Example sentences of "and [noun] have " in BNC.

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1 Today I no longer work in the grant-aided sector and a great number of women who were my colleagues and contemporaries have moved on to work in broadcast or cable television .
2 The main discussion and disagreements have centred around the appropriate policy for dealing with mergers .
3 Qian Qichen , in an interview with Liaowang on Dec. 25 , said : " Conflicts between different social systems and ideologies have become more complicated and intense [ but ] " socialism has not failed , nor has capitalism attained victory . "
4 The only two things that Chelmsford and Backnong have in common are our industry base ( we have Macronis in Chelmsford , Backnong has a similar electronic industry based in the town ) and the fact that they , as we do , have a river running through their town centre .
5 The forts and barracks have gone up , an iron chain along the Great Glen , an iron ring round the coasts — you have built it for them , you have clamped these fetters on your own wrists , and I do not excuse myself — my first work was mending the roof of the arsenal at Fort Augustus in 1784 .
6 The Ministry of Agriculture collaborated on the dog study and circulars have gone out urging villages to fence in their garbage dumps to deprive the animals of at least that source of food , but there is no wave of popular enthusiasm for slaughtering dogs wholesale .
7 What do Durex , Valium , and Cornflakes have in common with electricity and coal ?
8 Their efficiency and reliability have also increased , to the extent that they can now be regarded as a primary recharging source for a yacht 's batteries alongside the engine alternator or the petrol generator .
9 Since then , both East Germany and Czechoslovakia have lined up with equally convincing claims .
10 The events in East Germany and Czechoslovakia have made a strong impact , he says .
11 Austria and Czechoslovakia have already opened diplomatic relations .
12 The association agreements the EC signed with Hungary , Poland and Czechoslovakia have turned out to be disappointingly limited .
13 On the other hand , Hungary , Poland and Czechoslovakia have recently re-formed their agricultural regimes with such rigour that they now have what are effectively free markets in farming .
14 Hungary and Czechoslovakia have reached a deadlock in discussions over a hydro-electric dam to be built on the River Danube , which according to environmentalists and scientists , presents serious hazards .
15 The history of religion in England has been a complex one — Monasticism , the Dissolution , the Reformation , Nonconformity , and other events and disciplines have also played their part .
16 Still , higher education contains within itself , if only it would realize , an essential rationality : academics , students and disciplines have to be rational .
17 The integration of Kode 's computer maintenance arm , Kode Computers and DCM Services was completed ahead of schedule , and activities have now been expanded to cover project management , systems support and planning ( CI No 2,107 ) .
18 Sensationalist stories in the tabloids about his life and activities have often been followed by curt retractions .
19 Tests have shown that pigeons and ducks have accurate in-built barometers , capable of detecting minute air pressure changes .
20 Counties such as Berkshire , Hampshire , Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire have been faced with increasing government demands to provide more new housing and this has produced vociferous opposition from local residents who see their traditional communities under threat .
21 Edinvar have 106 houses in West Lothian and Link have 126 houses in the district .
22 Bomb-grade plutonium and uranium have been kept securely enough to persuade most potential proliferators that , if they want a bomb , they will have to make their own nuclear material , not just steal or buy it .
23 More recently fast-breeder reactors fuelled with a mixture of plutonium and uranium have been developed by some countries .
24 But to live there means also the opportunity to vote for a particular party , whose quixotry and honesty have touched me .
25 People of all races , colours and creeds have to live together , must co-exist .
26 Teachers and lecturers have always asked the question , ‘ How can I learn from my students ’ performance ? ’
27 The majority of members of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers have voted to take industrial action over their workload .
28 Sorry , I wanted to make two points , I think there 's a big difference between foresters like yourself and the people who 're actually out there logging , and you know , I have no doubt about the work you do at the Oxford Forestry Institute , and several of your tutors and lecturers have been to talk to us , and Friends of the Earth certainly is calling for sustainable management forestry .
29 Vein deposits in Dinantian limestones and sandstones have been exploited in the Northern and Southern Pennine orefields for a total production exceeding 2 million tonnes .
30 Here again , anthropology and romanticism have coalesced .
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