Example sentences of "and [adj] at " in BNC.

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1 Adam thought of himself and Rufus as being wild and laid-back at the same time , equally like that , young adventurers with all the world before them and all the time they wanted to do what they liked with .
2 ‘ Why not tell her now ? ’ said Rachaela , shrinking and cruel at once .
3 The response time between the instant at which the operator strikes a key and that at which the reply from the system begins to appear on the screen should be less than one second .
4 This is the stage at which outside help is often sought — and that at which it often becomes a bitterly complicated exercise to sort out the contributory threads of relationship and sex itself .
5 But then if you did it at the stage before , before it gets into the Scottish Theatre Guide you can then make your dates available or you can agree your dates and you can get publicity and that at home .
6 Counting out the money and that at night cos there 's only two of us in it .
7 Cyclic sedimentation has long been recognised here , with the succession at the east end of the island largely marine , and that at the west end largely continental .
8 Its bronze-gold wings were tightly wrapped around its body but the long equine head turned this way and that at the end of a remarkably prehensile neck .
9 that 's what Dougy done when he , that Saturday afternoon when he was and that at the
10 Marsh , relieved of his post as vice-captain and opening batsman after producing just 185 runs at 26 in four Tests against India and 226 at 25 in West Indies early in 1991 , appeared to accept the logic behind his demise , the first time in a 50-Test career he had been dropped .
11 He would leave home immediately after lunch and come back between ten and eleven at night . ’
12 The composition of the new cabinet announced in February 1957 constituted Franco 's attempt to resolve the dilemma he faced by being both immobile and innovative at the same time !
13 Four hundred and eighty pounds all done at four eighty , five hundred and fifty , six hundred and fifty at six fifty now , any more ?
14 All done , three eighty , four hundred four twenty , four fifty , four eighty , five hundred and fifty , six hundred and fifty , seven hundred and fifty at seven hundred and fifty pounds , any more ?
15 Lot one two seven Laurencekirk box , there it is , thank you and I have four hundred offered and twenty four fifty , four eighty , five hundred and fifty at five fifty now , any more at five fifty ?
16 Seven fifty eight hundred eight fifty nine hundred and fifty at a thousand pounds eleven hundred twelve hundred twelve hundred against you sir , thirteen hundred fourteen hundred fifteen hundred sixteen hundred seventeen hundred eighteen hundred nineteen hundred two thousand any more sir ?
17 Thank you , Lot number eighty four Lot number eighty four a square seal there 's the seal showing eighty for this one , at eighty pounds at eighty pounds , eighty five , ninety , ninety five , a hundred pounds and ten one twenty thirty one forty fifty one hundred and fifty at the back against one sixty one seventy eighty one ninety two hundred two hundred to my right , at two hundred pounds , any more at two hundred , two twenty , a new bidder two fifty , at two hundred and fifty , two eighty three hundred offered I 'm offered three hundred to my right and selling for three hundred pounds .
18 You 'd have to get two hundred and fifty at least , would n't you ?
19 She is studying English , history , French and Spanish at A-level and English at S level and , as something of an all-rounder , says she enjoys sport as ‘ inexpert fun . ’
20 Tom ( 4 years old ) was described as disruptive and disobedient at home .
21 Or a horse that is peaceable and tolerant at one instant , may suddenly become bored , then resistant , then irritable , then angry and explosive .
22 I was very annoyed and upset at the time because there were other girls of my age in the dale and they could go and I could not .
23 Remembering that the elderly often become quite anxious and upset at the prospect of any change or disturbance of their normal routine , however pleasing the end-result promises to be , you will need to take anything they may regard as an ‘ upheaval ’ very slowly .
24 Akram said : ‘ We are all tired and upset at the accusations .
25 The wind ruffled the dark water ; orange leaves made its surface jagged and sloppy at once .
26 All cases were selected from ileal pouches constructed between 1973 and 1986 at The Mount Sinai Hospital .
27 Apart from being slimmer and healthier at the end of the diet , you should also be quite knowledgeable on the subject of diet in general , and be your own expert on the diet that 's right for you .
28 One man who emerged from the tour with much credit was Alan Smith , the manager , who had been diplomacy personified during the political crisis and sensitive and supportive at the time of Barrington 's death .
29 Norman Pereira has drawn attention to four points between 1856 and 1861 at which , but for the tsar , forward movement might have come to an end .
30 Ken 's job in the library often leaves him tired and touchy at the end of a day .
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