Example sentences of "of having [det] " in BNC.

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1 And certainly at the level of or two machines per school we 're not quite in the league of having each child it it 's own cell yet .
2 Whatever skills are needed , complete mental concentration is not one , and the effect of having many different tasks to do is a dispersal of the housewife 's attention in many different directions .
3 When Pravda became the Bolsheviks ' legal mouthpiece in St Petersburg in 1912 , he suffered the frustration of having many of the articles he submitted for publication rejected by the editors in Russia ; communication between the Central Committee and local party organs was much too tenuous to admit of close supervision ; and , as we shall see , during the war and the revolution itself , Lenin 's word was by no means accepted as holy writ .
4 The consequence of having such large schools with small protestant catchment areas was that those funded from the state had to make up numbers by accepting non-protestants .
5 Finally one might hope that some useful distinctions could be drawn between ‘ having a mental experience ’ and ‘ being aware of having such an experience ’ which seems much closer to our usual view of consciousness and must certainly be an emergent property in evolution .
6 If the Foreign Office can not agree with MI6 as to who are Britain 's enemies , the effectiveness of MI6 is at risk of being submerged by political expediency , calling into question the whole point of having such an organisation in the first place .
7 Yet again , is the price of having such a distinction doctors who are afraid to act and patients condemned to a lingering death ?
8 And he even questioned the wisdom of having such a thing as a World Cup .
9 But such theories are parasitic on an implicit understanding that law is a type of instrument adapted to specific important purposes , and such theories are of little guidance in thinking through the role of international law in controlling force for they can suggest no more than a mimicking of the institutions of municipal law without regard to the purposes of having such or similar institutions in the international context .
10 David Gockley is eminently deserving of having such a fuss made over him .
11 But in a sense , too , she knew that Louise was not wrong to worry about Harry committing such a blunder , for Harry , moving in the social circles in which he would move , if he survived the siege , to the day of his death , would almost certainly suffer the inconveniences of having such a wife , would regret his marriage , and perhaps in due course would come to believe that his life had been ruined .
12 Although one object of having such ministries is that they can deal with problems in a manner specially suited to conditions in Scotland and Wales , the fact that the ministers belong to the UK Cabinet and are responsible to the UK Parliament means that there is considerable pressure for uniformity .
13 And we did not want to miss the opportunity of having such a wonderful day , complete with the white wedding car .
14 In this atmosphere one assumes that consultants who fail to educate preregistration house officers will lose the privilege of having such a colleague .
15 The advantages of having such detailed and reliable advice available immediately need hardly be stressed .
16 The value of having such materials in brief and physically separate forms is that it is easier to manipulate ideas while they are still in note form than it is once you have written them out in prose .
17 I think obviously I would agree with a lot of what what the districts have said there about the strategic importance of having such a policy .
18 In " A Description of the Western Isles , " Volume 2 , 1819 , he says " places referred to may be specific , without the necessity of having much recourse to the often dissonant Celtic and Scandinavian names by which they are marked .
19 In " A Description of the Western Isles , " Volume 2 , 1819 , he says " places referred to may be specific , without the necessity of having much recourse to the often dissonant Celtic and Scandinavian names by which they are marked .
20 All these cases are ones in which the addressee of the words ‘ I ask you to be content ’ has already benefited under another disposition , and is now suffering the indignity of having that testamentary largesse curtailed .
21 It would be cheaper for the government to subsidise the employment of widget makers up to the cost of having that person registered unemployed , rather than the company using automated technology .
22 So when , for example , Pooh goes to get honey from the cupboard where he believes it is , he need n't be aware of having that belief .
23 But if I 'm right about what it takes to tell the truth , Pooh ca n't tell anyone that there 's honey there without first becoming aware of having that belief .
24 In in terms of having that .
25 In spite of having that kind of energy he is very much a nice-quiet-guy-who-lives-next-door type .
26 It 's a matter of having that faith , that should be Jehovah in Romans chapter ten , verse thirteen , it 's a matter of working out to , for logic of the original verse which it came from , cos that 's been quoted has n't it ?
27 Now I understand er that you know we are providing public service here and we have got allow for public access but the cost of the council of having all its officers outside of this building for over er two hours must have been absolutely horrendous and I would have thought this would be an area where improving security ought to be a high priority so what are you going to do about it ?
28 Instead of having all these different mortgage companies , Abbey National and that , the government have er , have er , a whatsname to do it , they 're would n't be half and a quarter .
29 But they could of easily just said , well , come in Monday , Tuesday , off Wednesday , and Thursday and Friday instead of having all them days off .
30 What they should 've done , instead of having all them machines on that moors they should 've had damn bugger stripped to waist digging it out .
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