hold dear and promote the Medau that we all benefit from both in health and fitness , and as teachers , financially .
11 In particular , it was contrary to articles 7 , 52 and 221 in as much as it created a complete barrier to freedom of establishment in the United Kingdom for individuals as owners and operators of fishing vessels and as directors and shareholders of companies owning or operating such vessels .
12 To re-elect Messrs and as Directors of the Company .
13 Médecin resigned as mayor of Nice and as Alpes-Maritimes Council president in an open letter sent from Osaka in Japan , where he was on an official visit .
14 CFCs have two major uses : as foam-blowing agents in plastics used for insulation and as refrigerants .
15 The banks operate as principals ( operating their own accounts ) and as agents for their own customers .
16 They will also have the ability and confidence to tackle professional problems , to communicate their ideas and to work effectively both individually and as members of a team .
17 Women have power as housewives , wives and mothers , and as members of the community .
18 For students — young people and adults alike — it will mean more opportunities to gain new skills , obtain qualifications and develop fully the roles that they need to fulfil themselves at work and as citizens .
19 These tests have been used for individual student assessment and as instruments for the product evaluation of instructional programmes .
20 For a people who pride themselves on their love of animals , and considering the age-old human dependence on animals for food and work and as pets , it seems strange that a college to train veterinary surgeons in this country was only established two hundred years ago in response to a plan proposed by a Frenchman .
21 Gorbachev on Jan. 5 decreed that " in order to activate the implementation of land reform " republican and local authorities should make an inventory of " lands which are not being used in a rational manner by collective and state farms " , and of the land holdings of USSR ministries , with a view to making these available leasehold to private farmers and as allotments for town dwellers .
22 He does n't categorize in good , bad , and not so bad , it is all sin to him and as sinners , he loves us .
23 But I believe it might be possible to get the universities and polytechnics in future to accept a way of selecting candidates that was radically different from either A levels alone , or A and AS levels .
24 Banks have a dual role , as agents for their customers who buy and sell foreign exchange , and as dealers themselves in foreign exchange .
25 Spink 's main activities are as auctioneers and dealers in coins and medals and as dealers in Oriental works of art and British pictures .
26 The warden frequently received orders from the king to take timber in the forest for building operations , for firewood and charcoal for the king 's needs , and as gifts for subjects .
27 They are well exhibited in the Machilidae , where they are present in a reduced condition on the 2nd to 9th segments , and as cerci on the 11th segment .
28 Criterion descriptions may be regarded as setting curriculum objectives , as describing the performance of those attaining the objectives , and as specifications for test items or assessment situations .
29 The mixed ESS could be realized in nature either by a population containing W÷D hawk individuals and 1 - ( W÷D ) dove individuals , or by a population all of whose members behaved as hawks in W÷D of their contests and as doves in 1 - ( W÷D ) of them .
30 Learn to study footnotes for further information and as clues to the scholarship and plausibility of the historian 's arguments .
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