Example sentences of "a [adj] years " in BNC.

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1 In answer to one question , Duncan MacIndeor , a 75 years old roadman from Kilmeny said , " I was a farmer at Airidh-Ghuairidh for 23 years .
2 To him a few years ago : You are my finest invention .
3 Her view reflected a time when mustard was enjoying a vogue similar to that enjoyed by flavoured vinegars a few years ago .
4 A few years back , I bought an old desk at an auction and , when I got it home , found that the drawers had not been emptied by its previous owner .
5 This noticeboard had already played a significant part in my life : nearly thirty years before then it had displayed the result of my own first degree ( second-class honours ) ; a few years later had come the perfunctory notice saying my doctoral thesis had been accepted by the college ; and shortly after that an even briefer note to the effect that I had joined the teaching staff .
6 This process , which can take several decades in open country , may be contrived in only a few years in a garden by reversing the natural scheme of things .
7 Remember that any such feature is simply a vehicle for the plants to be grown over it , and in a few years the structure becomes incidental to the glory of the climber that smothers it .
8 I 've had this shrub for a few years now but it has been a bit reluctant to bloom .
9 I was given a cutting a few years ago by my sister and have subsequently passed on cuttings but have never known the proper name of it or much about it .
10 It is therefore difficult for him to appreciate the general view of the Service , that , on his return … he must re-establish his professional standing , even though a few years earlier the Service had sent him to University because he had proved himself to be a good , practical policeman .
11 ‘ I believe the Breadalbane men were up in arms against their commanders down at Glasgow a few years back .
12 Lazarus 's business ambitions soon elevated him from storeman to lumber merchant , thence to a partnership in the coal industry which became his sole business — L. Cohen and Son — after a few years , and hence to a high-profile dredging company which could boast that it had kept every one of the lifelines of the young nation — the St. Lawrence tributaries between Lake Ontario and Quebec — open .
13 It had a marked effect on those who read his poetry , and a few years later Leonard was to find himself tutored by one of Pound 's most sympathetic admirers and directed to the understanding of the American 's verse , somewhat to Leonard 's concern , as we shall see .
14 Moreover , Dudek had taken his doctorate at Columbia , and Federico Garçia Lorca had studied there a few years before Leonard was born .
15 Did he know he would die a few years later ?
16 If your goal is a college scholarship , the odds are very high that attending one for a few years will lead to a number of scholarship offers from top-notch college tennis programmes in the United States .
17 A few years ago I wanted to invest in a new spindle moulder .
18 Age Concern expressed reservations in its response to the Griffiths Review of Community Care that contracts for certain services might prove unprofitable to private sector providers after a few years , by which time District Health Authorities would have divested themselves of the resources to provide similar services .
19 Until a few years ago most wood dyes tended to fade in strong sunlight , but now many of them contain transparent iron oxides , which do not fade and can be used on interior and exterior woodwork .
20 This state of affairs has complicated my present task , since what was current when I began thinking about this book a few years ago , and , indeed , when working on earlier drafts of it , is now ceasing to be so .
21 A few years later , Helen Gardner , in her inaugural lecture , lamented the ‘ pressure to publish ’ on people working in English studies : ‘ there is something peculiarly distasteful and peculiarly absurd about forced labour in my field .
22 A few years ago , as part of an annual round-up of critical books for Encounter , I reviewed an interestingly speculative work on modern fiction by an American academic .
23 It was sounded a few years ago by Helen Gardner in In Defence of the Imagination , by the contributors to Laurence Lerner 's Reconstructing Literature , and in America by Gerald Graff 's Literature Against Itself ( Graff 's position has shifted somewhat in his more recent Professing Literature ) .
24 Morris translated sagas , the Irish took over the business for a few years ; Henry James led , or rather preceded , the novelists , and then the Britons resigned en bloc ; the language is now in the keeping of the Irish ( Yeats and Joyce ) ; apart from Yeats , since the death of Hardy , poetry is being written by Americans .
25 It is not at all incongruous that Wilson , who thus insisted on Eliot 's Americanness , should a few years later , in his pioneering classic Axel 's Castle ( 1931 ) , insist on Eliot 's Frenchness , thus giving substance and weight to Untermeyer 's too glib acknowledgement of ‘ the Laforgue mechanism ’ .
26 A few years later Thomson recognised Cage as ‘ the most original composer in America , if not the world … ’ and Cage repaid the compliment by writing the works section of a monograph on Thomson .
27 The CRL tackled this problem a few years ago , developing ice-lined refrigerators : tubes of water surrounding the fridge compartment freeze ; if the power fails , the tubes keep the vaccines cool until all the ice has melted .
28 So in a few years ' time mobile phones will be brought to the masses .
29 But I read in an article this morning ( 'Students set to pay full fees ' , 29 September ) that if I were applying in a few years ' time , I would have to ask my parents to pay the full cost of my tuition .
30 After a few years in atomic energy research he then discovered his vocation as teacher and enthusiast as a lecturer in chemistry at Birkenhead Technical College , where he also voluntarily taught about theatre , literature and music in a humanities section .
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