Example sentences of "a large number " in BNC.

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1 In those days there was a small core of paid research staff who were responsible for a large number of countries — if you did the Soviet Union , you were also responsible for Eastern Europe and half of Western Europe as well ! ’
2 The next section will show the way in which this contradiction continued to be shared by a large number of clergy and laity even into the 1980s .
3 The inter-war period saw the construction of a large number of new pubs to serve the needs of growing suburban communities and reconstructed city centres .
4 The brand covers a large number of DOC vineyards .
5 This means that a large number of gliders will be rigged and brought out on the airfield .
6 This way , you will view a large number of fields .
7 There are a large number of psycholinguists who would say that Fodor is overstating his case here and that parsing is indeed canalized by so-called ‘ real world knowledge ’ .
8 By using computers to integrate the information from a large number of different viewpoints round the skull , it is possible to visualize the appearance of a slice through the brain and build up a full three-dimensional image .
9 Neurons do not individually have the property of consciousness , consciousness emerges when a large number of neurons are interacting in the right kind of way ; just as speed is a property not of any single component of a car , but an emergent property of the whole system when it is operating in an appropriate way .
10 In this situation , ‘ further research is necessary ’ and , when controversy arises , it is likely to occur between those who actually share a large number of fundamental theoretical assumptions .
11 In fact , the striking dissociations that one can observe in neuropsychological patients show us instead that skills which seem so simple and automatic in the course of everyday life are in fact comprised of a large number of functional sub-components , any of which may be impaired by brain injury .
12 The same work was also required in a large number of the early Mark 2 locomotive-hauled carriages , and in many long-life electric multiple units .
13 The basic problem remained , as always , the cost of providing a service to a large number of individual freight terminals , many receiving only a handful of wagons each week .
14 A printed DXF file is quickly recognisable by consisting mainly of a narrow strip of short lines down the left hand margin of each page , usually a large number of pages , and a great deal of white paper .
15 For example station identification — particularly useful in countries such as Holland where a large number of FM broadcasts from neighbouring countries can be received .
16 But it is evident that publishers , to stay in business , need to bring out a large number of titles every year .
17 A large number of houses , post offices and government buildings were burned .
18 The second defendant had made a large number of deliveries to and collections from the premises on Capricorn 's account .
19 The minister also said that there would be no financial or budgetary disadvantage whatsoever to any GP who had to treat a large number of chronically ill patients .
20 If the council receives a large number of letters about a development , this will give it an idea of the strength of feeling involved and it is much better than a petition .
21 The company has a large number of Business Expansion Scheme investors who backed the company before it was on the Third Market .
22 One night in July , a large number of Khmer Rouge entered the town of Muong , on Route 5 between Pursat and Battambang .
23 Both are gigantic construction projects , needing a large number of people to pass through them to be profitable , and with neither of them is the full return projected for a good few years hence .
24 But in addition to these primary typifications there are a large number of more contextually specific typifications whose use has a less general purpose .
25 Doing business with a large number of national markets therefore implies that within most of these markets , operations will be relatively small in scale , because the markets will be small .
26 Any company that has plans for international marketing must build up or have access to marketing information about a large number of different countries .
27 The first seven days of heavy fighting and shelling have caused a large number of casualties ; the Commando units in some instances are down to less than half strength .
28 She was quite attractive except for a very nasty skin condition , her face and arms were covered with a large number of pustules and it was obvious that she had been scratching them ; the scratch-marks were bleeding slightly .
29 Surrounding us on the beach were a large number of French civilians who had come down to the beach to look at the British Tommies .
30 If a family held a small amount of land and was in a village with a large number of households , its strips could be so small and scattered that too much time was spent in travelling between strips .
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