Example sentences of "a large part " in BNC.

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1 In this he recognizes the same problem which faces the insider/ethnographer , for he clearly understands that pretence , deception , and bizarre social drama play a large part in police culture and accepts this will be difficult to research .
2 The Duke held up his branch like a banner and began to lead the way along to the east gate , but a large part of the crowd stayed in a half-circle round the group at the table , as though waiting for the victor 's crow in the cockfight .
3 The Club is almost entirely financed by the proceeds it gets from turning a large part of the Club into a giant car park throughout The Championships .
4 Conversely , if you are building up to a competition and wish to greatly increase your fitness and endurance , the FDR should be very intense and should make up a large part of your training .
5 Today very little military demi-caractère style exists in Western ballet except in such American works as Balanchine 's Stars and Stripes , but it played a large part during the nineteenth century .
6 A large part of the world is notionally governed according to Marxist principles .
7 The growth of third parties in the Seventies and early Eighties was in a large part a product of the malfunctioning of the two-party system , partly as a consequence of Mrs Thatcher 's rejection of the post-war consensus but chiefly as a result of Labour 's leftward lurches .
8 The pursuit and creation of stars , for example , occupies a large part of the story that A Scott Berg has to tell : Goldwyn was constantly trying to sign up the human properties who would ensure the success of his pictures .
9 By educating children that a large part of society would like to see behind bars , we are breaking down important taboos , ’ said Alda Marco Antonio , state welfare secretary .
10 It is not known whether there will be a full archaeological investigation of the entire site , or even of a large part of it ; the excavation ends today .
11 The Aerospatiale Gazelle forms a large part of the Regiment and thus is the real workhorse .
12 A large part of his pleasure derived from walking holidays , when he could put Oxford , college politics and the routines of work behind him .
13 But in September 1985 he joined forces with a man who was to play a large part in changing all that .
14 Courtaulds has called up £11million from its pension fund surplus to fill a large part of the interim profit hole from the South African pulp sale .
15 Courtaulds has called up £11million from its pension fund surplus to fill a large part of the interim profit hole from the South African pulp sale .
16 Ten black men took a sledge-hammer to the work , and knocked off a large part of his face .
17 Omnipotent in Dublin , the Republic have the players — Whelan , Houghton , Aldridge , Cascarino , Sheedy , O'Leary — to see off a large part of the opposition in Italy .
18 The action removes a large part of economic sanctions imposed after the Tiananmen Square massacre .
19 The track itself is often obliterated and a large part of a rail man 's job is hacking ice and snow away from the points or the platforms between carriages .
20 Our dependence on tools … . means that a large part of the mental capacity of a human culture exists outside the individual , whereas in non-manipulative dolphins it is still embodied in brain and behaviour … . as social beings … . we may be inferior to many cetaceans . ’
21 All-at-once liberalisation could flatten a large part of the economy overnight .
22 But , says Dr Sagdeev , a large part of the money is still spent to support unprofitable institutes .
23 As his title suggests , he thinks that national pride — battered not merely by communist but by pre-war failure — played a large part .
24 Dana had travelled from Berlin to Salamanca on an old motor bike that was to play a large part in our lives both in Spain and in England .
25 The fact that , unlike men , women 's periods of bodily emission followed a regular and extended ( i.e. several days at a time ) cycle meant that they were declared unclean for a large part of their lives ( for details see below ) .
26 He spoke for a large part of the population .
27 In fact ( the myth persists ) , even if the slim person does not especially like these foods , he or she sticks with them for a large part of the time in order to maintain a trim figure .
28 The politics of the street , which had played such a large part in putting Ian Paisley into Stormont , had now returned him and his supporters to the streets .
29 And a large part of what it was teaching to the Germans it had learned from the Romans .
30 Indeed , a large part of a horse 's psychological wellbeing is dependent on it being part of a herd , or at least having the companionship of one or two others .
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