Example sentences of "a different [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We saw Mitsubishi 's Sigma — albeit with a different roofline and a Diamante badge — last year in Tokyo , but Paris was the ‘ Europeanised ’ version 's EC debut and the only other new production car here .
2 Often the boss will have a different expectation of the job from that of the person undertaking it .
3 Time had a different significance for him and most of his contemporaries than it has for us .
4 But once one assumes that accumulation is taking place — and Marx asserts that this is the chief aim of capitalism — then the proportion of surplus-value which is unproductively consumed has quite a different significance .
5 In their original context both stories had a different significance , but it was as impossible for fourteenth century Christians to experience the Christian revelation in the same way as the first Christians as it is for us today .
6 Feminist methods frequently situate themselves socially and historically in ways which distinguish the concept of the subject they work with from the one which underpins qualitative psychological methods , and which give these methods a different significance .
7 Things can appear to have a different significance if you view them from a different vantage-point .
8 The meaning is given by the relevant rules , of which there are several , each giving the wink a different significance .
9 The exclusion of the author from critical analysis , the attention to form , the claims for scientificity are themes which have all been voiced before , but not in the same theoretical context , and so they acquire a different significance .
10 A 1 in 100 chance per year of a major accident injuring 100 people has a different significance from 1 fall per year injuring 1 person , for instance , even though the average injury rate per year is the same .
11 Mr Eyre suggests a different suspect .
12 She 's a different Elsie — very down in herself . ’
13 Each type of clay mineral has a different propensity for the exchange of cations which can be measured by its cation exchange capacity ( c.e.c. ) in units of milliequivalents per 100 g ( ) of clay .
14 This is best done by setting aside a period each day when observation and recording are carried out — perhaps a different hour each day .
15 Whether they will look after our type of clients in the way they are used to being looked after is of course a different question .
16 Egalitarian feminist psychologists are increasingly following Gilligan in their ‘ effort to ask a different question ’ from ‘ How much are women like men ?
17 The case of Miss Haines was a different question altogether .
18 Whether it is deemed desirable or not is a different question .
19 Now the existence and significance of such links is undeniable ( though the existence of homologies — as Shepherd describes them — is a different question , which must be left to a later chapter ) .
20 The question in the present case is a different question — does certiorari go beyond quashing for abuse of power and allow judicial review for errors of law within jurisdiction ?
21 Recognition for collective bargaining was quite a different question .
22 For model conversations which are based on questions and answers , it is relatively easy to design them so that each conversation , introduces a different question word and preposition or case ending , together with a new tense , aspect , mood or word class .
23 This project , however , starts with a different question : is the Welfare State being replaced by the Regulatory State ?
24 ‘ Is that right ? ’ he asked , one eyebrow lifted , the intense blue of those eyes asking her a different question entirely .
25 Do you want me to ask a different question ?
26 The Danube has a different name in every country through which it flows : in Germany it is the Donau , in Slovakia , Dunaj , when it reaches Budapest it becomes the Duna , at Belgrade it is the Dunav and in Romania it is the Dunarea .
27 They get the plan out of their bottom drawer and say ‘ this is a block we designed last week , ’ stick a different name on it and hey presto ! ’
28 Quite frequently a certain plant was reordered under a different name from the correct one and consequently the nurseryman , who honestly believed he was fulfilling the order , was dubbed a ‘ knave or a blockhead ’ , whereas the fault lay with ‘ too much dependence upon careless naming by an unexperienced author ’ .
29 Each country has a different name for them , often reflecting local attitudes , such as the graphic villas miserias in Argentina , highlighting the poverty of the communities .
30 Though I wish you 'd given him a different name .
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