Example sentences of "a house at " in BNC.

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1 He had just built a house at Beverly for Sir Charles Hotham the year before , and Ebberston was a convenient following job .
2 Apart from his large London abode , his nefarious activities brought him a cottage at Lightwater , another at Chobham , a house at Wokingham and one at Sonning .
3 Nonetheless , the Tawells moved into a house at Berkhampstead with the widow 's teenage daughter .
4 We lived in a house at the end of an eighteenth-century mews , and my son Simon was born in November 1959 , within a few months of our moving to Windsor .
5 For instance , if the surveyor failed to carry out his inspection and to present his report within the agreed time and as a result a house at a bargain price was lost , then a claim could properly be made for compensation .
6 After only a few months there I located an even better one on the ground floor of a house at the corner of Jervis and Georgia Streets , not far from the CBC studios .
7 Brunel had also commissioned him to prepare an abortive scheme for him for a house at Watcombe in 1851 .
8 A water tank was also erected to store this water atop a house at the Station end of Ledsam Street and a bath-house opened on the ground floor .
9 His vanity was exemplified by his taking a house at 36 Little St Martin 's Street ( once Sir Isaac Newton 's , and later rented by the celebrated Dr Burney and his daughter Frances , Madame D'Arblay , author of the once popular novel Evalina ) which was far beyond his means .
10 In March 1940 , Fred , together with some adults , members of the Hechaluz and about twenty children from Bydown and other centres , moved into a house at Braunton , which was also not far from Barnstaple .
11 TWO point 22 rifles and 650 rounds of ammunition have been found in a house at the Ballybeen estate , Dundonald .
12 We walked to a house at the far end of the fenced area .
13 All three shared a house at Moorends .
14 Antiques expert Guy Schwinge spotted it while valuing a house at Dorchester , Dorset .
15 Employees moving from an unfurnished flatlet or room to similar accommodation at the new base or who rent or buy a house at the new location receive a grant of £438 .
16 In fact , it barely fits the definition of being a house at all , looking more like a big triangular thing .
17 David Jackson , unemployed , of Lilac Tree Court , Greenstead Estate , denied breaking into a house at Lime Avenue , Colchester , on January 16 and stealing a stereo system and a satellite decoder .
18 er you may never of had a house at all and yet you still got your family
19 Haworth is a village of small , grey stone houses on the side of a hill in the north of England , and I live in a house at the top of the hill , next to the church and the graveyard .
20 He could n't dismiss the images , he could n't stay Time 's hand as it turned page after page of that memory-album until tears flooded his eyes at the scenes recalled : his mother , her brown hair screwed into a bun at the back of her head , taking him to see a house at Edgeworthstown where she said a famous woman writer had lived ; he had n't paid much attention , not being interested in books then , but when he grew older he read Maria Edgeworth 's novels and went again for himself to gaze at her home .
21 Er , my friend got a house at Westerhailes Park eleven months ago and er it was alright at the beginning , then she started getting hassle , from the kids coming to her door asking for cigarettes and she did n't give them them , and they were banging on her door , tapping on her windows and everything .
22 And he got me a house at , two shilling a week , and eightpence for coal .
23 Dingley owned a house at Little St Helen 's , Bishopgate .
24 Our friend from Göteborg was much intrigued at the circumstances that brought Hamish and you together in Skye , and commented ‘ and a house at Segerstad too — well , well ’ .
25 For example , if the local authority valued a house at 30,000 and the local poundage was 2p in the pound , then the total rates for that house would be 30,000 x 0.02 or 600 per year .
26 We have got good medical facilities , but as you just heard Samantha just saying , they 're destroying that as well , the only people who wanted water meters , is when houses were on ratable value and they were paying two hundred thousand pound for a house at large rates and the water rates was the same house .
27 During the same period , jewellery , a sum of money and a leather jacket were taken from a house at Bentley Terrace in the Clooney Triangle area after thieves forced their way into the house while the resident was out .
28 Meanwhile , in north Belfast , the Catholic owner of a house at Parkside Gardens found an incendiary on his windowsill shortly after 10 o'clock last night .
29 A 24-YEAR-OLD woman was arrested and cannabis with a street value of around £2,000 seized following a search of a house at Palestine Street , Belfast , yesterday .
30 GOLD jewellery worth £5,500 was stolen from a house at Gilford Road , Tandragee , after a door was forced open .
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