Example sentences of "and [adv] they " in BNC.

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1 Dandelions are natives of Europe and Asia , and botanically they form a difficult and much varied group with many microspecies , but for the herbalist 's purposes , these are of no moment .
2 Zuwaya said they should not watch television together ; sons should not smoke in their father 's presence , nor try to wheedle or coax money from them ; and mostly they did not do those things .
3 ‘ It happens hundreds of times a day in this city and mostly they get away .
4 It could be done in less than a week by men working with vigour , and mostly they did , for their own new lands looked to the forts for protection and warning .
5 On and on they flew until day turned into dusk and they reached the big supermarket on the edge of the town .
6 And on they travelled through the forest until they came to a place where the roads crossed and there sat an old woman resting on a stone .
7 And on they travelled until they reached the rise in the land .
8 E he just pushed it off with a long thing like that and and on they went and did it .
9 And on they sped so swiftly that she might almost have cried out with Ostanes , less in trepidation than delight , ‘ Save me , O God , for I stand between two exalted brilliances …
10 On and on they went , and the scenery never changed .
11 On maternity rights the government has weakened the rights available to British workers and on they are resisting reorganization of cases .
12 Every six weeks an EITB officer has called in to monitor their progress and on they successfully completed their training .
13 On and on they travelled , rattling appallingly fast over the rutted roads so as to outstrip the pilgrims who followed them out of each town and village .
14 They cursed and uttered muttered threats to desert , but on and on they walked until they made out a herd of wild cattle staring at them hostilely through the rain , and clambered aboard .
15 The photographs were taken over a period of ten years , and eventually they were brought together in a book in 1960 ; ten of the book 's essays originally appeared in Vogue , where the appealing mix of an artist 's conversation along with Liberman 's descriptions and commentary succeeded well .
16 Both Gareth and Rachel enjoy talking to their visitors and eventually they will leave the management of the farm and dairy to their children and concentrate on showing the visitors how it works .
17 Both boys had been taken prisoner and tortured ( according to Dr Caskie , who told the story in his book The Tartan Pimpernel ) ‘ until the blood came out of their ears ’ ; but they managed convincingly to deny their activities , and eventually they were released .
18 And eventually they could be replaced by American products .
19 And eventually they understood that , so now I can kiss them , hug them and be open with them .
20 The idea of three comes as an abstraction from many sets of three objects : although no-one has ever seen three , children can see three cars , three people , three umbrellas , three miscellaneous objects , and so on , and eventually they will understand the ‘ threeness of three ’ .
21 They used this when they were one-night-standing and eventually they gave it to me . ’
22 In the end Barry and Helen did separate and eventually they divorced .
23 He immediately queried the instructions and eventually they gave him a new course to steer .
24 These complaints may have been justified but the settlers had another dispute with the philanthropists ; they agitated to be allowed to own slaves like their neighbours to the north and eventually they were successful .
25 Simultaneously with the AID and AIH , the Forts were trying to adopt , but with no great success , and eventually they turned to the US , which has a more relaxed attitude to age .
26 Pale , cold , clammy , yes , this is the opposite , you 've got all the signs and symptoms here of a stroke , now if , this could go on with and erm if somebody , if something is n't done very quickly with this compression the person has still got this bleed , or clot in the head and eventually they just kind of all come up into the foetus position , literally all goes spastic , all these spastic movements right , you finished writing ?
27 There was nothing there — men had to make their own markers or monuments , and eventually they had to build an entire landscape of monuments .
28 Several strong doors were unlocked , and eventually they entered Fagin 's cell .
29 Christina helped her , and eventually they managed to get the tiny bikini back into place .
30 He asked if he could stay with them , and eventually they agreed that he could , but only if he worked .
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