Example sentences of "a new [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thornton 's answer was a new left-of-centre Sunday tabloid , a ‘ seventh day Mirror ’ , provisionally entitled the Globe .
2 When the programs are transferred onto a new PC , an unpacker or unzipper puts all this information back into the program file so that it can be used by the PC .
3 Certain specifications allow the use of High , Expanded , or Extended memory , but MS-DOS 5 leaves you with up to 621K of the original 640K to use and programs that require more than this are more complex than a new PC owner should initially be concerned with .
4 Beginners Guide — Taking delivery of a new PC ?
5 You bring out a new menu and they say , ‘ Is that all ?
6 A new menu box will appear on the screen , overlaying the main design area .
7 Together with some unique little touches — a new menu of European and Japanese dishes , newly designed china , and real glassware — it all adds up to a world of difference .
8 A new menu will now appear on the screen , from which you can choose the style of garment that you require .
9 The government 's election pledges had included a clampdown on crime , but Simmons , taking charge of a new portfolio which included jurisdiction over the police , prisons and fire service ( hitherto the responsibilities of the Attorney General ) , faced immediate controversy when he supported the use of flogging with the cat o " nine tails .
10 Prime Minister James Mitchell carried out a Cabinet reshuffle in late January , transferring responsibility for foreign affairs from himself to Herbert Young , hitherto Minister for Trade and Tourism , whose Trade portfolio was passed to Jonathan Peters , hitherto Minister of State for Trade and Tourism , who took responsibility for the new Ministry of Trade and Consumer Affairs ; Mitchell also created a new portfolio of Grenadines Affairs , with Stephanie Brown as Junior Minister .
11 Several churches were structurally redesigned along Arminian lines during the 1630s ; the Arminian cleric and poet , George Herbert , supervised the restoration of the ruined church at Leighton Bromswold near Huntingdon , and Abbey Dore church in Herefordshire was restored by a local landowner , Viscount Scudamore , who commissioned a new oak roof and screen .
12 The other was Vasiliki ware ; this marked the end of the pattern burnish technique and the beginning of a new finish , a reddish-brown wash deliberately applied unevenly in order to simulate the mottled texture of the stone vases that were at that time so fashionable in eastern Crete ( Figure 32C ) .
13 I 'm looking very hard for a new amp as a 30th anniversary present to myself and would really like to own a quality ( loud ! ) amp which I can carry in one hand .
14 This would solve the problem choosing a new amp and getting to a gig only to find it to be a wimp .
15 Brunel designed a new track support system as well as a new gauge .
16 Unfortunately the use of a new gauge led to a simple practical problem — the break of gauge where the broad met the narrow gauge with the consequent need for transshipment of goods and passengers .
17 In the 1989 Budget , the Chancellor brought in a new ceiling limit of £90,000 , based on earnings of £60,000 to be revalued every year in line with price increases .
18 A new ceiling has been formed in the chancel which follows the shape of the remains of medieval wallplaster found on the east wall .
19 Le Nouveau had part traded in his mere Ford for this summit of status symbols , which gave him a new occupation .
20 The use of labour exchanges to encourage vocational guidance and industrial training would , he argued , have three consequences : it would reduce risks of individual ‘ maladjustment ’ , which often meant waste of abilities and even unemployment ; it would adjust the flow of labour between trades ; and it would discourage ‘ blind-alley ’ occupations , which he saw as not only demoralizing , but also as likely to lead to ‘ a fresh point of stress in industry — the transition to a new occupation at manhood ’ .
21 You are hampered by fear of the consequences of a new choice , the fear of the unknown , of being alone , of the world you have readily accepted in the past .
22 to work out a new Defence policy in the light of present strategic needs which would secure substantial reduction in expenditure and manpower ; at the same time to prepare a plan for reshaping and reorganising the armed forces .
23 The death penalty was retained for repeated murders , while a new defence of diminished responsibility , imported from Scotland , allowed a charge of manslaughter to be substituted for murder if a defendant ‘ was suffering from such abnormality of mind … as substantially impaired his mental responsibility for his acts … ‘ .
24 A new defence doctrine began to take shape at the same time : it was intended to be non-offensive in character and to give other states no reason to fear for their security , notwithstanding the immense size of Soviet armed forces and the perceptions of those forces that were entertained particularly in Europe .
25 It was reported in the Army newspaper Ulaan Od in February 1990 that a new defence law would be drafted and the national service law renewed ; more officers would be trained at home and fewer abroad .
26 After three weeks of talks Greece and the United States on May 30 initialled a new defence co-operation agreement allowing two of the four US bases ( at Gournes and Souda Bay in Crete ) to continue to operate in Greece for the next eight years .
27 Parliament on March 14 approved a new defence law providing for the reduction of compulsory military service from two years to 18 months and the extension of annual leave from 10 to 30 days .
28 The meeting , which signalled some of the most radical changes in the alliance 's history , endorsed the creation of a United Kingdom-led " rapid reaction " force as the core of a new defence structure based on mobile , multinational units [ see p. 38170-71 ] .
29 On Sept. 18 Iskandrov had established a new Defence Ministry , although no minister was appointed .
30 The National Defence Committee ( a body chaired by Walesa and including the Prime Minister and other ministers ) on Nov. 2 adopted a new defence doctrine for Poland .
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