Example sentences of "a small group " in BNC.

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1 IN JANUARY 1988 a small group of 50 would-be volunteers met in the Ealing YMCA to learn about AIDS .
2 With the exception of a small group of public schools , there is the apparently simple distinction between state schools and Roman catholic schools which occurs in Britain .
3 The Campaign of Real Ale was started in the early 1970s by a small group of beer lovers who was appalled by the heavily promoted keg beers that threatened to replace traditional draught ales .
4 I tell a small group about a noted professor who was spotted at a tutorial wearing one red and one green sock .
5 I joined a small group of three Germans , a Dutchman and an American who , with a young interpreter and a terrifyingly fit-looking guide from Kiev , set out for Europe 's icy crown at four o'clock one morning last July .
6 A small group was reported to have stayed in the embassy in the hope of avoiding separation from friends or family en route from East Germany .
7 A small group began a hunger strike outside the Xinhua ( New China ) News Agency , China 's quasi-diplomatic mission in Happy Valley .
8 To the right of the picture , ignored by Gouraud , is a small group of Beirut notables , preparing for what several Lebanese Muslim historians would later refer to as ‘ the betrayal ’ .
9 Terry Mulloy , chairman of the governors , who has a five-year-old son at Lady Jane Grey , says that if children , while being taught reading in a small group , got bored they would be allowed to wander off and do something else .
10 Bonds are underwritten and sold to investors by a small group of banks in return for a fee from the issuer .
11 Some evenings it would be a small group of half-a-dozen close friends , on red-letter nights a gathering of 100 or more to greet a visiting celebrity .
12 PLYMOUTH MUSEUM & ART GALLERY The last self-portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds -regarded by many as his finest — is among a small group of 17th and 18th-century paintings loaned from the Royal Collection at Windsor Castle .
13 The latter action was exclusively unofficial , and repudiated by the union , but it was widely known to be organised in secret by a small group of shop stewards .
14 As workmen moved in to put up fencing yesterday , more demonstrators joined a small group of protesters who had been on a 24-hour vigil at the site .
15 There he led a small group of men from the 22nd NZ Battalion to rescue an injured officer , in the process silencing five machine-guns and an anti-tank weapon and taking 130 prisoners .
16 Here we were joined by a small group of French Commandos , no doubt with the same views in mind ; something to drink and eye up the local crumpet !
17 A French Officer is speaking to a small group of NCOs as a thick mist is forming all around .
18 The farmer 's wife has kindly pressed my kilt and I set off into town with a small group of Commandos , all of us determined to enjoy ourselves , and , of course , to sort out the local French girls .
19 Thus , defence policy was kept in the hands of a small group of ministers ( Callaghan , Healey , Owen , and Fred Mulley ) .
20 She communicated instead with a small group of trusties like Lord Young , and advisers within her policy unit .
21 What was unpredictable about the protest was a devastatingly subversive counter protest by a small group who said they were present ‘ on behalf of the acolytes of Our Lady of Ballinspittle ’ and who said they wanted to ‘ protect the rights of blasphemers and heretics and Nobel prize-winning great novelists ’ .
22 The purchase of the Trident Missiles programme by the government , for example , appears to have been effectively decided by a small group of Cabinet ministers , outside the Cabinet , in early 1981 .
23 Soon she aligned herself with a small group of women who wanted to break into publishing .
24 For example , J. Goody has argued that West African states grew up as a result of monopoly control , by a small group of people , of military technology , which he terms the ‘ means of destruction ’ .
25 Lofoten is a small group of islands sticking out off Arctic Norway rather like the Outer Hebrides do off Scotland .
26 Røst is actually a small group of islets rather than a single island , and a haven for birds in the spring .
27 They are a small group increasingly watched by the police and sociologically marginal to the hooligan phenomenon .
28 Omi not being of the school which sits as far at the back of a church as possible , Erika found herself under the nose of the Minister , who beamed upon her , and surrounded by family groups : parents , grandparents and children who made an agreeable din until a small group of musicians struck up the opening bars of the first hymn .
29 When the congregation of the Lutheran Church gathered to hear the Word of God expounded , they expected to hear it expounded fully , and the Pastor of Tappersdorf was ready to oblige , not merely comparing the German text for the day — a reference to the doings of an obscure Old Testament prophet — with the original Hebrew , and giving a learned half-hour to an explanation of the circumstances in which the prophet lived , suffered , and prophesied , a time in which it seemed a small group of people struggled for the truth and searched for God under the shadow of huge decadent empires to the East — and the West , but he , the Pastor , was perfectly willing to apply the prophet 's message to the present day — and to present-day socialist Germany , at that .
30 And there , after her warming-up exercises , she leaped like a gazelle , undisturbed by the fact that she was being filmed on video by two pupils and barely noticing that during the session a small group of people tiptoed on to the gallery , and she did her last jump to applause .
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