Example sentences of "a large group " in BNC.

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1 As a result there is now a large group who are at a similar stage of HIV infection at any one time .
2 The apparent failure of the police to act promptly and effectively , including their failure to apprehend a large group of armed men under conditions of curfew in the township creates the suspicion that police were colluding with the attackers .
3 The man claimed he spoke for a large group of serving and former policemen who styled themselves ‘ the Inner Circle ’ .
4 Since 1917 the locals had never seen such a large group of visitors .
5 He remains the most notorious of a large group of retired Israeli intelligence and security men whose dubious activities in support of unsavoury regimes have embarrassed their own government .
6 The second was that a large group of junk-bond investors — the savings and loan associations — had an extra leg-up into high-yield investment because of federal insurance of their source of cash , deposits .
7 A small group of horses in a paddock , perhaps three or four individuals , is more satisfactory than a large group .
8 This consists of analysing the coins into groups or categories of similar coins , since it is always easier to situate a large group in place and time and then bring greater precision to an individual object forming part of that group .
9 I try to make art that is open to a large group of people . ’
10 My rules are to cut down drinking , control my temper if I am drinking , not to drink in a such a large group and not to waste much money .
11 Occasionally problems arise which are of common concern to a large group of parents within the school .
12 David Stirling felt that this was a waste of time and resources and that it should be possible for a large group to maintain itself in the desert for a period of several weeks .
13 A large group of men passed through the carriage .
14 On gaining the ridge we walked behind a large group of sprightly , if somewhat sturdy , women well into their 50s , an unusual and inspiring sight to someone like myself who feels like a wizened wheezing old hag at 32 .
15 Of the 17,000 demonstrators involved , 1,000 broke away from the agreed route of the march and gathered on the south side of Westminster Bridge , where they were prevented from crossing by a large group of officers .
16 There were , however , problems in coordinating the work of a large group and certain administrative and communication tasks became very difficult .
17 A meeting at Bristol Guildhall on 17 November was called to congratulate the king on his escape , but attracted as well a large group who wished to implore him to end the war .
18 In addition , the platelet-specific proteins β-thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4 were highly significantly elevated in a large group of hyperlipaemic subjects compared to normolipaemic controls ( Zahavi et al , 1981 ) .
19 Teachers , who have to cope with a large group of children , are likely to regard aggressive or disruptive youngsters as problems and overlook those who are quiet and withdrawn because , in their terms , they are ‘ well behaved ’ .
20 A term often applied to a large group system is an organisation and these are usually created to accomplish a specific purpose , for example a hospital is organised for the treatment of people with disease ; and is perhaps within a yet larger organisation , a national health service , which in addition is responsible for maintenance of health , prevention of disease and rehabilitation .
21 If we want to collect information about some aspect or aspects of a large group ( whether the group is made up of people or things ) the obvious approach would appear to be a survey of all of them .
22 In demonstrations of searches , it is essential to ensure that the audience can actually see the search being carried out — all too often one sees a large group of students clustered round a single teletype terminal .
23 This was brought home to me recently when the Conservation Officer of the Cumbria Wildlife Trust countered my defence of canoeing and canoeists by accepting that two or three canoeists are no problem in a sensitive area , whereas a large group does cause unacceptable disturbance to wildlife .
24 One set is kept in a tight group , the other is spread out to make a large group .
25 Sometimes a cake may be sent to school for the children to share ; sharing a cake for a large group of children would not be done by the children themselves , though it might turn into a spontaneous counting activity .
26 A large group of people was standing just beyond the wrought-iron gate .
27 The British Consul , Brown , advised all British visitors to return home in case the island was blockaded , and a large group left the island on the Edinburgh Castle , including an important delegation from Britain 's Grand Masonic Lodge which had been in the island to attend the inauguration of a new Masonic temple .
28 It prides itself on this fact and points out in its brochure that while a large group can offer a wide range of services ‘ many of which you are unlikely to want … its investment managers suffer from real problems and conflicts of interest : supporting in-house issues , buying in-house unit trusts , helping its market makers and churning portfolios ’ .
29 ‘ Quite often in the current climate you get a large group wanting to sell part of the non-core activities .
30 A large group of his young friends had just left .
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