Example sentences of "of time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But I 've only been there one day — half a day , really , since I took a good bit of time off this afternoon to talk to you .
2 Now , we do n't think he 's going to press charges , but you must realise that if he did you would in fact be facing a charge of assault , and coming as this does on top of your other verbal and written warnings — all within , I 'm afraid to say , Steve , " Mr Smith sat back in his seat with a sigh and flicked through a few more of the papers on his desk , shaking his head at them , " a very short interval of time considering the length of your employment with us , and all regarding previous lapses in … "
3 This principle was based on an idea that was accepted by other Greek thinkers of this period — the concept of Time as a judge .
4 The concept of Time as a judge can also be attributed to the great Athenian statesman Solon ( sixth century BC ) who , according to Werner Jaeger , ‘ defends himself ‘ before the bench of Time'' ’ .
5 Gunnell has pointed out that , unlike the Greeks , the Hebrews never tried to analyse the ‘ problem ’ of time as such .
6 The question as to whether time could conceivably exist if there were no ‘ soul , ( or mind ) to apprehend it had been raised , but not answered , by Aristotle , whose definition of time as the ‘ numbering ’ of motion and change in relation to before and after appeared to presuppose the existence of a ‘ soul ’ that contemplates and measures it .
7 Plotinus also advanced beyond Plato by modifying the latter 's famous metaphor of time as the moving image of eternity , since he was more concerned to stress the difference between , rather than the resemblance of , time and eternity .
8 Despite their constant preoccupation with temporal phenomena , the Maya never attained the idea of time as the journey of a single bearer with his load .
9 Later Jed had lost all sense of time as the external heart slowly pumped a solution of formaldehyde into the dead woman 's body , as the dead woman 's body began to blush .
10 Future : Jesus who will come again at the end of time as King of Kings ; as Judge of the living and the dead ; and who will usher his faithful people into the Kingdom of his Father .
11 They may construct artificial representations of a fixed reality at any one point of time as a means of handling the continuous flow of social change , but these are simply data for the social scientist and not to be taken at face value .
12 The clue to one 's dissatisfaction comes on page 60 when , in the course of a short section on advertising and television , Hewison writes , ‘ Our world picture breaks up , splintered into clips and cuts , suspended on an unending flow of imagery , a single sentence of infinite variety , with only the passage of time as continuity . ’
13 You should think of time as a resource and , like any resource , it can be squandered or utilised in an effective and efficient manner .
14 I lost count of time as The Butcher banged away and the girl hung on grimly to my jerking skull .
15 His evasion of time as a restrictive element is brought out by Ralegh who insists that ‘ Time drives the flocks from field to fold ’ .
16 Popular parlance spoke of Time as a medium wherein one had a certain independence of movement quite at variance with scientific dogma .
17 The Hopi did not seem to need any sense of time as a dimension .
18 It is generally agreed that students/trainees are observed performing on many occasions over a period of time as a natural part of the learning process .
19 Ideals have always been developed over long periods of time as the result of historical evolutions and through exceptional personalities .
20 The rescue came in the nick of time as the sewer filled with flash flood water just minutes after the pony was brought out .
21 But we usually think of time as hours and minutes and seconds too if we are being very exact .
22 It 's always taken twice , three times the length of time as anybody else ?
23 If they decide they do n't like what she does , they have plenty of time over tea to say so before the painting begins .
24 The ribbon is made , and thenceforth she spends a great deal of time over her hair .
25 As Table 33 of Appendix 1 shows , when people were asked what factors they judged important in deciding on a particular type of credit they had chosen recently , the rate of interest was judged least important among the five factors suggested ( the others were cost of credit , convenience , amount of payment , and length of time over which payments are spread ) .
26 Constanze was to spend a good deal of time over the next two years at Baden , where her husband often visited her .
27 While it is true that the longer the period of time over which the child 's language is sampled , the more representative that sample will be of the child 's underlying linguistic knowledge , in practical terms the length of any recording will be constrained by the time available for transcription and coding .
28 Try to increase your attention span and extend the length of time over which you can work effectively .
29 I 'll thank you then , when I can take plenty of time over it . ’
30 an application to register a charge out of time over assets of the company will normally be refused .
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