Example sentences of "of the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This figure acts variously as the symbol and chief bearer of the admirably strong , tightly-knit family and culture , as the oppressed subject of traditional Asian patriarchal practices , as a problem because of her failure to learn the language and customs which might allow a smoother integration of her community and children into ‘ the British way of life ’ , and full of sexual charm and allure produced by a demure seductiveness replete with the promise of a mysterious Oriental eroticism .
2 Approaching Dame Shirley Porter , she of the generously ample proboscis , Larry chipped in : ‘ I think it 's absolutely marvellous you bothered to turn up .
3 This was not entirely true of the matronly middle aged woman and her elderly male companion sitting three seats away from me , as she applied herself methodically to his penis .
4 Of the conservatively estimated 6 million with HIV worldwide , 2 million are women of child bearing age ; and they are mainly in poorer countries depriving these countries of the resources of some of their most productive citizens .
5 MOST MARKETS , but especially Paris , weakened initially with the news of the widely expected interest rate rises but rebounded later .
6 And she believed the whales would remain at Laspi Bay at least for the summer , and had not heard of the widely criticised plans to take them on a travelling display .
7 For our present purposes , however , the important feature of the model is that it develops the implications of the widely accepted notion that even the simplest stimulus will consist of a set ( probably a large number ) of elements and that only some of these will be sampled ( will activate their central representations ) on a given exposure ( cf.
8 The fells above Coniston have long been a source of the widely used Westmorland slate ( see Borrowdale ) , but the mountain known as Coniston Old Man and its associated fells are equally interesting as an area of copper-mining activity , and one nearby location is known as Coppermines Valley .
9 In Chapter 3 , we examined in some detail Pearson 's review of the history of street crime in Britain , and his criticism of the widely held belief that such crime is a unique feature of present-day society .
10 Liverpool City Library The local studies group has manorial and estate papers of the widely spread holdings of the earldom ( later , marquessate ) of Salisbury .
11 use this data to challenge some of the widely cited research findings from the Equal Opportunities Commission ( 1984 ) , that men carers receive a disproportionate share of the statutory services .
12 As a result , it is common to find many of the widely supported objectives not explicitly recognized in assessment procedures .
13 Alongside the introduction of the widely previewed XPG4 , X/Open , based in Reading , Berkshire , also introduced three new tiers of membership to its organisation , which in theory will allow software and hardware suppliers — but more importantly , users — a greater say in its future technology specifications .
14 The consensus group does not make clear that its recommendations are based on its interpretation of the widely available literature .
15 When Baulig , between the wars , was strongly advocating worldwide eustatic changes of sea level the only possible reasonable explanation , namely deformation of ocean basins , seemed very unlikely in view of the widely held view of the permanency of ocean basins current at that time .
16 If that series were up and running today , one of the widely held myths it would have to counter would be the one which holds that our ‘ generous ’ overseas aid means money is flowing from the rich world to the poor .
17 Wandering through the vibrant streets of Rome , one is constantly reminded of the widely differing historical periods .
18 LDP members who lost their seats included Sadanori Yamanaka , former chairman of the party 's research commission on the tax system and architect of the widely hated consumption tax , and Hisao Horinouchi , the former Minister of Agriculture , Forestry and Fisheries , who , during the July 1989 election campaign , had suggested that women were useless in politics and that Doi was unfit to be Prime Minister because she was unmarried and childless [ see p. 36800 ] .
19 The prospect of the widely reviled Khmers Rouges regaining a position of predominance in the country led to a re-orientation in traditional diplomatic policy prosecuted towards Cambodia by some Western states towards accommodation .
20 The fact that he chose not to do so was seen as a tacit admission of the widely held view that the foreign policy successes of President George Bush had made his re-election an inevitability .
21 The double stapling technique was never applicable in these cases because of the widely dilated and thick walled anus ; hence a hand sewn ileoanal anastomosis was required .
22 Sooner or later an approach shot to one of the closely guarded greens will nestle near the hole and suddenly all is right with the world .
23 It became even more individualistic and displayed few signs of the closely knit and hierarchically organized structure of the previous era .
24 Before settling down to a tour of the old quarter ( and Stein is almost entirely an old quarter ) , it is a good idea to face the climb to the Burg Hohenklingen , from the battlements of which there is a breathtaking view of the Rhine winding its way through flat green pastures and dense woodland , and of the closely clustered pointed roofs of Stein itself .
25 John Gordon , representative for Lancashire and Cheshire , was also presented with a cheque as runner up of the closely fought contest narrowly beating Robin Saunders , Alan Calver and James Thomas .
26 TESCO chairman Sir Ian MacLaurin not only has some of the deceptively unassuming John Major manner but also shares some of the objectives of the Prime Minister .
27 It was , however , his permanent design of the deceptively simple 1920 Whitehall Cenotaph ( originally erected in wood and plaster as a saluting point for the Victory March Past of Allied troops in July 1919 ) that put him in the eye of the general public and for the first time turned Lutyens into a household name .
28 One tactic of the Report is to transcend this paradox by recourse to particular appropriations of the deceptively simple terms " experience " and " life " .
29 With them have gone much of the outrageously condescending theorising expressed by professionals such as Watney Mann 's head designer Roy Wilson-Smith , who declared in the early 70s :
30 This moral valuation of the geometrically simple is a markedly human characteristic .
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