Example sentences of "a large group " in BNC.

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1 When a larger group came tramping in behind a piper , Cameron and Menzies recognized some stalwarts from Foss on Tummel .
2 Whether more and better schooling would in the short run produce a larger group of efficient entrepreneurs , capable of making individual businesses more competitive , is an open question .
3 Around 10 dolphins are usually in the bay , part of a larger group further off the coast .
4 Being part of a larger group will give the Tories more influence on key committees .
5 A larger group of people stand on the outskirts surveying the spectacle and we join them .
6 Platelet factor 4 showed a significant positive correlation with plasma glucose concentration in a small group of insulin-dependent diabetics but no correlation was seen for β-thromboglobulin and no relationship was found for either of the platelet-specific proteins in a larger group of non-insulin-dependent diabetics ( Davi et al , 1982 ) .
7 Female mammals are better at caring for their young without male assistance and , where it is necessary , there tends to be a larger group than just a single pair .
8 When he was at his most extended , his bank , a subsidiary of a larger group headed by Crédit Suisse , one of the de Chavigny company 's Swiss bankers , suddenly called in his loans .
9 Below them was a larger group , sometimes called geburs ( origin of the modern ‘ boor ’ ) or freeman cottagers owing more services to their thegns than they had freedoms .
10 For accountants who can make it to any of the superstores ( research shows that customers travel some distance but telesales are available to any destination in the UK ) , whether they are sole practitioners or part of a larger group , the benefits would appear to be great .
11 And in the middle was a larger group who had not yet formed an opinion .
12 The individual gives to the group as an undifferentiated whole , and receives only as a member of a larger group .
13 Second , those emphasizing Thou more than I , a larger group , sixteen in all , in thirteen of which the Other outnumbers the Self by more than two to one .
14 Even in a larger group , so long as a few actors stand to benefit disproportionately from the group 's success , then it may be worth their while to bear the costs of collective action , although less-involved people will free-ride .
15 Yet , for all that , many of these men , either singly or as members of a larger group , entered royal service and did well in it .
16 This was important at a time when outvoters were a larger group in many constituencies than the size of the majority and when the outvoters were overwhelmingly Unionist .
17 Erm probably a larger group than those assembled here .
18 There is one other point , although erm you know , it 's good that they are in the er areas which the tenants er , live so it 's er not very difficult for tenants to come and see their councillors but er er , there is a difficulty at times when er the er air the housing manager has to ring around to get the er members , who are able to sit on that panel and sometimes that is difficult because we have just three members and sometimes they ca n't all fit in the , whereas when you have a larger group if one member ca n't attend , there 's invariably sufficient there to be able to come to a decision so I think that that 's on the other side of the balance sheet .
19 When I ask if the firm can afford it , he says it can , ‘ because of the size of the company ’ , since it is part of a larger group .
20 Scott does admit that there is a larger group of people who are on the ‘ periphery ’ of the business class .
21 It exists on relatively thin and unstable margins , requiring the heavyweight financial resources of a larger group if it is to survive for long .
22 A larger group was dispatched to the palace , to enforce a curfew and arrest both the leaders of the rebellion and the officials of the corrupt government .
23 Perhaps the company has been taken over by a larger group which is not interested in building it tip .
24 The superlative is used when we refer to one object or group that forms a part of a larger group of collection .
25 Overall , on the basis of this small study , it would seem that at least less able ( and possibly a larger group ) of Primary 7 pupils could benefit from revision of elementary number bonds .
26 A new study is replicating and extending the earlier work with a larger group of white-collar workers .
27 They may like the idea of the trading name being adopted by a larger group but may be reluctant to see their business relocated or asset stripped .
28 Group liturgy can refer to two or three people gathered to pray , to a larger group gathered for a house mass — or a parish group ending up their meeting with an agape .
29 These form a larger group than fabliaux set in the country , largely in villages , although the latter group is still a substantial one .
30 For example , management may be buying a specific business out of a larger group of companies because they perceive it to have greater value as a single concern than its ( often ) discounted value as part of the vendor 's group .
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