Example sentences of "a new life " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , she 's been here since the beginning of the year — she came over to start a new life after she 'd had problems back home .
2 And it should be noted that the actual breaking point for Raskolnikov in the novel is the illness which induces his apocalyptic science-fiction nightmare of germs and Possessed -type madness and destruction , bringing him literally to Sonya 's feet and both of them to ‘ the dawn of a new future , of a full resurrection into a new life ’ which will be the subject of another story .
3 Both areas , breaking and mending , engrossed Dostoevsky from the time when the shared convict existence of prison snapped him like a dry biscuit yet also made him new , so that in the closing words of The House of the Dead , with the knocking off of his fetters , the narrator greets ‘ a new life , voskresenie from the dead ’ .
4 Let us work hard ad begin a new life , the three of us — yes , yes !
5 A new life .
6 Few appeared perturbed at beginning a new life in such unusual circumstances .
7 More than 50,000 Vietnamese ‘ boat people ’ waste their lives in squalid , overcrowded prison-like camps in Hong Kong , almost certainly having lost their gamble to secure a new life in the West .
8 The Rose-Noelle was well-equipped as Mr Glennie had set off to start a new life cruising the South Pacific .
9 FOURTEEN-year-old Manoel Jorge Santos had no idea of the perils awaiting him in Sao Paulo when he fled from a broken home and brawling stepfather , trudging 50 miles to the city 's cathedral square in search of a new life .
10 Had he stayed in the East End , he may have drifted into delinquency ; instead , his mother sent for him when he was 12 to start a new life in Canada .
11 She was able to conceal her restlessness , the pacing about , her dream of a different beginning to a new life , her impatience with the old shapes that she had used for too long ; she was not young and was old enough to foresee failure .
12 The business of the new configuration was different : art ‘ transferred to the praxis of life ’ — not however ‘ to integrate art into this praxis ’ but ‘ the attempt to organise a new life praxis from a basis in art ’ ( cited p. 54 ) .
13 ‘ People come to a new country , they start a new life ; but the past they ca n't forget it .
14 It means instead the end of childhood and freedom , the beginning of a new life as a slave and chattel at the bottom of a hierarchy in someone else 's family .
15 They have begun a new life as workers .
16 If she can stay , if her husband is allowed to join her , she can start a new life , with people who love her …
17 After a long and bitter divorce , 34-year-old Wendy Almon was looking forward to starting a new life .
18 For example , in his attempt to lead a new life , he attributes any success he may have had in conquering lust , anger or pride to God 's grace , a very specifically Christian idea ; and this is a full fifteen months before his conversion to Christianity .
19 I have a new life now and new friends .
20 The British Refugee Council urgently needs your support for its vital work with and for exiles who seek a new life here .
21 There 'd be time to read , have a chat with people , walk in the sun , make a new life . ’
22 Soon he would be going out to start a new life .
23 In that dream they saw a new life in a humane , liberal , decent West , run by people like Douglas Hurd .
24 It is a miserable and heart-breaking business to take peasant families who left Vietnam 's poor northern provinces with visions of a new life in America dancing in their heads , who endured dangerous sea voyages , and who believed that Hong Kong 's camps , however dreadful , were a way station to their dream — to take these families and to return them to the red dirt farms and meagre fishing villages from which they came .
25 It is a miserable and heart-breaking business to take peasant families who left Vietnam 's poor northern provinces with visions of a new life in America dancing in their heads , who endured dangerous sea voyages , and who believed that Hong Kong 's camps , however dreadful , were a way station to their dream — to take these families and to return them to the red dirt farms and meagre fishing villages from which they came .
26 Expert evidence was given to the effect that the chances of the child adjusting to a new life in Spain were very slim , and that failure to adjust would have very serious consequences on the child 's development .
27 Worse , might not Aunt Louise herself have known of the plan and have colluded in it , so that Celia might escape , freed of responsibility , into a new life abroad ?
28 After years of foraging and running wild , Sadie was given one last chance to start a new life , but the learning process proved to be a long and challenging one
29 Banishing an old life and taking on a new life and character when the time seemed ripe was a very Indian thing to do .
30 The Jones family set sail for a new life .
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