Example sentences of "and [noun] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 The cup was won by Jim Hopkins , net score 72 and runner up was Archie Lang — net score 73 .
2 When we were all off-duty of an evening , Rosemary and I would get ourselves done up in our civvies ( strictly forbidden ) , and with our greatcoats and hats on to fool the eagle eye of the duty NCO in the Waaf Picquet Post , totter down the drive to await the arrival of the boys in the car .
3 I looked through the window and there were people lined up on both sides of the street , the women with black aprons and the men with their caps and hats off , bared heads bowed as we passed .
4 Just get some knife and forks out for me .
5 You ca n't put him knives and forks out .
6 I think I 'll get the knives and forks out .
7 That 's not meant to have knife and forks in .
8 Paul smiles , raises his own thumb and ducks out of the room .
9 So you thought gliding was a pleasant way of spending leisure time away from the cares and woes down on the ground .
10 Oh yes , they , they , they 've , they 've , they even leave their own head collars and ropes in .
11 Forests , coniferous , deciduous and mixed , sometimes in villages and large cities , often hunting by day for mammals up to the size of a red squirrel and birds up to the size of a Hazelhen. 24 in. ( 61 cm . ) .
12 She pulls her own shirt and T-shirt out of her jeans , seizes Rainbow 's hand , and draws it underneath .
13 More recently , writers interested in social mobility ( the movement of individuals and groups up and down the social scale ) have studied rates of social mobility in different societies in an attempt to discover its causes , especially in relation to the process of industrialization .
14 There are two important cut-off points ; at a rate of above 10 ventricular ectopic beats per hour the mortality increases steeply to above 20% and plateaus out at a rate of 30 per hour associated with a 1-year mortality of 30% .
15 He says there is a Sun-based banking network linking St Petersburg , Tumin and Moscow up and running with an electronic fund transfer link to the US , 40 Sparcstations at the Dubna Joint Institute for Research and a dozen running Computervision Corp CAD/CAM software down in Taginrog at an engineering firm whose name in English means Red Boilermaker .
16 He says there is a Sun-based banking network linking St Petersburg , Tumin and Moscow up and running with an electronic fund transfer link to the US , 40 Sparcstations at the Dubna Joint Institute for Research and a dozen running ComputerVision CAD/CAM software down in Taginrog at an engineering firm whose name in English means Red Boilermaker .
17 Despite the cost , many measure their distance from London in time , and corridors along the main lines north and west out of the capital compete very favourably with traditional Metroland and Southern electrified territory .
18 I thought they could stick fish and weed on to their bits of tie dying , use the tie dying as a
19 The considerable number of sculptures and reliefs of Celtic deities discovered in the Cotswolds is indicative of the strong persistence into late Roman times of belief in , and reliance on , the older British cults .
20 Other characters would come into the show , but for never longer than seven weeks , thereby strengthening the viewer 's identification with , and reliance on , the reactions of the regulars to these guest characters and novel situations .
21 Clara could never understand why others did not repay her contempt with contempt — why , for instance , the church-goers and novel-readers and fillers in of football coupons and motorbike owners in the area did not possess the courage of their convictions and gang up on Mrs Maugham 's massive disapprobation .
22 And Swindon back in action tomorrow against bottom of the table Birmingham at St. Andrews .
23 Psychoanalysis also describes the unconscious as a bisexual or polymorphously sexual force , and maps out the social production and containment of conscious and unconscious sexualities around sexual difference .
24 It is just past midnight and many of the cadets from Old College are guarding well-concealed patrol bases in remote valleys and woods up in the Welsh hills near Sennybridge .
25 Erm , it is perhaps only in the last er , six months or so that the erm , turnaround in the fortunes of erm , er , B Sky B have been acknowledged and er , I think there has been an element in our thinking that we wanted to keep our dry er , until such time as er , B Sky B which we have great belief and faith in and our , as you know we increased our investment during the year erm , sees its way through to profitability and I 'm happy to say that that 's happening now at a reab reasonable rate and that that means that it is highly unlikely that the hundred and thirty million of guarantees that we still have outstanding to B Sky B are likely to be called .
26 We switch everything off at night that 's reasonable to switch off , obviously we 're leaving the fridge and freezer on and the electric clock working .
27 Brown and Blair on .
28 The tennis equipment specialists , Head , had brought some racquets and accessories along and had also set up a ‘ speed-gun ’ to record service speeds .
29 On June 21 , 1991 , a full judicial inquiry was opened into " allegations regarding illegal activities , fraud and malpractice in , and in connection with , the beef processing industry " .
30 I treated me and mum out to lunch .
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