Example sentences of "a large area " in BNC.

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1 When you are tackling a larger area — a whole wall , or perhaps even a complete room — you use exactly the same techniques ; the big difference is the sheer scale of the job , which makes the preliminary setting-out by far the most important part .
2 Lacrosse can focus on a small area and resolve details down to perhaps a metre , or sacrifice clarity to cover a larger area .
3 If you have a larger area to plant than that shown in the plan , increase the quantities of plants used , or try some others , too .
4 The eye-hole in each arm can be linked to others , creating a larger area of support .
5 ‘ Plan no. 1 ’ , at a scale of 1 inch to 44 feet ( 1:528 ) , showed the site designated for the offices as a block between Downing Street and Charles Street , and Duke Street and King Street , within a larger area shown for the block plan .
6 Multilines of spring barley , designed to control the fungal infection , powdery mildew , are now marketed by the Sinclair McGill seed company ; such heterogeneous barley now covers 60 000 hectares in the UK and a larger area in Denmark .
7 This decline was partly masked in 1920 by an increase in deliveries , but this was because requisitioning was by then taking place over a larger area of the country as a result of the defeat of the White Guard armies .
8 In an impact injury , a bigger blunt force is applied to a larger area of the skin , leading to tissue failure , for instance if an older person slips on an uneven paving stone and falls forward hitting the forehead on the hard pavement .
9 As fluorescent light comes from a larger area the light is more diffuse and therefore produces less glare , and the flickering that was associated with the early form of fluorescent lighting should not be experienced now .
10 Since ocean-floor basalt subsides as it cools while migrating away from the spreading axis , a faster-spreading ridge will be hotter and more buoyant over a larger area and hence will cause more displacement of sea water over the continents .
11 This is really not much more than a local plan for land use over a larger area , so there is now no strategic mechanism for the City of Tyneside .
12 But any ( unmoving ) object placed between the half-silvered mirror and the screen will now occupy a larger area of the image and therefore appear either to have grown larger , as if swelling , or to have come closer to the camera , even though it has not actually moved at all .
13 It will have to serve more people scattered over a larger area .
14 • For burns affecting a larger area , either put your child in a cold bath or cover the burn with a wet sheet or towel .
15 The second set also relate to a 1-kilometre grid drawn to cover a larger area than the map so as to be able to extend the axis line fully .
16 It is less clear whether it can be used to measure plant area though a possible technique is to redesign its optical system to focus on a small area and then use it to scan a larger area , agreeing that a reading above some pre-determined level is ON , below it is OFF .
17 This would have allowed the corporation to deforest over 1,000,000 hectares in the Mosquitia region of eastern Honduras with an option to explore a larger area if it did not yield sufficient pulpable material .
18 Always cut stems obliquely ( a knife is best as scissors tend to crush the side wall of the stems ) creating a larger area for water absorption .
19 The city of Byzantium , founded in 666 B.C. by the Dorian Greeks , situated on a hill above the Golden Horn , was too small to act as a capital city for the Roman Empire , so Constantine built new city walls enclosing a larger area .
20 Between 410 and 1453 Constantine 's city walls were extended to enclose a larger area and much of the walls still stand , encircling the city , as a monument to the importance of Constantinople during its 1123 years of rule as capital of the Christian Empire .
21 Fearful of protests or violence by citizens outraged by the army 's brutal assault on Tiananmen on 4 June , armed troops cordoned off a large area of central Peking , admitting only hand-picked spectators into the square .
22 The detective , whose name and rank have not been given , is a member of the Essex force and worked at the Brentwood office of the No 5 Regional Crime Squad , covering a large area of East Anglia and the South-east .
23 While searching for prey , many dolphin species move in tight schools distributed over a large area , using sound to stay in contact and communicate with each other over significant distances .
24 The truth was that the Conservative party under Baldwin had managed to recover a large area of that middle ground in politics which is the key to electoral success and which they lost in 1206 , after being in possession for nearly twenty years before that .
25 We only had a few paving slabs but a large area to cover , so decided to lay the slabs in islands .
26 In a large area , small trees such as Pyrus salicifolia or Salix exigua or the larger but equally silver , Pyrus nivalis could make a centre piece .
27 THE VICTIMS of the post-election IRA bomb that devastated a large area of the City of London — the largest to have exploded in London since the war — included a 15-year-old girl who was killed and her eight-year-old sister who was still in hospital last night .
28 Shorter papers were published on the proposals for a National Health Service ; Hydro Electric Development ; the demobilisation problems confronting Lewis servicemen ; the Water ( Scotland ) Bill ; the National Insurance Scheme and a proposal to reclaim a large area of tidal land for agriculture .
29 One such glass house was erected — on the chosen site in Hyde Park , encompassing a large area and completely enclosing several growing trees .
30 If you need to reach into awkward joints or spread glue on a large area , two optional screw-on nozzles are offered .
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