Example sentences of "a party to " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , Canada itself was changing — in the great building programmes in and around Montreal ( not least at McGill itself , one of whose schemes resulted in the superb McLennan Library ) and , more ominously , in the growth of separatism that was about to rock , in Pierre Trudeau 's words , ‘ the smug complacency ’ of English-Canada , the Canada of the WASPS ( ‘ White , Anglo-Saxon and Protestant ’ ) and of the Roman Catholic Church , a party to the ‘ Quiet Revolution ’ .
2 The Court of Appeal allowed an appeal by the appellant , who was not named as a party to the action , against an order that he was liable to pay £861 with costs .
3 His Lordship accepted Mr Bayliss 's submission that Order 5 , rule 5 did not give power to make an order for contribution in favour of a representative defendant against a member of the class which he was named as representing ; and that the only power it gave was that of giving leave to a person , in whose favour a judgment or order had been given or made , to enforce the judgment or order against a person not a party to the proceedings who was bound by the judgment or order .
4 David Noble-Rollin , of the Natural History Society of Northumbria led a party to Bolam last week .
5 They want me to insist that the company sacks the foreman before they go back , but I 've told 'em I wo n't be a party to victimisation either way . ’
6 Another judge-made rule is that in Tyrrell ( 1894 ) , which provides that a person can not be convicted as a party to an offence if the offence was created for the protection of such persons .
7 Thus , in cases where a young girl or young boy of 15 leads an adult into sexual activity , the youth can not be convicted as a party to either unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under 16 or indecent assault ( as the case may be ) .
8 Bans on parades are always seen as a sign of weakness , and as such have frequently given militant Protestants a chance to show , by defying the bans , that they will not be a party to any ‘ sell-out ’ .
9 Malta is a party to the Montreal Convention covering the trial of terrorists and has incorporated it within its own legislation .
10 Although in the Iliad the word dikē denotes a judgement given by a judge or an assertion by a party to a dispute of his rights , in the Odyssey it signifies ‘ right ’ or ‘ custom ’ .
11 If a guarantee is to be given , the best approach is for the parent company to become a party to your contract and it is desirable for the document to be under seal .
12 You can not be compelled to commit , or be a party to , a criminal offence or to undertake any other unlawful act ( such as , in one reported case , procuring prostitutes for the firm 's customers ) , nor can you be forced to put yourself in immediate physical danger .
13 Montague , meanwhile , who was only a party to the takeover , appears to have come off better than the man who masterminded it .
14 Joe Spriggs said : ‘ And you let yourself be a party to this ?
15 That 's right , but first you have to elect a party to power for which bloodsport , and particularly hunting , is not sacrosanct and which represents more truly than at present the wishes of the people it governs .
16 According to the UN Charter , ‘ Decisions of the Security Council on all other matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members , including the concurring votes of the permanent members ; provided that , in decisions under Chapter VI , and under paragraph 3 of Article 52 , a party to a dispute shall abstain from voting . ’
17 They will have to be a party to the pretence and accept that the activities in class are , to use a Goffman term , ‘ framed ’ as classroom events ( Goffman 1974 ) .
18 On 14 November 1979 a shareholders ' agreement was executed by the four executives but , although TBL was named as a party to the agreement , it never executed it .
19 We never attribute any goodwill to the minority interest ( since they are not a party to the transaction ) nor attempt to extrapolate the group 's goodwill to establish a theoretical goodwill attributable to the minority interest .
20 9.1.3 undertakes that it will promptly disclose to the other Parties and to the Secretary of State any facts or circumstances which come to its attention indicating or suggesting any infringement or material risk of infringement of any patent or other Intellectual Property Right of any other person not being a Party to this Agreement through the expected mode of use or exploitation of its own results or background provided always that this undertaking shall not be deemed to impose or imply any specific obligation to undertake any patent searches of intellectual property rights or make any enquiries .
21 10.7.4 Each Party ( hereinafter in this Clause called the sub-licensor ) shall have the right to sub-licence a Party other than a Party to this Agreement ( hereinafter in this Clause called the sub-licensee ) to use any technical information of any Party for the purposes of the sub-licensee in like manner as specified in Clause 10.7 b subject to written consent of the Party who has generated or supplied such technical information .
22 15.3.4 any rights granted by the Party in default to the other Parties may be extended on the same terms and conditions to any third Party whose involvement in the Project is necessary for the Project 's satisfactory completion whether such involvement be by way of sub-contract or as a Party to this Agreement .
23 We shall not be a party to that : If Fascism was , as the Communists insisted , simply capitalism with its back to the wall , then it was realistic to see in Chamberlain 's rearmament programme not the promise of defence against German Fascism , but stage one in the construction of British Fascism .
24 Just as we give more weight to the views of an impartial judge , one who is not a party to the dispute in question , than to a partial one , so we give more weight to an impartial moral opinion , one expressed by a person who is not directly involved in the situation being assessed , than To an interested party .
25 The Queen was adamant that the Princess should act as an intermediary between the architect , those involved with the house and herself , so that she could be a party to all their ideas .
26 So the new novel is not a party to faith , only to a faintly envious sympathy with those who are faithful .
27 Also , in several European countries legislation had been passed to ‘ extend ’ agreements to employers who were not a party to the negotiations ( see Chapter 5 ) .
28 Sources say there were only really four companies behind COSE : Unix System Laboratories Inc , Hewlett-Packard Co , IBM Corp and Sun Microsystems Inc : beyond that , says the source , Santa Cruz Operation Inc had to fight to get in and the Open Software Foundation was not a party to the negotiations ; but the real power behind the throne , although it does n't want it to appear that way , was of course Novell Inc .
29 Apparently the International Multimedia Association , a party to COSE , is having discussions with Intel Corp about how to handle Intel 's own multimedia standard : perhaps that too will become part of the broadening COSE specification .
30 A coalition consisting only of Labour and a party to its left would have immense trouble foisting the trauma of withdrawal on Israel .
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