Example sentences of "and [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 PATRICIA COCKBURN was the widow of the journalist Claud Cockburn and a remarkable and resourceful woman , an intrepid traveller , an inspired gardener and latterly a creator of shell paintings .
2 Nobody was hurt and luckily a picture was taken of the offender who is being actively sought .
3 But he made himself walk to and fro a hundred times , slowly at first , then more briskly , to keep up some sense of health .
4 The wet grass glittered and near-by a nut-tree sparkled iridescent , winking and gleaming as its branches moved in the light wind .
5 Briefly , the incorporation of an economy into the world economic system involves an extension of the market mechanism between producers and consumers in the lesser developed country with other countries or transnational companies , and thereby a closer political relationship between other trading partners and national or international financial institutions .
6 A Labour administration developed a planning system which made government priorities clearer and thereby a more important consideration in the minds of local decision-makers .
7 The formative advantages of the record are considerable ; it provides an on-going record which can be used for evaluative purposes by student , teacher and parent , and thereby a basis for the consideration of future planning of learning and teaching .
8 Consequently , they may neglect the child 's need to develop a balanced racial identity and thereby a well-integrated personality .
9 In recent years , however , analysis based upon a given concept of ideology has been complemented by other projects , some of which also analyse buildings as repressive mechanisms or authoritarian representations ( e.g. Foucault 1977b ) , but whose overarching concepts such as ‘ power ’ or ‘ discourse ’ imply a still greater distance between interests and representations , and thereby a greater commitment to objectivism .
10 The basic principle which the Act lays down is that to become a member , and thereby a shareholder , there must be agreement and entry on a register of members which every type of registered company is required to maintain and which , in relation to a company with shares is also a register of shareholdings .
11 Unexplained pain , abnormal liver function tests or biliary abnormality at ultrasound lead to endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography , and thereby a potential diagnosis of AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis .
12 A graduate chartered librarian with a full teaching qualification and working in schools is a teacher when he is engaged with a class , and mostly a librarian when he is devising an alphabetical subject index , and so on .
13 This calls for the establishment of a single European Community central bank , and eventually a single currency .
14 We offer the other hand , and eventually a life line is discovered , although it 's so short it appears that we died several years ago .
15 Discreet soundings were taken in European court circles by French representatives to ascertain if any Princess were disposed to risk a marriage with the new Emperor , and eventually a short list of two was put forward .
16 Evidently there was a need to split into two large gatherings and this occurred , and eventually a further split into three .
17 The huge mountain at the far , Pakistani end of the Himalaya saw the tragic massacre of Willy Merkl 's German team in 1936 and eventually a solo first ascent by the legendary Hermann Buhl in 1953 .
18 It is embarking on a two-stage effort to bring a data dictionary , and eventually a repository , to its relational database management system , fourth-generation language and CASE tool environments .
19 The plan had to be dropped , and eventually a British suggestion was adopted , under which West Germany was re-armed , but her forces were placed under the control of NATO .
20 He also studied the problem of how a single original population becomes divided up into varieties ( subspecies ) and eventually a range of distinct ‘ daughter ’ species .
21 These in turn prompted greater resistance , and eventually a successful uprising against the proprietary in 1689 , fourteen years after the death of Cecil Calvert , which had occurred 30 November 1675 in London .
22 I tried phoning you this lunchtime to ask about the above proposal , but I do n't even know if I had the right number , though I got through to it twice ; about five different people spoke to me uncomprehendingly , and eventually a man came to the phone and said ‘ Bratislava ’ ; I did n't know whether that meant I 'd got a Bratislava number , or that you 'd gone to Bratislava .
23 The result would have been world wars and migrations and eventually a weakening of life-instincts in favour of a self-destructive ethic of murder and suicide like that of the Fijians .
24 Contact is then set up between these groups and eventually a member of the computer department , called , usually , a systems analyst , will be assigned to assess the feasibility of such a system , and a communication or dialogue is begun between the systems analyst and members of the user department .
25 The car purred onwards , moving easily through the traffic , and eventually a light frown began to settle over her face .
26 It was therefore timely that the RIBA should have been approached by a number of parties interested in publishing the Journal and eventually a deal with The Builder Group was struck by the Institute .
27 Though the right wing had lost much of its political leverage in the Cortes , their opposition found voice in growing street violence and eventually a military uprising which was to start the civil war .
28 And eventually a khthon approached the cell .
29 Another good example in the industrial sector would be a qualified chef , progressing from hotels or restaurants to contract catering , becoming a camp supervisor on a major contract , catering manager , project manager and eventually a national contract services manager .
30 Several contractors have had it and it 's never been right and eventually a few days or weeks later a man comes round to pick up the grass which has already flown everywhere so it 's too late and a wa total waste of money .
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