Example sentences of "a long life " in BNC.

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1 Ruth Hill-Williams writes : J.P.M.Millar had a long life ( obituary , December 7 ) , and his death signals the end of an era .
2 That evening I went to see an old friend ( that is , old in years ) in case out of the experience of a long life she might bring forth words of wisdom .
3 It 's not much to ask for , at the end of a long life . ’
4 You have had a long life of service and time to look back on it and if I did not know how your arthritis troubles you and with what difficulty you pen your kind notes I would ask you to help me in this .
5 Even Archibald earl of Argyll , nearing the end of a long life noted mainly for a remarkable inability to make decisions , now found ‘ boldness ’ in him ; he ‘ reformed many things ’ , we are told , and , despite the strictures of archbishop Hamilton , he maintained the Protestant preacher John Douglas in his household .
6 Fur collar hunched round his shoulders , flat hat askew , he was surrounded by a background warm with a sense of movement , an atmosphere thronged with the memories and moments of a long life .
7 If properly fitted to the shaft the boot has a long life .
8 I 've had a good long life — well , a long life , eh , Father Kenneth ? — and I 'm not right done yet .
9 Nevertheless , this peculiar combination had a long life and was destined to reappear in the Middle Ages as the Albigensian heresy that flourished for a while in southern France but was eventually crushed in the first quarter of the thirteenth century by the northern French at the command of the most powerful of the medieval Popes , Innocent III .
10 In my case , and I am sure I am not alone in this , I can picture in my mind 's eye every summit I have reached in a long life without confusion of identity .
11 He spent a long life as a rector and was a Canon of St Patrick 's , Armagh .
12 Then several fixing screws would be driven through ready-prepared countersunk holes in the tyre to ensure that never throughout a long life would it be able to slip .
13 The significant advance here was the development of a long life catalyst effective under relatively mild conditions ( 250°C and 50–100 atmospheres pressure ) .
14 The significant advance here was the development of a long life catalyst effective under relatively mild conditions ( 250°C and 50–100 atmospheres pressure ) .
15 I do not intend to offend ; I merely state my innermost feelings in terms of women , past and present , based on the experiences of a long life .
16 I 've had a long life and many blessings and you 've been one of the best .
17 We have spoken about old partners as if they will always have had a long life together and that is indeed the case in many of the pairs whom we currently encounter .
18 The aluminium is corrosion resistant , giving it a long life and our systems are made to BS 2997 and are mostly BBA approved .
19 The nation-state is inevitably becoming weaker as power goes both up to Europe and down to regions and districts , but it has a long life yet , and the British people have many uses for it .
20 In this tale , two weeds grew on a river bank ; one of them conserved its energy , and grew low and small and brown , with its sights set on a long life , while the other put forth all its strength into growing tall and into colouring itself a beautiful green .
21 It 's old ladies who show all the signs of a long life on subsistence , though they would n't necessarily see themselves as having been poor , because their husbands were n't necessarily poor .
22 ‘ The foundation of my collection has always been ideas which have a long life .
23 I tell you , after a long life of many escapes , many dramas which might have been tragedies , what I want and would value most is to be free to choose as much of my life as is given to me — to live it by my own lights , Mary , to do , insofar as God wills it , what I want to do to the very hilt and limit . ’
24 Kulaks who joined the Imperial Navy , even in the commissioned ranks , did not normally expect to enjoy a long life .
25 The ‘ direct ’ reversing Bolinder engines remained popular , however , because they were simple and easier to maintain and had a long life .
26 Even if the worst happens and you lose your job , your lover , your hair , your hope of a long life , you 're only defeated if you let yourself be .
27 These were the seductive amusements of my youth : they have clung to me through a long life , and they are now the solace of my old age . ’
28 Old Frank Buchman , who kept on this course through a long life of battle , used to tell me .
29 grant him every advantage which we can conceive a white to possess over the native ; concede that in the struggle for existence his chance of a long life will be much superior to that of the native chiefs ; yet from all these admissions , there does not follow the conclusion that , after a limited or unlimited number of generations , the inhabitants of the island will be white .
30 May God bless you and may you have a long life . ’
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