Example sentences of "a party [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He recalls thinking : ‘ This is crazy , we are trying to run a party without facts . ’
2 Ca n't see a party without pooping .
3 A party without influence , a party with opposition to even talk about .
4 I am sure the conclusion that the public will have of this Budget is simple and it is clear : the Conservative Party is a party without honour and a party without shame . ’
5 I am sure the conclusion that the public will have of this Budget is simple and it is clear : the Conservative Party is a party without honour and a party without shame . ’
6 So we 've er we 've done I think what we can er as a party about that motorway project and er there will doubtless be more to do .
7 ‘ Make the change ’ , and Labour is a party on the make .
8 ‘ How long ago was the floor solid enough to hold a party on it ? ’
9 Also , it is considered by many as an anachronism , mere prelude to a party on the river for Hooray Henrys .
10 It can not be a Lib-Lab pact or a Con-Lib pact — a party on the Opposition benches pretending to support the Government programme . ’
11 There was a place for Tetsu with a party on the 1st tee : Mike Peasley and his wife Kaori , from Hong Kong , and Mike 's father , Fred , from Swansea .
12 We thought of having a party on that day to watch what happens to one another .
13 One of the Superman crew members told me , ‘ During a party on the set , Marlon said to me , ‘ Is there any more gin ? ’
14 ‘ We 've got a party on line wants your private number , He wo n't give us more than ‘ Jack ’ . ’
15 She and Charles have never given a party on New Year 's Eve before .
16 Some people have a party on January 6 and eat a special Twelfth Night cake .
17 At a party on Monday night thrown by George Ann Carter — wife of the late Amon Carter , whose father built the Amon Carter Museum — I spied a group of blonde teenagers in Valentino who could easily , in different outfits , have been cheerleaders ; they had the regular features of the all-American girl from the heart of the USA .
18 Fourth , do the electorate vote for a party on the basis of the programmes that are put forward , or is there a better explanation to make sense of voting behaviour and the nature of public support for parties ?
19 Il-Quccija is an old Maltese custom — a party on a child 's first birthday . ’
20 I 'm going to a party on Friday and I ca n't turn up looking like this . ’
21 I took Venturous out from Gravesend early next morning and managed to land a party on the Towers with my No.1 , Mike Carsley , in charge .
22 She wanted to throw a party on the ladybird day and made the mistake of wiping out a week 's work with a red wine jag by way of celebration .
23 A girl I met at a party on Saturday night . ’
24 A certificate of a judgment or order ( N 293 ) for use in England or Wales is supplied to a party on a request by letter stating the reason for which it is required , usually for enforcing the judgment in the High Court or as evidence or for bankruptcy proceedings .
25 We , even even that is is that we we we we we even had a party on faxing , did n't we ?
26 A party on Friday , you say , at your house ? ’
27 Someone had set light to a sofa on the second floor beneath a party on the floor above .
28 Deborah Sherwin , prosecuting , said a large group of young men and women held a party on the course between Lakeside and Grange Road , Darlington .
29 We 're going to a party on Saturday night it 's my friends birthday party , see if I can get you an invite
30 We went to erm a party on Saturday one of the men that he works with , it was his fiftieth birthday and of course fifty years ago was the war was n't it , nineteen forty two ?
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