Example sentences of "a few from " in BNC.

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1 As the recruits recount all sorts of ‘ anglers ’ tales ' about the last eight weeks of training , the Inspecting Officer and Commandant mingle with the visitors , Who have travelled from all corers of the United Kingdom and a few from further afield .
2 Let him get together all the composers in Munich , let him even summon a few from Italy , France , Germany , England and Spain .
3 It was usual for him to wheedle a few from any European who stopped . )
4 Jerseys were first imported in 1893 , direct from the Channel Islands , and subsequently from Denmark , with a few from Britain and the USA .
5 There are many manuscripts dating from that time , and a few from the earlier period , starting 1140 .
6 We met some lovely people — quite a few from Scotland , and our last night was spent in the company of a group of friends from Scotland , England , Ireland and Holland , having a meal in an Indian restaurant , and hearing about the scuba diving and snorkelling in the Red Sea .
7 The waiter picked up a fork and tried a few from the man 's plate .
8 It is expected that the Exiles team will be made up largely from players based in England , and possibly a few from France .
9 An interim report from the safe house research , based on 532 , young people ( 737 admissions ) for the period June 1985 to May 1987 , shows that the majority of young people ran from home ( 347 , 65 per cent ) , a third from local authority care ( 179 , 34 per cent ) and a few from boarding schools ( 6 , 1 per cent ) .
10 To take marriage first : of the 54 marriages recorded among the sample during the war years of which details could be traced , 25 were to serving soldiers , mostly local men , a few from colonial forces stationed in Edinburgh .
11 She had plenty of others , some English , some American , a few from Germany , and one or two from Italy and France .
12 He is very good on free kicks and penalties and scores quite a few from INSIDE the box as well .
13 We 've had a few from the middle 80's : Phelan , Irwin , Sellars , Linigan , Seaman …
14 Good to see a few from the list , Paul ( plus Sticky , who holds the World 's record on making a pint last ) , Sunil ( and mates ) , Halvard ( + 1 — looks like you saw a good ‘ un yesterday ) , Kev and Haitch .
15 Harringay — they 've took a few from Chelmsford , and as for the Blackburn Black Hawks , they used to be your team mates .
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